My first topic: immortality by any means.


New member
Jun 21, 2012
This is my first actual topic, and this has probably been discussed before, but reading through old posts without contributing does not interest me.

The question: if you had the opportunity, would you become immortal?

Some things to know about this question: I do not mean strictly through magic or whatever. If you could achieve immortality through technology (implants, synthetics etc.) OR through some kind of magic, would you?

My starting opinion: Yes, yes I would. Not only does the thought of death terrify me, but one of my greatest aspirations is to see how humanity ends. I can't do that without prolonging my own life by quite a long way. Probably.

An argument people commonly like to throw straight in is "if you were trapped underground or at the bottom of the ocean, you would be like that forever". This may be true for the stereotypical immortal, but not for a technological immortality. A synthetic body (in my mind) could still be destroyed, just not die of natural causes.
In most cases, people would like to jump at the opportunity to be immortal especially at an age where they can remain looking the same if possible.

Some people might dislike being immortal if other people they love, cherish, or befriend aren't there with them. Therefore, they shall lead a life of loneliness and bitterness with that immortality.

Many stories have been conjured pertaining to the topic and many have deemed the characters involved in search of immortality as something in vain. Perhaps even something unnecessary.

Nowadays, there are people who would rather live a peaceful life, do what they like, grow old, and die living without too much remorse.

To have a long life is quite ambitious and maybe enlightening due to the fact you might discover unknown things or contemplate over how the world will be day by day.

Personally, the thought of immortality is indeed intriguing. I would not mind being immortal.

I would like to leave behind some form of myself or traces of what happened during previous years for each new generation. With all those memories and if I kept some documentary or journal, it would be pretty neat to 'guide' the 'mortal young ones'.

Despite all this speculation, it can still be considered an unfathomable, radical idea just based on fantasy... However, it is an idea I'm sure most have seen or encountered at least once. Doesn't hurt to fathom a bit about it~
Some people might dislike being immortal if other people they love, cherish, or befriend aren't there with them. Therefore, they shall lead a life of loneliness and bitterness with that immortality.

Another opinion I have often encountered. I think it would be sad, but for me the wonderful things you could encounter, obtain and experience throughout an immortal life would make it bearable.

Despite all this speculation, it can still be considered an unfathomable, radical idea just based on fantasy...

It's true that most just think immortality (or something close to) is something of fiction and could never be achieved, but the thing is it could be achieved. At least partially.
I think technology is on the way to being capable of producing effective synthetic limbs and organs. As long as they were maintenanced regularly these artificial bodily parts would last far longer than a natural body.
Another opinion I have often encountered. I think it would be sad, but for me the wonderful things you could encounter, obtain and experience throughout an immortal life would make it bearable.

I suppose that would ease such situations if they were to happen. Gaining new insight and experiences throughout that immortality while easing the somewhat empty life might prove bearable for some people.

It's true that most just think immortality (or something close to) is something of fiction and could never be achieved, but the thing is it could be achieved. At least partially.
I think technology is on the way to being capable of producing effective synthetic limbs and organs. As long as they were maintenanced regularly these artificial bodily parts would last far longer than a natural body.

As most people have heard, 'Anything is possible'. This would lead to your justifiable clause of technology and its use to produce those artificial limbs.

A sound mind and stable heart might also be necessary to adjust to such a world of immortality or to undergo a life with artificial body parts.
I don't think anybody could keep a sound mind when living eternally. Not to say they'd go mad, but they'd become extraordinary.
Perhaps akin to some sage?

After all those years of living, they shall have some form of enlightenment whether it appears as 'obscure' or 'meaningful'.

That knowledge or experience would be quite profound either way.
Hmm sounds like that stuff about stem cells~

Immortality will probably only be for the rich if it is ever created...
Or find some means to obtain it illegally if it was mostly available for the rich... who knows~

The world can be crazy when they want something badly.
Hmm well i wonder if everyone would be an android in the future in the attempt to live longer xD

You would like that wouldn't you?

It would be great to do it by natural means... Although, it has a lower percentage to achieve such a feat like immortality I believe.
Hmm im not sure about everyone being an android... mixed feelings about it... as with anything else that has positives and negatives...

Natural means.... The line between natural and man made has been growing thin for some things... Its probably impossible to achieve immortality without some technology...
The topic of immortality is an interesting one. In my eyes, it can be a hit and miss option at times. At the moment, more of the negatives keep pouring in instead of the positives. Knowing that you won't ever die, you will life, as I would say, a 'half-assed' life. The reason I say this is because I'm under the idea that because you have all the time in the world to enjoy life, you would take your time to do things so as to not rush yourself into doing everything. Wanting to try everything means that you wouldn't be putting all your effort into one thing, hence the half-assed part of my idea.

Being immortal also takes away the thoughts of thinking what would happen when you die, which can be a good thing. If you happen to be a male, you can have multiple families and spread your genes considering you are a rich man (though it is immoral in my opinion) and it makes sure your family line never dies. It may be possible to pass it on to the offspring. The idea of wanting an offspring is to leave something behind before you die. The reason most people want to continue living is so that they're able to leave some mark behind to indicate their existence.

Being immortal can also be seen as a 'Great Power, Great Responsibility' thing as well since it could be considered a gift of the gods, or something not known to man so you'd best use that power to help by all means possible. But then you'd have all the attention pointed towards you, which may be a bad thing. It also seems like a greedy concept too since being immortal will make a person want more.

Its also possible to be an actual super hero that fights crime and stuffs if you were immortal.

Another problem with immortality is that you'll also have everyone you love, assuming none become immortal like you do die, and you'll continue living a life where you just watch people die unable to do anything to help.

And as you've stated before being trapped under something while not being able to move would be a cruel fate.

I'll consider writing more about it another day when I'm not tired. Barely anything links when I do =]
Achieving immortality through ascension.
Ascension is a process by which sufficiently evolved sentient beings may shed their physical bodies and live eternally as pure energy on a higher plane of existence, where their capacity for learning and power grows exponentially. It is a mental, spiritual, or evolutionary enlightenment that can arise as the direct result of achieving a certain level of wisdom and self-knowledge.
-Stargate SG-1​

But logically with our world, the only possible way the gain immortally is through bionic upgrade.
You got weak body, change it with bionic body. You got lack memory capacity, upgrade your brain with neuron brain which can store more data, faster in getting information, and best of all, transferable.
Bionic is the way of the future, boys and girls. It's already happening right now.
We got:
Bionic heart(pacemaker)
Bionic ears(hearing aid)
Bionic breast(plastic surgery)
...and many more to come.
Lol theres pretty much something to replace everything xD How well it works is another matter... But clones maybe? That would be an expensive replacement for organ donors...
Hmm... Sam brought in the clones.

Sometimes there might be a reason as to why there's no immortality.

Mysteries of life.
Immortality is not much of a blessing as it is a functions because there are life and death.
We kill animals that over populate their habitats to prevent disturbance in the eco system...perhaps the lack of immortality is the nature's way of doing the same to us. So no, I wouldn't shoot for immortality as I have no interest in fighting the nature.

"Anything with form will perish over time"
Hi i am new so i am not used to how to answer in the fourms so this is my answer to this topic

Yes, Because sometimes it would always be great to see Civilizations rise and fall. To expect a new era every day till the day i could finally die would be really satifying and to be around to see things that you always dreamed of like for instance games now are all played on the computer but after like 100 years what kind machine will we play games to see that or to see earth dead and everyone living in a new planet to see all that would really be cool. But to make friend during the time of my immortality would be depressing because to have friends is comforting but to see them die right before your eyes and grow up with them but they all die while i dont would be saddening and i will feel the loneliness for all eternity. This is my thoughts
Hmm depending on the immortality, the government might be more of a pain if they found out...
i agree with orisa, everything that has breath will die shouldn't afraid death, cause the death will come to you wherever you may go or hide. I think you should be more afraid wheter you have enough preparation or not for the otherside.
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The whole... "Immortality is a curse" thing really doesn't phase me. Not at the moment, anyway. For all the heartache I would experience in seeing loved ones pass, I would make up for it in doing and seeing amazing things in my lifetime.

I also agree with samyeung46- it might be trouble if the government found out about your...irregularity. Unless you were prepared to fight the authority, you would have to keep your gift a secret for some time. This is if you were magically immortal. However, I am speaking of genetic/technological immortality. The government would be cool with this, because they funded the god damned thing.
Hmm i wonder if its even possible to keep the brain functioning that long :/ If i got immortality that would mean tons of anime xD

If immortality was achieved through scientific means then im pretty sure that tons of government officials and laws would be changed in response and there might even be some superiority complex among the immortals~
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If the brain is kept undamaged and all other organs/systems within the body are kept fully functional, I believe it's possible.
But the brain would age... unless that is somehow stopped too or the consciousness of a person transferred somewhere that is more durable...
Only way to keep organs from aging is to literally freeze them, same thing as keeping raw meat from rotting.
Human race isn't going to be seeing any biological leap like immortality in several centuries, I'd reckon. I mean the closest thing we have to biological advancement is the stem cell research which has been around for bit over a century and we can't even make up mind about whether to continue with it or not.

As for the response on "immortality is a curse"...sure, on personal level it's dependent on how you view it, but on a bigger scale it's anything but a bless. It will break the balance of ratio of life and death and it will cause conflicts because when it comes down to it, seeking immortality is greed and we've seen what greed amongst us can trigger. Death isn't particularly desired but it helps the civilization move forward and reminds us that lives are valuable and not just stocks that should be taken for granted.

And no I'm not religious.
I don't think freezing will work with the current technology we have
For example, if you freeze a tomato, eventually it will shatter into pieces - the same would happen to you (>o<)

Well that's at least what the dudes over at freezing physics in the university of Leiden showed me, at this time freezing yourself to keep your organs will just kill you (*´ω`)

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