
~Pyon Pyon~
Elite Member
Nov 3, 2010
Mayo Chiki!


Konoe Subaru, 17, has been serving as the butler of Suzutsuki Kanade in school, a classmate of Sakamachi Kinjirou. Due to an accident, Sakamachi discovers Subaru's secret... that he's actually a girl!? Apparently she will be removed from her position if anyone at school finds out. What will unfold from this chain of events?

Seiyuu cast: Eri Kitamura, Satoshi Hino, Yuka Iguchi, Miyuki Sawashiro, Minori Chihara, Kana Hanazawa

Director: Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Series Composition: Reiko Yoshida
Music: Yukari Hashimoto
Original creator: Hajime Asano
Original Character Design: Seiji Kikuchi
Character Design: Kōsuke Kawamura
Animation Production: FEEL

Credits to ANN and MAL. And myself :)
Your average slap-stick highschool comedy plot.
Not anything special, but probably worth a mention or two.

1. having Eri Kitamura is a sadist(again!) ojou-sama brings nothing but absolute joy for me. There is no one better at a sadist role than Kitamura anymore to me.
2. making Yuka Iguchi sounding like a guy certainly sounded wierd, yet intriguing. After all, 2 seasons as Index, you cant simply shake off the voice.
3. in addition to the above 2, its quite the solid female seiyuu cast for this show, and with FEEL in animation, I feel rather assured about the weekly quality of the show.

First episode brought some great laughs, keep it up~
Makoto (baldr sky), is that you?
For some reasons whatsoever, I am so in for this show just because of Subaru and Kanade.

Do not doubt me. :)
Like i mentioned earlier somewhere else, this season is testing my limitations of hinyuu and lolis. I would gladly make exceptions this season for Sacred Seven's Ruri and Subaru here. Coincidentally, both have orange hair.

This episode was pure fun and laughter, something which i enjoy very gladly and also appreciate this. This 'normal' romantic comedy has turned out for more than what i initially bargained for, with Subaru spearheading the charge. With all her typical tsundere qualities, there are also instances where she displayed that she isnt. Whatever your case, she is just way too adorable. Did I mention I was watching the show for her and Suzutsuki? Well, this chara definitely strikes it in me! :rolleyes:

Now i want that sheep ticket. Really. Konoe's devotion to Suzutsuki is the main talking point here, with that ticket, anyone can give her orders. AND any orders! I am thankful for our S-ojou-sama whose vivid imagination of Konoe in various submissive poses. Too cute really.

On side note, Konoe similarly revealed a bit of her past, where she never had any friends because she was privately educated with Suzutsuki. Quite cliche, but it works, especially with Konoe and Suzutsuki, whose playful and S nature i have grown to love. Thank you, Eri Kitamura-san. Acknowledging Jiro as a friend was one thing, but to have her dozing off next to you is yet another. Note that Jiro did not suffer any nosebleed here.

Also gotta thank Konoe for kicking that irritating imouto Kureha (kana again.....) into submission. now thats how you teach a bitch imouto some manners.

thank you again, konoe, for giving me such a nice episode :)
Another nice episode.

Baka imouto, of course there is no reaction when a girl sees another girl's naked body. Realise that already, idiot. There's no boys love going on, but i sense an impending triangle. well what i can say, kinji will make a pretty good husband i guess. after completely made a fool by suzutsuki who claims that they are going out, we are off for a pool episode.

well, speaking of pool, that equals fan service. no service from subaru's side, but there was plenty from suzutsuki, who simply man-handled jirou while making him join her at the pool sides while subaru get tricked into teaching stupid imouto how to play.

subaru and suzutsuki's childhood got revealed. i have to admit a kidnapping would leave a scar in any kid's childhood, especially someone so fragile like subaru, who felt that the situation was her fault of being incompetent.

really appreciated how suzutsuki tried to re-enact the situation from then, trying to help subaru overcome the situation in the past, and pushing both jirou and her to overcome their phobias. Yes, subaru has a fear of knives, which paralyses her. jirou got a chance to show off his manliness this week, saving a drowning girl (he had nosebleed in the process, lolicon) and being a mega-punch bag to the 'kidnapper'.

subaru's father was revealed as the kidnapper this week, most probably a important side character for things to come. he's all loving and caring for his one and only daughter, which i dont see why not. after all, his daughter is such a cutie.

subaru takes home another win this week, overcoming her phobia and bridging back her gap with suzutsuki, calling her 'kana-chan' again like she did when they were young. her anxiety and fragileness were let loose, consoled by kinjirou at the end of the episode. quite heart-warming if you asked me.

with the looks of next week, looks like we still will not see the new characters. wonder how they are gonna fit their debuts and short stories though, well lets just enjoy.

<3 subaru
thats some pacing there.

nothing much happened as usual, with your usual generic mix of comedy and some good moments with chara developments.

looks like subaru is unconsciously falling into the love trap, as her over-the-top actions for jirou has proven so long. well, had to say her rebellious action was quite funny.

speaking of that, thank god for this show, i wont have to worry or see a father chara voiced by Fujiwara Keiji kick the bucket and make everyone sad.

other than that, that kiss at the end was so seductive. this mirrors shizuku, my favorite character in kampfer, as both suzutsuki and shizuku shares a lot of traits in common, one which is completely man-handle their targets. in this case, it is still unclear what suzutsuk has in stall for jirou, but shizuku's case is simply unrequited.

new chara next, finally, as we await.
I so jelly............

Kanade > all for now.
oh? i sense a 'M' shift from kou....

shee shee shee, welcome welcome
I see Rori converts :D

Registration is open down at IRC xD

Good show this... nyan = best few seconds of this season so far!
I haven't watched this anime yet since i always wait for blu-ray/dvd ripped epsiodes to be released before watching. But can you guys tell me a bit about it, not the story or anything, just the animation level and the chara design. As an ecchi fan i will defiently watch it but i just want to know about the aspects i mentionned.
2. making Yuka Iguchi sounding like a guy certainly sounded wierd, yet intriguing. After all, 2 seasons as Index, you cant simply shake off the voice.
Aha! So that's why Subaru's voice sounded so familiar =)
I watch this show for Konoe Subaru. She is probably the best chara this july, capable of holding 1 show by herself. Thank you!

THe introduction of Subaru-fan club girl Usami Masamune this week proved to be absolute fun and laughter. Her mis-conceptions of Jirou and absolute shy-ness in front of Subaru makes her a real tease and fun to watch. Obviously, if you start off attacking someone, that someone is not gonna trust you so easily. But i liked that part where Usami asked Jirou to trust her at all times until the school festival. School-mizu fan service! Hau~ Not really a DFC, but her tsun attitude is so fun

Watching Kanade teasing Jirou to no-ends each week is turning on my M switches. How can you resist such a girl? Its been sooo long since someone of Shizuku's (kampfer) level of man-handling woman came along. Jirou remembers that kiss back in Golden Week too well, and has been avoiding her since then. Kanade obviously have her aces up her sleeve, indirectly threatening Jirou with Subaru. YET! Kanade is simply sooo great and fun to watch! *starts hugging myself and going off somewhere in another world*

Subaru is definitely mistaken somewhere. While i cant blamed her for being flustered at Jirou's statements, i really cant get enough of her, and her kissing actions which were derived off a misunderstanding.

Kanade + Subaru = golden combi to save any show~

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TERU! Nice summary there. I couldn't resist to laugh for the entire show. HOLY! It's just too funny. :D And yes, thumbs up for this show. Really enjoyable one.
those 2 are superb~

Yuka Iguchi is doing a voice I have never heard before from her, probably one of the standout roles this season. :)
Eri Kitamura is a S role simply oozes awesomeness
Damn, I really need to start to pay attention to voice actors...
I'm watching anime since not so long ago, so I'm probably not the best person to say this, but I totally agree with Terumi.
I watch this show for Konoe Subaru, Suzutsuki Kanade and now, Usami Masamune!

This show has really turned out to be a real teaser and 100% enjoyment each week this season. Call it generic or whatsoever, but this show has been successful to me as a standout weekly must watch for all. Weekly thumbs up for all the girls here!

Back to episode, this week revealed another side chara in Narumi Nakuru, kouhai chairwoman of the fujoshi section of the 2 sides of Subaru's fanclub. Her antics were plain fun to watch, with her outgoing fujoshi traits. Her hitsuji(sheep, in japanese, a direct pun to butler, which is also hitsuji) was a bit creepy at first, but simply for laughs later on.

That aside, SUBARU IN CHINA DRESS~ Not complaining here, i dont see a reason why to complain she shows off so much! Though its quite suspecting to see no one actually doubt her true gender given her 'assets'. I was glad that she had no hard feelings whatsoever towards Jirou nor Usami for breaking her promise, and i enjoyed her acts so ever wonderfully.

The showdown between the 2 sides of the fan clubs was pretty dumb to me, given a 'stalker-like' quiz and the final question to top it off. Not that i was surprised with the outcome, but the hands-down victory went to Kanade, whose antics once again won me and switching all my M switches on full alert. Jumping at every chance to tease and mess up Jirou, she is an embodiment of Sadist, and i am glad to say i enjoyed it!

True highlight and focus of the episode was Usami, from her fake date and cute moments with Jirou. Her inability to make friends was quite a question point for me, nonetheless, she thought Subaru was the same type as her until Subaru changed by herself when she met Jirou. Her reactions at various points of the story only goes to suggest how fragile she is really, and by fixing that at the end of the episode, she may fallen for Jirou for real this round. Tsunderes are always welcomed in my books, especially those who stand out from the usual tsuns, and in her case, i would slightly, as she just anchored a place for why i watch this weekly.


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will be back for episode 8, kept postponing the episode until i could enjoy it.
developing a fetish for their school uniforms! oh my!

episode 8 review soon, nyahahaha
Curse you Jirou! Why do you keep getting the good parts only! Damn it, its like Ichika in IS all over again, just not as high level as the IS girls, but you are too damn lucky!

Hot spring inn with all those cute girls? DONT THINK JIROU! There is no f'cking why not! Just because you have gynophobia does not make you special! KONNO SHIAWASE MONO!

Great fun watching Nakuru this week, with all her BL-megane fetishes. Making Subaru read a BL novel was quite the fun, but watching get drunk on carbonated drinks and going on a frenzy mode stripping people was simply awesome. I mean, everyone would love a girl like that wouldnt you? With her stripping everyone, you get to enjoy the fest after that because she cant target megane! Though i dont wear megane.

Naked bath fight! We get the usual 'walk-into-naked-heroine-bath-scene', with Jirou and Subaru caught in between, and things just got complicated after Nagare steps in. Jirou, you gotta go for the girl behind your backs, or everyone else will kill you. Go for her, and her dad may kill you. Nyahahaha! We get to see Subaru's Shouryuken on her dad, as well as a sickening kick on Jirou's head, causing both dudes to lose the night's memories.

Well, the whole part about Subaru's mum's death anniversary was quite sudden, given how Kanade practically set up yet another situation for Subaru to be more of herself. Introducing Jirou at her mum's family grave, I must applaud Jirou for holding the fragile Subaru and holding out until the end before he fainted. Come on, you cant possibly faint for holding such a cute girl in your arms cant you, you failure of a man.

All things start and end well! With that a cafe episode next week, more chaos ensues!
Mayo Chiki w/o Subaru for a week? Its still so damn enjoyable! With Subaru out of the limelight for 1 episode, Kanade and Usami has stepped up to the plate and broke the audiences! Hau~ Oyome-san ni suru wa! Usami in particular, was so so cute throughout the entire episode in her maid uniform, as her and Jirou goes part-timing at a maid cafe.

Normal day starts out normal, with Usami glad to volunteer Jirou for the job, as she herself could wear some cute dresses. Cute? Absolutely! Tsundere? Absolutely! Usami is your book-by-book tsundere-san, as pointed out by Kanade who was there to make a living hell in the 2 part-timers life this week. Staring at Usami's maid-uniform throughout the episode was something I never dreamt I may do, but shes proven me dead wrong~ Kanade's timely arrival cant be better. 'Buying' out their time, she teases Jirou and Usami to no-ends, something which I really enjoyed, pointing similar references to Kampfer's Shizuku's style of man-handling Natsuru. Ditching Subaru on the streets and ordering an omelette rice, and to request the 'special' service from a blushing and panic-ky Usami was beyond me~

Usami too, was so daring. Even after getting groped in front of everyone by the guy she likes (secretly of course, aint it obvious), and caught along with the lie that Jirou actually has a strong fetish for maids, she still goes the mile for her friend, Jirou. Come on dude! Attack her already, shes way too cute~ The garterbelt joke was way too high for me, even I felt that I may have a nosebleed from watching. But watching her pull up her dress to help Jirou clear his suspicions was the highlight~ Not every girl will do this willingly, definitely not infront of the guy she likes. Way to go, Usami~ Daisuki!

Subaru's previous statement of not wanting to be normal friends with Jirou caught up from last week, and our blushing butler failed to communicate her true feelings to Jirou. Best friends.. Catch the drift Jirou, she likes you!

Next week~ Imouto episode? Crappppp, I want my trio of girls, thats more than enough for this show.
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Why does this week seem to have a recurring trend where a certain main character is out of the picture? Not like it really matters now, because Jirou is out the picture and we get the girls in Mayo Chiki!

As mentioned last week, this was an imouto episode. Kureha's 16 birthday, and she spends it with the girls only, with Jirou lazing and sleeping at home. I want Usami as a wife now, considering how independent she is as she prepared a feast for her kouhai's birthday. Looked nothing but delicious, and the whole present thing was kinda fun. Nakuru gave a spectacle of course, with Usami giving a Konoe dakimakura to Kureha. SHE MADE IT HERSELF! OH MY~ Shes mine, not giving Usami to anyone.

Second half at the maid-cafe was Kanade and Konoe's turn. While Kanade gave out grand presents, including booking the whole maid for a day for Kureha, as well as bribing the game creation club in school to make a fighting game for her at no price whatsoever in a day. Her bribe was a 'tsundere'-mode, which aroused the manlihood of the otaku gamers, nyahahaha.

I have to admit, this is probably the best birthday celebration put up together by friends for this imouto amongst this year's anime birthday celebrations. Surely it made her feel real important to this group of girls.

Not gonna talk about Kureha reminiscing her past birthdays with Jirou, never enjoyed watching her. So, with this out of the way, 2 episodes remain (i think), will we see any development between Jirou and Subaru??
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A-9000 wrote on Shine's profile.
Legend says this one was available in 2023 before it's demise...thanks in advance!

🌟Shine🌟[230713][umyn] 異世界転生マジカルチンポ (Ver1.2) [RJ01044906]
redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

pls upload new NAKK videos :D
tim30069 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
hello, do you have this drama cd ,thank you!
AsterN20 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Can you reupload [Magi White] エグザミネイター?
nobis_c wrote on ramori's profile.
Hi, if you would reup the mexashare links for this one, that'd be great. Thanks