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New member
Oct 2, 2011

Greetings to all you ladies, gentlemen and everyone else that qualifies as in-between those two outlined categories.

My name is Sisee.
That is pronounced "Sci-see" as in, "Sci" like the first syllable of "Science", and "see" from... well, "see"; the thing you do with your eyes.
I apologise for any offence to anyone who cant see, by referencing the use of sight in that description. But if that is the that case, and I have offended someone that can't see; how were you able to read what I wrote? So, as such, I retract said apology as no one able to be offended by the former statement can read the apology for the offence in the thing they cant read, and in such making the whole process of "offend and apologise" a pointless and contradictory one. Leading me to ramble on like a crazy person.

With that said and done, and alienating all and any potential readers and/or future friends, i will proceed to introduce myself. Not that it matters, because if I have just alienated everyone, who will be left to read the following?
I'll write something anyway. It'll give me something to do.

The entity that exists as "Sisee" is a complex one with many attributes of interest. And in turn, I myself, find fascination and interest in everything around me.
As such, I have learned a lot in my short time in this world, and intend to keep accumulating new and interesting knowledge until the day I choose fit to cease functioning. Not that I have any intention of doing so, at any point in time.
To simplify that: People tell me I'm smarter than the average bear. And have aspirations of living forever.

I must also outline:
I am male.
Although "Sisee" may have a feminine ring to it, I can assure anyone in doubt I am of the "boy" description.
At least, I was last time I looked. I could check again, if anyone is still in doubt, but I'm completely confident everything is still there and as functional as usual.

I'm quite easy to get along with, although I do have a bad habit of being honest and truthful, not to mention forthcoming with both of those.
Some people dislike that, but, I've never lost sleep over it.
If someone can't handle the truth, then they should probably avoid any "deep" conversations with me.
Or with anyone for that matter, because eventually the truth surfaces in every relationship. and if the old phrase is indeed true and "the truth hurts" then, I'd much rather bear the pain, than live a lie.
I can, and will "sugarcoat" things for people, but I refuse to lie to save myself, or even someone else from hurt feelings. Because, in the end, a lie is more damaging than any truth can be.

On a related note;
I like "real" people.
By that I mean; people who don't pretend. People who are true to themselves and don't follow trends because it's the "in" thing.
People who are genuine in their actions, speech and even their existence, being their own person, imitating no one.
These people are rare, and even rarer is one that realises it.
Saying "I am unique" doesn't necessarily qualify you as such. As those that are genuinely unique are usually unaware of the fact.
That being said, I'm not prejudice to anyone not qualifying for that category. I am accommodating to all shapes, colours and sizes. I show malice to none that don't deserve it.

My current hobbies include, but are no way limited to the following:
  • Animé, (obviously)
  • Manga and other graphic novels, (preferably eastern style)
  • Reading,
  • Writing, (usually comedy, but I will write anything)
  • Drawing and painting,
  • Modelling, (the AirFix, Tamiya, Revell kit building and painting kind, not the posing for photos kind)
  • Photography, (ironic, as I don't like being photographed myself)
  • Videogames, (Mainly Retro and classic gaming, but I do play a lot of modern games as well)
And at that, I'm struggling to categorise some of my more "niche" activities I enjoy. So, I'll stop there.
Not that any of them are "questionable", it's just that I have such a wide range of interests, it's almost impossible to list everything I like to do. And, in a blink of an eye, I could find something new and fascinating that too could become part of the list. I rule nothing out, and will try anything once. Even if just for the experience.

I live in England.
For those who are a little depraved of geographical knowledge, that's located in the centre of the United Kingdom, in the north-west of Europe.
Some people call this place Britain or the U.K.
But, if Wales, Scotland and Ireland can list themselves as separate countries, I feel England can also.
I don't mean anything insulting by that, I just feel people should have pride in their home-land, as do I.
Specifically, I live in the middle of England, known, unsurprisingly, as the Midlands. A place with so much culture and contribution to the world, it'd be impossible for me to even begin to list.
But, I call it my home, and wouldn't want it any other way.
And, although people now, seem to have no sense of honour or self worth, and in that don't care whatsoever about their heritage or even their selves, I personally still have pride for the place I was born unto and raised.
Even if it seems no one around me feels remotely similarly.

As I can't think of any more input relevant to this thread posting, at least not without going on a massive rant, I'll stop trying.
Especially as it is such a difficult task, even more so without resorting to pomposity or relying on bragging. Which are both negative traits, in my opinion.
If anyone reading this does want to know more, about me, where I live, or indeed anything else, I'm much more capable of answering questions that declaring spontaneous statements.
So, don't hesitate to ask me something, anything or everything.
In fact, I encourage it! I like questions. They not only show someones interest, but also lead me to believe people still care about their fellow humans.

I am actually somewhat interested in what kind of response this "introduction" of mine will generate, if any. Especially as I expect anyone to be reading this sentence to have the patience of a saint. Which, in todays world is a rather sparse quality, and anyone with said quality, should be extremely proud of it.
But, don't let that inflame the ego too much.

Thank you, indeed, for reading my, so called, "introduction".
I'm not going to make idle promises or statements claiming that I intend to post regular threads, nor will I guarantee everything I contribute will be essential input to anyones knowledge.
I am in no way as arrogant to proclaim such a thing. As I am not clairvoyant, and have no knowledge at all of what will be.
The future will present itself to all, in time.

So, it's a "good-bye" from me.

Sisee, out.
(Sorry about the length. I did say I like to write.)
I apologise for any offence to anyone who cant see, by referencing the use of sight in that description. But if that is the that case, and I have offended someone that can't see; how were you able to read what I wrote? So, as such, I retract said apology as no one able to be offended by the former statement can read the apology for the offence in the thing they cant read, and in such making the whole process of "offend and apologise" a pointless and contradictory one.
Text-to-voice software has been around for a couple years now. Just saying.

[..]who will be left to read the following?
People with OCD about reading all the introduction threads. ;)

[..]until the day I choose fit to cease functioning. Not that I have any intention of doing so, at any point in time.
Or the day you get hit by a car, because life is random and all that stuff. :P

Although "Sisee" may have a feminine ring to it[..]
I swear I totally was not pronouncing it as Sissy in my head, ignoring your claims to a differing pronunciation and/or adding an Austrian accent.

Because, in the end, a lie is more damaging than any truth can be.
Overgeneralization causes this statement to end up as a falsity.

Saying "I am unique" doesn't necessarily qualify you as such. As those that are genuinely unique are usually unaware of the fact.
Being unique is exceedingly easy. Genetic payload and the randomness of nature shaping our experiences differently (for those people who like to bring up identical twins and suchlike) ensure that everyone is unique. Being special is what takes real effort.

As I can't think of any more input relevant to this thread posting, at least not without going on a massive rant, I'll stop trying.
Yet you still manage to continue for quite a bit. ;)

Especially as it is such a difficult task, even more so without resorting to pomposity or relying on bragging.
It's a bit too late for that, considering some of your statements. :whistle:

P.s.: Welcome to the forum. Now it's time to get an avatar. ;)

Welcome to ASL.

Is this a tl;dr version, shinnmoso? And it's ASF, btw, not ASL.

And holycow, this is a longest introduction ever seen here.

And at that, I'm struggling to categorise some of my more "niche" activities I enjoy

Just a short question, do you actually play any eroge? I kinda missed it entirely if you mentioned anywhere else in the Intro :D

And how old are you? If you can disclose that or don't want to, you can instead tell me if you're still studying (high school or college or university) or already works?

Btw do you have someone yet or still ronery ? (Lonely aka have no girlfriend)
To Checkmate:
Is this a tl;dr version, shinnmoso? And it's ASF, btw, not ASL.

And holycow, this is a longest introduction ever seen here.

Just a short question, do you actually play any eroge? I kinda missed it entirely if you mentioned anywhere else in the Intro :D

And how old are you? If you can disclose that or don't want to, you can instead tell me if you're still studying (high school or college or university) or already works?

Btw do you have someone yet or still ronery ? (Lonely aka have no girlfriend)

No, I don't play erotic games or even basic dating sims myself, but I can see the appeal to others. And I didn't mention it anywhere either.
I have tried them in the past, and they do hold a certain fascination, but I just couldn't get into them.
Maybe I just haven't played a good one yet.
By "niche" I simply meant that I have hobbies and interests that don't fit into any major categories, or the categories themselves can be misleading, leading you to think I have a hobby in a different area of the category.
For example I like Warhammer 40,000.
Stating that brings to mind a group of people playing strategy games on a large table, with dice and elaborate rules, using little figures.
But in reality, I'm only interested in the models. I like fine hand work, and find it perfect to keep my dexterity in check. Not to mention the level of detail keeps me interested as I am rather attentive to finer detail.
I have never played a game with my models. But again, I'm not ruling out I "may" enjoy it.
Just not at the nearest GamesWorkshop to me. It is an unpleasant and "un-ariconditioned" sweatbox.
I'm not a fan of body oder.
Plus, just like the nearest non-franchsied "gaming group" to me, it is too far to travel on public transport with a large bag of somewhat expensive items.

To corocoro:
Thank you for outlining almost my entire post, especially the "Text-to-Voice" statement. Quite interesting actually. Allow me to elaborate:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but, this is an Anime & Manga website? And, by definition, those mediums are by nature picture based.
So, most of the delivery is a visual thing.
I'm not denying some people "could" be here for just reading forum posts, just for the "kick". But, I must point a massive hole in your statement:
I'm yet to see an Anime or Manga that could be effectively converted to descriptive "spoken word" and not loose it's essence. Not to mention, how did said "reader" who can't see the writing navigate to this site? Given the internet by it's nature.
And I know there are a myriad of answers to this, but I am not looking for them.
I'm just replying to a reply, in the same vane. As is customary in a conversation.

But, please take into account, most of it was written with "satire" in mind, and although factual, in no way serious. As was my very sarcastic response. I know you were probably just trying to ad humour or fun to my writing.
And, although probably contradicting this statement itself, I am not arrogant, pompous or of the bragging kind.
I proof read everything I write several times to be sure of that. If anything was of those genres, it's purely for comedic purposes.
What I am is proud.
Proud of my accomplishments, my family, and my heritage.
And that's not pompous, as I don't force it in peoples faces. As if to say "look at what I have".
I don'y like relying on "bragging" to make myself appear "good" in others eyes. That's for other people to decide, not for me to force upon them.
Either way, I accept your greeting, and thank you for the somewhat unneeded "corrections". Please be assured, I won't be implementing them any time soon.
Again, I'm only jesting. I take no offence by what you wrote. I take it as merely "banter". Although, rather meticulous. And what remained was a rather "cold" welcome.

Back to Checkmate:
I'd like to answer your other questions:

I am still "ronery" as you so eloquently put it.
I like that. It made me laugh.
My last partner of a serious nature was some time ago. And I've never been good at initiating intimate relationships. I have plenty of friends of the opposite gender, but their just friends. The ones that are or were interested are always involved with one of my other friends (male or other), so there's the "code" overriding any and all intentions from either party.
Not to mention I have a reputation of being a proper "gentleman" to uphold.
And it is such a shame, because I can "fall" for people, extremely easily, and especially hard sometimes.

I'm not shy of my age, I was born in the year of 1984, making me 27 years old.
And also, if you're interested... Let me rephrase that; if you were wondering (...that's better), my other biometric data is:
Height: 5'9" (5 foot, 9 inches)
Hair: medium-short, Dark brown.
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 8st 6½lb (US = 118.5lb, 53.75Kg in french)

See? Told you all I like questions.
Give me a subject and I can write.
I hope I answered you coherently.

And corocoro; don't take what I responded with personally.
I just wasn't impressed with they way you picked my post apart. Leaving it bear and meaningless.
A few "corrections" would have been fun, and I'd have even got in on any joke. But, an entire critical editing session took away any (if any) "fun" or comedy you intended, leaving a cruel and abrasive response to my introduction.
If it was a "joke", it was taken too far by it's in-depth analysis.
But, if what you stated is your view, and you took exception to what I wrote, a personal message would have been more appropriate.
There are several things you stated which seem rather "defensive", intentional or otherwise, and in such were inappropriate for mass broadcast.
Some of the things you said, I strongly disagree with, but in the spirit of good relations, I am willing to let you have your say, as incorrect as I may feel it is.
And for that bad footed start, I am truly disappointed.

I apologise for the length (again), but I felt that I had a lot to reply to.

Wow you are really skinny, 5´9 and 118.5lb. You should weight around 160lb...

Anyways, welcome to ASF.
Ah, how disappointing. Given your statements I would've thought you'd enjoy some feedback stripped bare of pleasantries and other lies, but apparently I only caused umbrage. Too bad, but not bad enough for me to get personal as well.

Anyway, since you asked to be corrected in regard to this one wrong point: This forum is home to the most active rip group for lossless anime and eroge OSTs, which makes it quite interesting for people with a taste for such music, blindness or not.
Wow you are really skinny, 5´9 and 118.5lb. You should weight around 160lb...

Anyways, welcome to ASF.
Not really, I'm actually quite healthy.
I just have one of those metabolisms that means I can't seem to gain weight, regardless of the amount I eat. And I do eat, I love good food. Plus I keep myself quite active. So, it all balances out.
I'm sure in a few years, when I pass the third decade mark, things will change. The" middle-age spread" and all that. But, honestly, I just think that's the "excuse" my Dad uses to explain his weight.

Ah, how disappointing. Given your statements I would've thought you'd enjoy some feedback stripped bare of pleasantries and other lies, but apparently I only caused umbrage. Too bad, but not bad enough for me to get personal as well.

Anyway, since you asked to be corrected in regard to this one wrong point: This forum is home to the most active rip group for lossless anime and eroge OSTs, which makes it quite interesting for people with a taste for such music, blindness or not.
Do you not consider your "welcome" as just a little to harsh, and critical, rather than helpful, as you claim as is it's intent?
If I hit any nerves, I am willing to offer my apologies. But, everything in my original post was conscious and self aware, in that not requiring analysis.
And frankly, there are much more subtle methods than the ones you implemented.
I do like feedback, positive or negative, the writer I aspire to be needs it.
But, your post wasn't "feedback" it was raw criticism.
Feedback is advice, or suggestion, not correction. I'm 27, I don't need a school teacher marking my work any more. I've written enough, have my own style and even fans. And in such do have some habits. Habits I not only can't get out of, but am expected to use. But, habits I am well aware of. There's no harsher criticism than self-critisism.

The English language be a harsh mistress indeed, and she must be handled with a delicate touch.
this is especially true in written word format, as emotion, atmosphere and intent can be lost depending on the state of mind the reader is currently in.

And thank you for the one useful correction;
I was unaware this site was limited to "ripping" and sharing. I assumed, given the content I've come across so far, it was generally for Anime and Manga fans, regardless of how the individual acquired the media.
But, I don't see why you'd want to point that out to me. Personally, I'd encourage all kinds to join in. I would.

And to further your correction with an observation;
I know a decent population of people, and in turn am known by more, and it's my understanding that the majority of eastern media fans have use of at least one eye.
I'm not ruling the possibility out, that someone lacking eyesight could find some level of enjoyment in what is offered here. As, I once read a somewhat relatively unbelievable story of a blind person who could play videogames, not only well, but with enough proficiency to enter and ultimately win competitions against people who can see with perfect vision. The level of truth to this is debatable, as I personally find it just a little bit outside of logical reasoning. But then again, I have witnessed things I've never been able to explain. So, until proven otherwise, anything is possible.
But like most generalisations, I play the numbers, and try to appeal to the "wider" audience. Although I have produced things, not just in writing but my other talents, for special interests that have very little appeal in mass appeal, I tend to find myself attempting to aim for the larger target audience.
I, myself, am forced to wear glasses for a severe lens defect. Without my glasses, although beautiful, the world is a mess of colour and movement. And that's now.
When I was not much younger, I was blind int the very centre of my vision. Due to a light based accident.
But, luckily for me, over time, the damage healed and I gained a full range of sight. Albeit, through polycarbonate correctional lenses.
But, for all intensive purposes, with my glasses, I now have perfect vision. And for that I am most grateful.
But, as someone who has vivid and unpleasant memories of extremely limited vision, I do sympathise with those not as lucky as me in regaining, or even "gaining" any level of sight.
And my statement in the original post was aware of this. And the level of humour I used was adequate and intentional. I could have gotten offensive, but that isn't my style.
Would it appease if I wrote something shunning people with good vision?
'Sight is for those who arent' in "touch" with their own life.'
'You don't need sight to believe something is there.'
'I liked being blind, I didn't have to shave'
'The fat chick at the bar is attractive without a dring in an all-dark world.'
Probably not.
I am be willing to accept an apology for your overly critical destruction of my original post, if you accept mine as being overly defensive.
But, I do ask, and this isn't a demand, just something I feel is necessary; you should accept that, for all the positive intentions, what you wrote was negative and ultimately damaging.
This ongoing discussion is evident of that.
I could correct peoples posts to that level, and even further, but I don't because of the freedom of speech. And what that means. Not to mention, the one time someone asked for that service, they regretted ever learning of the internet and it's uses. Safe to say, we only exchange pleasantries now.

I am willing to stop this here, as it is hastily escalating from a minor debate to an almost full argument.
That is, if that is what you desire.
I give you the future, do with it as you wish.
I'm fun, entertaining, and can be quite witty, but only if you want to see that in my words. If you intentionally go looking for flaws to correct, you will find them. No writer has ever written the perfect sentence, and someone has always got a better one to replace it. So, let my work do it's own talking, don't try to transcode it.
Think about what I originally wrote that offended you, and then think about why a collection of harmless words caused you discomfort. Because, chances are, it's not what I wrote that offended you, there may be an underlying cause you should consider.
My words are harmless, and for everyone to enjoy, contrary to their nature, even the blind.

I'm fine with accepting that apology and apologizing myself under two conditions (this is becoming a theme, I fear).

The first is that you do not make light of the hard work of the ASL members. I have no problem with you attacking me; I don't even care for such slights on the internet, but I do get upset if friends of mine are dragged into issues. More so, I am not part of ASL and as such there is not reason to devalue their work. While the word "ripping" may imply some careless work done in five minutes, this is in no way the case. They spend hours to bring quality work to people which consists of more than a couple 320kbps CBR MP3s lovelessly thrown before the masses.
This hard work made this site home to many lovers of Japanese (and, to a lesser extent, general Asian) music - and that this love is not limited to people with eyesight was the point I was making. You were, in your second post, asking why a blind person would visit this forum and I presented the answer to you by mentioning ASL. Again, this is the only reason I brought them up, and there is no hidden meaning behind it nor any malice or reprimand.

The second is you explain why you insist I must have been offended by your post. I merely read in your post that you're an intelligent person enjoying variety and taking no pleasure in lies.
This intelligence combined with honesty and a tendency for self-reflection, without limiting yourself by preconceived notions, made me think you would enjoy feedback given straight.
Such feedback, by enemies or friends, is what allowed me to grow the most as a person. Sugarcoated pleasantries are nice if you want to feel good about yourself, but ultimately lead to stagnation. I had hoped you would take my words in the same vain, but it is painfully obvious this has not happened.
If my attempt to help you grow was not only unwelcome but also insulting to you as a person, I do apologize for it. What I aimed for was something rarely given, but what I "achieved" ended up being something already existing in overabundance.
I'm fine with accepting that apology and apologizing myself under two conditions (this is becoming a theme, I fear).

The first is that you do not make light of the hard work of the ASL members. I have no problem with you attacking me; I don't even care for such slights on the internet, but I do get upset if friends of mine are dragged into issues. More so, I am not part of ASL and as such there is not reason to devalue their work. While the word "ripping" may imply some careless work done in five minutes, this is in no way the case. They spend hours to bring quality work to people which consists of more than a couple 320kbps CBR MP3s lovelessly thrown before the masses.
This hard work made this site home to many lovers of Japanese (and, to a lesser extent, general Asian) music - and that this love is not limited to people with eyesight was the point I was making. You were, in your second post, asking why a blind person would visit this forum and I presented the answer to you by mentioning ASL. Again, this is the only reason I brought them up, and there is no hidden meaning behind it nor any malice or reprimand.

The second is you explain why you insist I must have been offended by your post. I merely read in your post that you're an intelligent person enjoying variety and taking no pleasure in lies.
This intelligence combined with honesty and a tendency for self-reflection, without limiting yourself by preconceived notions, made me think you would enjoy feedback given straight.
Such feedback, by enemies or friends, is what allowed me to grow the most as a person. Sugarcoated pleasantries are nice if you want to feel good about yourself, but ultimately lead to stagnation. I had hoped you would take my words in the same vain, but it is painfully obvious this has not happened.
If my attempt to help you grow was not only unwelcome but also insulting to you as a person, I do apologize for it. What I aimed for was something rarely given, but what I "achieved" ended up being something already existing in overabundance.

Apology accepted.

Response to condition 1:
I don't recall making any form of derogatory statement regarding this website or it's members.
I convert and recode media for myself and my friend, even rip the odd DVD to store on my media HDD when I see fit. My attention to detail means any impurity, or deviation from the source material is not acceptable for me. So, I've developed my skills an methods over time, so as to produce the best output I can. And I have done this for quite a few years now, I am very aware that a lot of work is involved. My own processes can sometimes take a couple of days to complete, with testing samples, comparisons, and batch converting.
I have the greatest respect for those who begin the whole process by sharing the things they have. If I had anything that wasn't already widely available, not to mention a better upload speed, I'd contribute a lot more.

As for the second "condition":
Like I originally stared in my "introduction", I have many fascinations, and psychology and interaction are some of my favourite subjects. Especially how when the mind goes into a defensive pattern, it locks itself. Making a subconscious barrier between actions and reason. There are countless papers written on the subject, from people who's names I've long forgotten, as the important information is the paper content itself is retained, not who rote it.
With that in mind, this is a purely analytical statement;
There are hallmark textbook defences and denial in your reply. Perhaps my knowledge is a little out of date, but the way you seemed to take the time and care to pick apart the things I said, in such a meticulously and precise method, almost as if you were intentionally looking for things wrong, would lead me to believe that there was at least one item in my writing that you took issue with. That then went on and jaded the rest of the read for you. Resulting in you destroying what I hoped to be a humorous and friendly introduction.
If that was not your intent, then that was a mistake, and it went overlooked when you decided to commit the post. And I can't be blamed for that.

But, to emphasise my claim;
You didn't correct me when appropriate.
You could have told me you were only joking, or just having a little fun, but chose not to.
Instead allowing the situation to escalate, even as far as adding to it yourself.

I'm avoiding digging too deep here, as if I do reveal some underlying issue, it will inevitably make you prejudice toward me in any future dealings.
And, for all that has been said here, I don't know you, and neither of us deserve to make a foe of the other.
I haven't attacked you personally, only defended myself as was needed, in an appropriate fashion.
There is no malice in my words. I've never met you, and probably never will. I just wasn't happy about your chosen method in greeting me. It was wrong. Especially as that was not only the first impression of you I got, but it was the first very response I got, and as such you were unwittingly an ambassador for the entire site.
Politics exist everywhere, you have to be so careful. After all, if I wasn't the rounded person I am, this could have been handled in a far more immature manner.

Finaly, I'm entirely sure others are reading this with a level of fascination.
So, to you, casual reader, hello! I hope you're enjoying life. I am.

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Welcome to ASF, Sisee.
Have fun in the Spam Section. We could use people with skills like you in there.
Welcome to ASF, Sisee.
Have fun in the Spam Section. We could use people with skills like you in there.
I have no idea if that is a good thing or not.
Regardless; Thant you for the welcome.

Isn't "spam" a term given to forum bombardment with small useless and annoying messages with no bearing on the thread subjects?
For example, those posts that people do that just say "First!".
Or flaming, isn't that spamming?

But, still, thank you.

Super long introduction there! Welcome aboard buddy. Hope you enjoy the forum and have fun. :D
Super long introduction there! Welcome aboard buddy. Hope you enjoy the forum and have fun. :D
Starting to wish there was an "auto reply" button to these, to show my gratitude.
But, then where would my personal touch be?
Not to mention, a "stock" response wouldn't have any gratitude in it.
So, as long as the welcomes keep coming, I'll keep replying.
After all, you took the time to read my post, and ultimately reply to it, so it's the least I could do in saying "thank you".


Thank you.

Lot's of comments on the length of my text. Hope it wasn't too intimidating tot he eye.

Starting to wish there was an "auto reply" button to these, to show my gratitude.
But, then where would my personal touch be?
Not to mention, a "stock" response wouldn't have any gratitude in it.
That's alright. It's the thought that really count. :)
eh too lazy to read it all so i skimmed.
Welcome to the forum. Now it's time to get an avatar.
I second that!
Usually i invite people to the spam section but if your gonna write that much every post forget i said it >.>
lol jks, welcome! You'll be a welcome contribution to the discussion threads
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