I'm Japanese but what do you think about Japanese people?


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Hello, This is my fast time to make a thred at here.
Well I am Japanese and I'm realy interesting about how do you feeling about Japanese people.
If you have time, Please tell me how do you feel.

Also I am interesting about how do you feeling about downloading Japanese hentaigame from torrent.
You know those game is as same as CoD or BF, I mean it's isn't free game.
I know you can't buy it at foreign coutry, but I want to know what are you guys thinking about.

Thank you for reading my bad sentence.
Work a lot!! Smart kids!! (very big generalisation, I know)
Great respect and courtesy (though there are the Yanki that you see once in a while).. Even Yakuza are polite (sometimes).
Innocent and polite in real life, incredibly mean on the Web (ノω・、) [not all Japanese people, of course.
Always always always on time to whatever appointment.
Great national football team supporters
Hanshin vs. Kyojin
Knows how to keep stuff clean
Never reveals negative thought, can never read their minds (can be bad)
Irasshaimase!! (lovely, warms my heart whenever I enter a shop)
Likes to read (especially in front of Konbini)
Facemask and identity concealment on whenever going to dirty shops and buying dirty things
Very complicated social hierarch

Too many (good) things to say man!
Opposed to the usual norms in the West, Japan is very unique in a good sense. Although there is the rather disturbing parts. (Please don't take offense into that last part, I just mean that some things are different in a sense that they could be improved - e.g. mental health services, open-ness, gender equality, etc. etc.)
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First of all... I think you should introduce yourself, here.

Here i go... Work a lot, are very competitive, its society is very machismo, odd fetishes, sometimes exclude foreigners, are very organize, ingeniouses, extremely respectfuls of the hierarchy, like the details & i could go on but i won't.
B) I don´t like hentai games and i don't understand why japanese otakus love so much ecchi, fansrvice, big breats, etc.

That's my opinion and is not my intention to be unrespectful of a complex society as the japanese.
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This thread is fine where it is.

It doesn't look like an introductory, seems more like a question, so it will be left alone.
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i think japanese people are freaking lucky cuz... well they are japanese!!!! be japanese is the dream of any otaku!!!
Hmm im not quite sure what i think :/ cant quite think of too much thats different from what was already said but i think there should be some mention of gender inequality :x No idea if its different now but it seems that sexual harassment isnt viewed as seriously as it should...
Don't know the only information I have about Japan and it's people is from anime and stuff

It looks good But I really wouldn't know unless I experience it on my own
i would love to be japanese xD
i think japanese ppl are really nice like during the nuclear problem recently werent they all nice to each other and loving whilst in america a similar problem happened and there was rape and stuff..
also i dont know much about H torrents since im not rlly into that kind of thing.
i would love to be japanese xD
i think japanese ppl are really nice like during the nuclear problem recently werent they all nice to each other and loving whilst in america a similar problem happened and there was rape and stuff..
also i dont know much about H torrents since im not rlly into that kind of thing.

The Japanese life is harder than you think! hehehe
School and work life is tough, the ordinary Japanese are constantly struggling to meet expectations of parents, teachers, bosses, peers, etc. It's a lot of pressure, the social hierarchy!

Also about last year's Tohoku Earthquake - the Japanese did a great job at showing compassion and respect to those around them, surely putting other countries to shame if not completely humiliating them; the growing sentiment against nuclear power is growing, people started to notice after the crisis that something should be done with that. But it's better to keep discussions about nuclear power out of here before stuff gets out of hand (☌ ω ☌)
Japanese people are awesome. They produce so many kind of interesting anime and manga.~
Especially Animelo Summer Live ~ they are awesome ~.
I kind of agree with [MENTION=25346]Uninstall[/MENTION] about the Japanese life being a little harder for some. The school days are different and the teaching system is also different. How they view society and maintain themselves reflect more of a traditional, composed, and somewhat cautious style. This is mostly based from what I read about people who traveled there though.

It is nice about the anime, manga, Comiket, vocaloid, and other innovative electronic products. I don't want to be Japanese, but I like their aspects about culture and life more than what I see around my neighborhood.
[MENTION=25346]Uninstall[/MENTION] yh it was mainly as a comparitive comment. xDD yh apparently school and work here( great britain) is so much easier and laid back than japan
Eh, I only heard some from [MENTION=25346]Uninstall[/MENTION] so... here goes nothing.

They're workaholic, most of 'em are perverted (well, I dunno. I see that cliche thing in anime, guys are almost always perverted), very polite, knows how to follow rules and other things to follow such as schedules, and likes seaweed.

That's the extent of my knowledge. ;)
Eh, I only heard some from [MENTION=25346]Uninstall[/MENTION] so... here goes nothing.

They're workaholic, most of 'em are perverted (well, I dunno. I see that cliche thing in anime, guys are almost always perverted), very polite, knows how to follow rules and other things to follow such as schedules, and likes seaweed.

That's the extent of my knowledge. ;)

Na that's not limited to japanese pretty much every guy in every place at every time is depicted as being perverted in pretty much all the media
Na that's not limited to japanese pretty much every guy in every place at every time is depicted as being perverted in pretty much all the media

Well perhaps in a way he's right, there's so much a person can worry about until his moral mind starts detereorating.

Which reminds me of that time I stumbled upon this really young salary man last year (perhaps in his mid 20s, even) by a small station being really down and depressed, being the kind kids that we were invited him for some tea and he finally explained that he hates his life because his boss is being very provocative. He confessed that he wanted to learn English simply so that he could express his emotions to a foreigner as the Japanese aren't really open to delicate and emotional subjects and it is often looked down upon. I think that's one of the things that could change as emotions are always cocooned in the person.
Well perhaps in a way he's right, there's so much a person can worry about until his moral mind starts detereorating.

Which reminds me of that time I stumbled upon this really young salary man last year (perhaps in his mid 20s, even) by a small station being really down and depressed, being the kind kids that we were invited him for some tea and he finally explained that he hates his life because his boss is being very provocative. He confessed that he wanted to learn English simply so that he could express his emotions to a foreigner as the Japanese aren't really open to delicate and emotional subjects and it is often looked down upon. I think that's one of the things that could change as emotions are always cocooned in the person.

Well The moral mind can deteriorate if you have too many problems
But different strokes for different people everyone has a different breaking point

Japanese aren't really open about the emotional problems
True probably which means you have to deal with it alone

But I never really thought that being perverted was all that bad
It's pretty much the normal state of mind for a healthy guy
As long as you keep it in your head

And it's funny really here if you aren't a bit perverted people think you're gay:vomitblood:

Not that it really matters but still
Hi. Let me start by saying I'm no expert on Nihon, I've never been there, but I would really love too. I would love to be there when your sakura blossoms, and every other time as well. I'm probably quite the weeaboo, I know little about how it would be to grow up in a japanese environment, and the day to day life of school and work and so on. But I do certainly Love the japanese culture.

I perceive a level of respect in japan that I respect a lot, and likewise disrespect the west for just the opposite. I'm specifically thinking about Duty, Honor and so on. For example I really dislike western cops\police, they are disrespectful and and seems more occupied with bullying their own population, forgetting they are actually there to serve it!
I saw a video of someone getting a ticket in traffic once in japan, the policeman was so polite that one might thank him for the ticket. At least thats how I could feel. While western policemen doesn't even have sufficient Honor\understanding to know that while they are performing their job they are not too let their own personal opinions or feelings influence how they perform their job, and if they can't even understand that, they are unfit to wear the uniform, same goes for any line of duty. I feel like I can believe in and respect the japanese people.

Regardless I feel some sort of connection to Japan that I can't really explain, it's sort of ambiguous. I can't define or explain it intellectually but in my heart I know. Something with my spirit that just feels drawn to it. Almost like saying we would be related by spirit and not by flesh.

Regarding Hentai torrents, I wouldn't have any problems downloading that. As it is I haven't really been doing that, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to or enjoy doing it. I understand very very well all those that do so and it could be me, I know I'm certainly capable. Though It's a bit hard to answer cause I'm not 100% sure if you want to know about how I feel about the content itself, or if your more into the aspect of paying (or not) for it...

And I think Japanese people are pretty darn cool just to get that off my chest.
And I know you didn't ask about this, but since it was brought up, I also think Japanese kinkyness or "pervertedness" as some call it,
can be pretty darn Cool! at least can be. hehe Sugoi :innocent:
Its just like every other peoples around the world, except your doing it the awesome way.
But speaking about openness in regards to Japan, I don't know how it is in Japanese society regarding this subject but here in the west I think it's pretty certain that Ecchi and Hentai is sorta tabu, except for certain pockets of society here and there.
In fact I think it requires a certain rawness,sharpness and boldness of the heart\spirit to go "there" that I also perceive in the Japanese people,(in relation to a lot of different stuff that is, like Katanas ect) (and also in some other people as well of course) that I have a great deal of respect for. Edit: come to think of it, maybe thats why I feel such a connection to Japan~

The latter part of this post was difficult to formulate and try to explain, but I did my best. But I know it wasn't perfect, I can only hope it was somewhat understandable.
It's like trying to explain intangible abstract concepts for me. And my view is just my view, it could be wrong, subjective, and possibly different if I was 500 years old.
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Something I forgot to add.
It seem that Xenophobia is still around, even thou not everyone have it. There's some bar that not allowed 'Gaijin' in.
Oh yeah, I came across one of those cafe's where "Gai Jin" is not allowed in Kobe, but to be honest it seemed like it's a problem with communication, not necessarily a hatred problem or whatever. Nevertheless I think that's pretty wrong
My grandmother is japanese, she used to cook japanese foods for me when i was younger. She is a very sweet and nice woman, and i think she still speaks japanese, but never imparted it to me, unfortunately. I respect the japanese people and nation; and they make good allies. Operation Tomodachi is still fresh in my mind, most people i know where pretty sad when that tsunami hit, especially my grandma since her family is over there.
My grandmother is japanese, she used to cook japanese foods for me when i was younger. She is a very sweet and nice woman, and i think she still speaks japanese, but never imparted it to me, unfortunately. I respect the japanese people and nation; and they make good allies. Operation Tomodachi is still fresh in my mind, most people i know where pretty sad when that tsunami hit, especially my grandma since her family is over there.
If you wouldn't mind me asking, where was your grandma from, in Japan?

*I hope it's not too personal
If you wouldn't mind me asking, where was your grandma from, in Japan?

*I hope it's not too personal

Of course not. My grandma is Japanese; but infact, she was born in Hawaii. My great-grandmother(Yoshikawa i think was her maiden name) was 100% japanese, but my great-grandfather was a sailor with the United States Navy. My grandma was raised by my great-grandmother for the most part because when she was young, my great-grandfather was mostly away in the navy(World war 2), and my great-grandmother spoke mostly Japanese and taught her how to cook Japanese foods. She was very close with her mother's side of the family whom she met in visits to japan after the war. That's where i gained most of my interest in Japanese culture, but i think it would actually be more accurate to describe my grandmother as a Japanese-american, since she is not a citizen and was not raised in Japan for the most part. She was born in Honolulu in late 1930-something, and she even told me stories about when she was a toddler early in the war and they did gasmask drills preparing for Japanese invasion, which i thought was pretty neat.

Edit: i take that back, since my great-grandmother was a japanese citizen, my grandmother might therefore be a citizen. Not sure of the nationality laws there, but if she is, we are unaware of it.
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Very interesting, [MENTION=26803]Friedrich[/MENTION]
Thank you for sharing some of your heritage (○・▽・○)
I'm fascinated by the impacts of global history on a personal scale. . .

As for me my grandfather was born as a Japanese man,
lived as an Imperial soldier,
lived as an Indonesian nationalist soldier,
passed away as an Indonesian man

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