Wow, that was probably the smoothest "gundamjack" ever. The kid just walked out with the Gundam like he owned it. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a gundamjack if Desil didn't have to steal the memory unit first. (Is there an official name for this device?)

And poor Emily, she finally got the nerve to actually say what needed to be said. But unfortunately, she didn't realize that the plot was against her the whole time. If only she knew that she belongs to an anime franchise that has been throwing teens front and center into battles for the past 30+ years.

But it's good that Emily confronted Grodek. And now I'm thinking that Grodek is less a secretly bad guy and more a good guy who will be bad to fight against worse guys.

Flit is being Flit, I suppose. It took five episodes but now he really truly thinks that only he can pilot the Gundam. (Was Setsuna ever this bad?) But Woolf once again showed that he never really cared about piloting the Gundam and Grodek doesn't seem to care either way, so whatever. And I'm pleasantly surprised that Flit didn't show a hint of jealousy at seeing Desil performing better with the Gundam. Instead, they focused on his desire to be stronger so he could protect others. So, in the end, I can somewhat overlook Flit's obsessiveness because Flit still manage to show that his heart is in the right place.

And by the way, is it just me or is some of the shots of Flit looking away from the "camera" really badly drawn? It kind of looks like Dique's outline.
Cannot wait to see episode 6 by tomorrow...

In episode 6, we'll see 2 new Zaku-like MSes...

I assume you guys have heard the news about Decil piloting Zedas and being the leader of UE which its true name is Veigan ?

Titus will be defeated by Zedas...

New 2nd generation MS (Gundam side)


G-EXES has been confirmed as Wolf's new unit ! I hope that SHALLDOL will be Lagan's :)


AGE-2 official artwork as compared with previously "leaked" picture :


Hyper Dots Rifle.........:D



The 3rd row is the BEST ! :)



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^ lol

I'm glad we finally get some background to the AGE universe. But the depiction of Fardain's conflict just seems lacking somehow. It's like I'm watching an episode of Star Trek TOS and the crew of the Diva is visiting another colony inhabited by people with some weird recurring quirks. In this case, these people would have some random battle where they would stand there with their mobile suits just firing at each other. But it doesn't feel like there's actual danger at all, even when Flit and Emily were standing near the fighting. Good for the rich people, I suppose. In fact, it really feels like they needed Riria to go out during a battle just to show that this is actually a dangerous situation.

But maybe that's the point. From the way Iwark tells it, it seems that the rich of Fardain spends their time fighting stupid battles over stupid ideologies. But if that's the case, then Riria's role in the episode feels even more cheap. It just sends mixed signals for me about the world of AGE. On one hand, they apparently still want to portray that war is a bad thing, on the other hand, this episode makes light of fighting by having the mobile suits just standing there shooting. Even a worker type mobile suit could just easily enter the battle and acts like it belongs there (at least, for a moment). One good thing about it is now we have a reason for why the UE is such a menace: the people are just stupid(?) when it comes to war. Although I feel that the banning of mobile suits would've been a good enough reason already.

(And speaking of Iwark, his meeting with Flit and Emily reminded me of Andy's meeting with Cagalli and Kira for some reason. )

As for Flit, it's interesting to me that, while Iwark was amazed at Flit piloting a mobile suit, Emily just flat out calls it what it is: Flit's just a boy. I guess she won't give him a break any time soon. And once again, I like how Flit denounces his need to be a savior while still desiring to save everyone.

One thing about this episode though, it kind of shows (although perhaps poorly) why I think grand solutions for (universal) peace (like CE's Destiny Plan) just can't work. Even if people forget why they're fighting, it's not as easy to forget that they fought and the pain that the fighting caused them. But again, it's presented poorly because now you have mobile suits just standing there shooting at each other. The UE's appearance sort of made up for that, though. And it's nice to see what looks to be a real upgrade for AGE next episode.
I like Flit's conversation with the Zalam guy and how he is at odds with himself, and what is he planning to do with the Gundam. I definitely understand where Flit's coming from, his disbelief at those two factions at war with each other with no apparent reasons. But then, when the UE attacks, suddenly the two factions go "You go ahead! We will cover for you!", which is really ridiculous.

Overall, this episode is only a little bit better for me than last episode. The fighting definitely improved. Although the fact that it did only made last episode's fighting even worse to me. Still, an improvement is an improvement. And yes, Iwark doesn't seem to be a really good dad. He just got back from rescuing Riria, and she's already out of his side. But, my goodness, as soon as those kids showed up, I thought, "Please don't take them to the Diva." And what did Grodek do? He took them to the Diva. Oh, sure, he has a "valid" reason to do so. I just hope they're not going to take those children with them when they leave.
But, my goodness, as soon as those kids showed up, I thought, "Please don't take them to the Diva." And what did Grodek do? He took them to the Diva. Oh, sure, he has a "valid" reason to do so. I just hope they're not going to take those children with them when they leave.
Lol children getting onboard a military spaceship and becoming its crews is one of wonders of the Gundam franchise, although I too hope that's not the case with this one since there actually are official adult operator crew in Diva, and also because they are way too young to make any sense...but in a universe where even a kindergartener can magically pilot a mobile suit it wouldn't matter much.

At least I can watch Unicorn ep.4 for my lacking dosage of Gundam good-ness.
[MENTION=6561]orisa[/MENTION] - Lol, kiddy senshi gundam youchien? Yea, I know we shouldn't be taking this show too seriously ww. Unicorn is goodness indeed, the old MS in unicorn is nostalgia.
I'm rather impressed with how Grodek skillfully the jeep while avoiding UE's attack; I wonder if he has the potential of becoming a good MS pilot:D

Titus doesn't look so bad; I'm looking forward for the next episode...


The YANDERE-FICATION of Emily.......:D


Is Vargas the real "bad guy" ? :D


Ok so let me get couple of things straight, Gundam merely switches around arms and legs and it's a "new" Gundam now with a new name? That seems rather cheap...there have been Gundams with more impressive upgrade and still have the same name, only with a suffix or prefix attached, instead of being considered a whole "new" Gundam >.>

And the whole thing seems convenient. I mean, considering Titus was designed to effectively fight the UE's heavy armor types by sacrificing speed for power, what if they sent in mixture of various types of mobile suits and armors? Gundam would easily be overwhelmed, but they don't for some reason. Whether it be for plot reason or just for convenience reason, I hope it doesn't turn into "UE of the week"...

And how long has it been since Wolf ordered the G-Exes again? It didn't feel like there was enough time to design and manufacture a "super" mobile suit as Wolf puts it, especially in a small space factory...

At least there was some development at the end, although it's rather strange that they don't find some guy with a hood and mask (I'm assuming that's the guy) who brings in some unusually designed and technologically advanced mobile suit suspicious enough to not do any business with.
We all aware that Gundam Age is full of "tsukkomis" but to enjoy the show (the story itself is actually quite interesting), let's put them aside; at least until the show is finished...
Gundam AGE feels more like super robot genre instead of the real robot genre. I am totally fine with that since I enjoyed SRW a lot. In before Flit pulls a kyosuke nanbu.

Okay, 3 things I have to say:

Firstly, the G-Exes is totally kickass. Screw the Titus.

Secondly, it would be totally facepalm if it turned out the UE and Feddie suits were actually manufactured at the same MS workshop. I was quite surprised to see the Zedas there, displayed right next to the Genoace Custom even.

Thirdly, the events of this episode made me realize that the previous episode was totally insignificant, unnecessary even. Makes me gripe about episode 7 even more, but oh well. The tension builds, maybe we'll discover the secret of the UE the next episode.
I don't get it, if Sparrow's blade is supposedly so powerful that it "cuts through any MS", what exactly is the point of Titus? The thick armor doesn't sound so appealing when Sparrow can move so fast that it doesn't get hit in the first place...The AGE System might need some debugging there, Flitty. Then again, this isn't the first time something doesn't make sense in this show.

Also, the suicide bombings are getting rather old. Next thing you know Grodek is going to dive Diva into the UE flagship.
Nice mustache.

Overall, one of the best episode so far. Don Voyage's sacrifice was okay, even though in end it dealt no damage to UE mothership, it did raise the army's morale. I'm surprised that his two lackeys were killed off as well.

The highlight is definitely the Spallow. I'm glad that it's not last minute appearance before the episode ends. Spallow had a great parts swapping scenes and totally kicked Zedas' ass. The little knife is sharp, after all it is imbued with GN Particles

One little nitpick I have was when Spallow unleashed its arm thruster for slice and dice attacks. I thought Spallow had chopped Zedas to bits and it exploded. But the next scene we see Zedas slowly flying away with no apparently damage to its main body except a sliced off leg. I was like, LOL WUT? They could have done with the damaged body better.

Also, didn't the Spallow totally make the Titus obsolete? Titus was able to counter Baqto with its heavy armor and superior strength, but utterly useless against a high mobility Zedas. Spallow was built in response, with greater mobility than Zedas and sharp blade that can even cut through Zedas' sword. By the same logic, shouldn't Spallow be able to fight Baqto well by dodging enemy attacks with superior mobility and then strikes with its blade? For now, Titus seems to specified for its own good.

Anyway, next episode should be good. Return of YamadaYurin!!
G EXES is one awesome suit.
Definitely on my buy list along with AGE-2 (probably)
I don't know why EF villains always have retarded and gross character designs...they are also dumb and selfish in nature. *Yawn*

Flit and Yuri are obviously in love with each other and theoretically Emily has no chance, but seeing as how they are going to have a son together, something's going to happen to one of them...probably Flit himself. And as if one triangle isn't enough another one generates between the grown ups...

AGE System can apparently also create upgrades for the Diva, for reasons unexplained, and the whole modification thought to be impossible in the short window of time they have to complete it, was also completed in process not shown.

No food for thought I guess. Thinking too much about this deus ex machina fest is bad for my health.
Screw Emily to hell, this episode convinced me that Yurin is a kajillion times better.

Yay, Yurin! This episode made her even more mysterious. We find out that she lost her parents and brother to the UE, and has trouble accepting the billionaire backer of Operation Ambat as her foster father. She gets a melancholy tune as her character song. Sigh, that butterfly sure reminds me of Lalah's swan.

What I also liked about this episode is that it gave us a few more tidbits about the AGE world. Apparently the 'Old National Wars' was a long, prolonged battle which divided the space colonies, with some, like Minsry remaining neutral to this day. We also finally get a mention of Earth! Interesting that they call it 'Old Earth'. This suggests that colonies are supposed to be replacement living space.

Ao that is the secret ability the Diva will have in episode 13? A giant battleship sized DODDS rifle? ROFL
One more battle for Flit, before Asemu (2nd generation) should kick in I guess.
First, the UE and Diva's crew got some very funky uniforms. The pre-battle talk between Millias and Emily was notable, but strange that Millias didn't wish Woolf luck during the triple launching scene (we'll Largan is there for her too). Seeing the grunts going toe-to-toe with the UE suits was great, not to mention the late appearance of the Shaldoll team with a "hyper mega launcher". Diva's assault landing mode was kinda meh, but the sinking of the Fa Bose by the photon blaster cannon shot more than made up for that. Looking forward to Flit's reaction on seeing Yurin in the pink UE suit; I doubt that the X-rounder needle gun skills will save her this time.

You should man have their moments. I disagreed with Ract's almost certain death flag being pulled back just right before he died. Other than that, substandard gundam fights, far off the GSD, 00 fights. I must say the lead-up to firing the cannon from Diva was well done. Last episode next week, Asemu arc is just round the corner.

Yurin death flag so obvious.
When Ract decided to pull off *surprise surprise...* a kamikaze I was like "oh god not again...". Thank god Flit stopped him. Seriously, why do people in this show think kamikaze on something 40x bigger is going to solve anything? I really, really, hope Grodek doesn't decide to kamikaze Diva later on a falling colony...

And I was laughing my ass off at the "dramatic" Diva transformation scene. Felt the music was rather out of place tbh. But I agree Photo Blaster Cannon was a good scene.

Also, I just can't take Decil seriously. I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling the atmosphere when he appears in a pilot suit, with camera first showing his feet and slowly moving up in a dramatic effect to show his evil baby face. Even Usso (V Gundam) in his most calm expression told srs bzness than Decil with his grin.

I don't really feel Yurin's death flag for some reason. Well, this war apparently extends for a whole century so I assume something big is going to happen next episode either way. I hope I can enjoy the 2nd cour more.

Edit: Realized it's Sunday ;_;
Will go watch ep.14 nao
I have to say, this episode was superb. It looks like AGE is finally starting to lift off.
It was dramatic, it was epic, and there were believable emotions in amidst of a battle, just what I expect of a true Gundam series. Even Decil looked like he belonged there. Yurin's helmet slowly cracking up was a nice touch.

Flit is starting to have a bit of reminiscence to old Camille. I feel 1st half of this series is going to end with Flit being in a similar condition Camille was in at the end of TV run of Zeta, but we shall see.
Ah YamadaYurin, sweet, Yurin – why did you have to die? You were the best character on the show.

Gotta say, that was a fan-*implicit moniker*-tastic episode. It's a shame that it's the end of the first gen that the series is getting better. We all see Yurin's death coming, but I have to say that her death was pretty much well done. The conversation between Flit and her was sad, as well as her "wanting to live". Her death led to Flit's awakening and much asses were kicked. It's good to see Titus again, and once again it is rendered useless immediately.

It's weird to see Flit spared Desil after what he has done. Probably he will be back next gen and Flit will settle the score once and for all. Looking forward to the battle against the MA the next episode!
Hmm I found the boss fight kinda anti-climatic just because Flit is suddenly super hax.
Did anyone find it weird that Diva crew didn't check the identities of the UE grunt they've killed? If I were the leader I'd be checking the corpses to see what I'm really up against. I also found it weird that UE (Veigan to be exact) was able to develop such high grade technology in Mars while under constant risk of extermination from Mars rain. Then again, this isn't exactly the first sign of deus ex machina in this series so I got used to it.

And as usual the Earth Federation is stupid, selfish, and self-righteous, while the opposing faction (UE in this case) possesses a hint of nobility just like with every Gundam title. It's getting old and I hoped Age would take a different approach with the factions but meh.

Second generation is finally going to start next week. No sign of Flit in the preview but after he determined to become the messiah at the end of this episode (again) I presume he's become some kind of big shot.
So the "War of Bat Extermination" (according to the EFF) is over. Surprisingly, the only named character who died is Gerra Zoi, who was Yark Dole (the civil war incited) all along. The last boss battle was quick and proved that X-rounders don't even need a DODS rifle, just a beam saber.

As suspected by few in the spoilers thread, the big reveal was the UE were the EFF forsaken colonist of Mars. Remnants of Mars Colonization Project (Mars Birthday) 150 years before Flit's time after being decimated by the so called Mars Rays. A little inspired by the Jovians of Nadesico I might add.

The biggest question for me is how much Millias know about the incident. She easily broke the UE defense systems just like that. Is she related to to the UE/Veigans lead by this Sir Ezcelcant?

9/10 for this final episode of the 1st chapter. Deducted one because there's zero development for Millias X Woolf and Flit, still deciding to be a saviour, totally forgot Emily after the battle (even though she sensed him during the battle).

Looks like we still be seeing Grodek(if he escapes from prison) and Geera son's in Asem's chapter. A new UE/Veigan ship is also on the way to the Earth sphere, I wonder how will the Diva or the EFF will handle this in the time skip.

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