Guess Which VN or Anime These Lines Came From~

Seems, Keitaro forgot something....

I'll take his place if no one minds.....


Lol you would get that xD Okies your turn to post [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION]
Gahh this line... I heard it recently =.= Where was itttt....... Was it Fate/Stay Night?
Lol and my turn :3
"What is jealousy? Can you eat it? Is it sweet?"
Not sure if ppl are going to get it =.= Seems to not a well known manga
Aw, manga. orz

Gonna take a shot in the dark here and say Hayate no Gotoku!
Well theres also an anime adaption but not sure if they say this exact line in the anime :/ Nopes
Yeah, I've watched it.

Anyways, haven't read much manga, but it sounded like it came from there.

And gonna take one more guess before I call it quits: Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai.
here goes:
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
I must strike up a conversation.
... You have beautiful panties!"
i dont know that anime but heres mine:
"But I'm a spring roll not a idiot. *gets punched by a teacher is sent flying*
Why did we choose him for student council president?
Beats me..."

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