
I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010
Well, one of the eroge based anime this season. Cute school uniforms, but so far it's only been purling along - the end of the last episode promises some story development in the near future, though. :p

Hmm, I wonder who everyone likes (except Checkmate, who will love Shiro for being a loli imouto).
So far I like Kanade best - crazy otakou girl with a nice body (she could be a bit taller, though) and interesting fashion sense. :D
Kiriha could also be interesting, but she had so little acreentime until now that it is hard to judge.
Didnt play the eroge. Been spoiled by eroge frens meh b4 anime adaption announced last year. Liking kiriha and erika (tsundere mmmm). The interaction between chars feels very smooth. The mysterious vibe is hooking me.
More tsundere Erika~ Been wanting to read the VN but just don't have the time TT
Hm... if anyone noticed the 5th episode there is a lot of cameo from moonlight crade :) did i mistook them or its really a cameo?
*likes kuze and erika*
though, i want to play the VN, requested it already, but guess there will be problems
A very slow and weak episode. Notice a few weird angles and still frames, a 'saving budget' episode.

Nice to see characters cameo frm hani hani and yoake.
None-cabbage Yoake characters are good if u know what i mean lol. Sch festival event seems the less important so decision to cut budget here is good for other important events in later episodes. Episode 5 marks the end for the common route so hope we will get to better stuffs now.
Agree with the amount of stills going on - quite noticeably some budget saving in progress. :P

Hina continues to be boring, so I really hope the anime doesn't go down her path... The water balloon event was a disappointment - after all everyone is wearing white shirts, so I had hoped for some interesting shots. :P Kouhei probably did as well, which is why he took the spectator position. ^^
And seems like Kuze will continue being a boring character. >_>
Anyway, plenty of Kanade, which helps through the slow parts. ;)
anime definitely will not follow the game...
good thing though, coz i juz managed to download it
@terumi - actually they are following it, just cutting down the material.

Bleh late post.

This was ... an ok episode i guess, though i am having a bit hard time pinning how i exactly felt about it. The mood was generally handled well (and it was actually animated this time around, yay!), but the development was rather ...rushed isn't exactly the word i am searching for, bluntly straight forward perhaps ? It's like the director announced "Ok, we are going to cover Haruna's story in this one episode, get to it!", and that's what they did. You could feel the director's heavy hand on the shoulder, hurrying things along. Not quite rushed, but not nearly as elaborate as it could have been. As a result , it felt a that bit cliche for me. The scene between the Yuuki sisters and Kouhei was pretty heartwarming.

Well i guess this is the price to pay for trying to adapt a >30 hrs content to a 1 cour series =P. At least, i got some maid service :073:

Next week should be checkmate's favorite episode !!
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yet to try the game even though i downloaded it, hmm, but i do see the similarity from the day 1 and epi 1, as well as the sports carnival
An episode with pretty much nothing happening, reduced funding, a bit fanservice and a lot of round-about talking. It got a bit better in the middle, but was still annoying. >_>
Of course, I don't like Hina, so that might have played a role. :P
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A set up episode

i guess this is much better than previous episodes. Better animation and pacing. The motif of the ladybug at the start and end of the episode was nice, plus, maids and swimsuits. Can't go wrong with that. The stuff with Erika's birthday was sweet. Iori is starting to establish himself as one of my favorite characters. Ignoring the whole bloodsucking thing in the first episode, he's a lovable, scenery-chewing prankster who revels in himself to a refreshing degree. I can get behind that. Kanade's brief awareness of the fourth wall for a closing gag was a nice touch.

And the vampire stuff is starting to show its fangs again.
Sounds like Kouhei needs to be vampirised before he can get with Erika - but I'm sure he'll do it. :P Well, at least they're steadily becoming closer with each. ;) They also nearly managed to kiss, before Erika went into shocked mode again.
There's also quite a bit of fanservice with the pool opening - and the Judo club looks like it gathered all the perverts and imoucons of the school. :D
U have 2 episode 7 impressions XD. Checkmate should join that club.
Checkmate will join any club that is cute & juicable ~

OMG Bewbbbbs !!! This is Paradise ~. Heh, I didn't know vampire bewbs are that nice though kyaaa-. Shiro is also cuteeeeee ♥ ♥ ♥
First one was for the sixth episode - just took you a week to realise. :P
yea i knew u were referring to episode 6, didnt see u mislabel it until yesterday. Episode 7 raw was out that day so i missed the wrong labeling.
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Good episode~

Haruna losing her memories, a truck accident, vampires ability to erase (or unseal memories up to this episode). There was no way Haruna would have survived that truck without a severe injury that would permanently affect her. Since she was close to Erika, Erika could not control her actions, and came to save her, but was struck with fear that Haruna would not accept her vampire self, and that she would not be her friend anymore, so he permanently sealed her memories away (or that was what I thought until this episode)

Erika seems to be more and more tempted for Kohei's blood (the sensation, and the view going to the neck) especially with that dream that her vampire side had Kohei wrapped around, about to get bitten.

Now I see the stress that Erika, and her brother are going through, ever since that rumor spread, it went like wildfire, and everyone was scared, and being over-defensive about when that vampire would come after them. So if they ever found out that Erika and her brother are vampires, it would be the death of them, or they would just leave the school for somewhere else.

Anyway the plot is definitely moving now. According to friend who finish the game, true route is almost certain now.
Erika wants blood and Iori shows his cool side! Anyway, there's another vampire appearing and Kanade wants to go hunting. Of course, all the classical things are ineffective and she gives up without really trying, in part because Amaike tries to put her foot down.
The student council, under leadership of president Iori simply ignore her orders. They find out that Kuze is also a vampire, but a dependent looking for her master. It is not yet revealed what this means.
We do however get a revelation: Erika gives chase and Haruna, wandering out alone after seeing something strange, catches Erika in the act. This unravels memories that show what really happened in the truck accident six years ago - Erika saved Haruna and then erased her memories to keep her vampirism hidden. Now she has to give a repeat performance, but Kouhei talks her out of it and Haruna's memories are being returned.
All in all some drama and a lot of rising tension. I just hope the anime won't follow the Haruna path, because she is still annoyingly boring as well as simply annoying.
Hmm, it seems that Erika has grown since the last episode. No idea why they decided to draw her differently all of a sudden. Or why this episode starts with some fanservice shots of her in panties and an open shirt - no bra. Might be rating or BD related.
Anyway, we see how she feeds - conserved blood out of the fridge. Not much style, but I guess it works. ;) Haruna (recuperating) and Kuze (hiding) have been absent from school in the gap between episodes, but right at the beginning we see Haruna going back to it. Kanade is now in the loop as well and says "thank you (for saving her imouto)" to Erika in an emotional way. While Kanade states that Erika is and will continue to be her friend Kuze wanders by in the background. Completely in character she ignores the others greeting her as well as ignoring Iori and Seiichiro a bit later.
After that short scene we get a lot of hinting at future developments - Kuze being the "Dependent" of a certain 'her', which both Erika and Iori know. Additionally Erika doesn't want to see "her" for an undisclosed reason (sounds like dislike) and there was a promise between "her" and Erika.
That conversation is cut short by Kouhei walking in, oblivious of the surroundings. As 'punishment' he and Erika now have to organise the Culture Festival, the largest event at their school. They get some support from the tea group, but most of the work has to be done by them. Like shopping together...
After they're little trip they're relaxing at the beach (later at the bus stop, because it started raining) and Kouhei starts asking about what "Dependents" are. Turns out they form a contract with a vampire by drinking their blood. They do have the physical abilities of vampires, but in return they have long periods of forced sleep and have to follow their masters orders. Kuze's master is not surprisingly Erika and Iori's mother. They made that far to easy to guess, given how much drama they raised around the reveal in the anime.
While Erika is blabbering away Kuze is being escorted to her master, Kaya. Seems they're involved in some game of tag that Kuze is not really liking. She wants to quit the game, but Kayas orders are different and they are absolute.
On the Erika front it is revealed that her mother hates her for not acting like a proper vampire and that she has to make a Dependant before graduation, lest she be given eternal house arrest. No kidding, that's her punishment for failing. Kouhei, being a complete sap, offers to become her Dependant. Erika refuses, because she is scared, wants to be a human and values her friendships more than her true being.
It's also revealed that Iori loves Sister Amaike and that Erika loves Kouhei is now made obvious, for all those that missed it before.
All in all a rather disappointing episode. They led up to a grand finale, but now everything is revealed and the ending pretty much obvious. Completely messed up timing - everything crammed into one episode, with not much foreshadowing or gradual revelations being done.
Mostly agree what u said the most, but i still think it is still an ok episode even with the rush pacing and every revelations and development cramped into one episode. May be it is because i have watch other fail eroge anime adaptions like 11eyes, Akane Iro Somaru Saka which use horrible original material instead of sticking to the better source material. I have to give credit to adapt the source faithfully. Trying to adapt a visual novel with 50 hrs of material into a one cour series is still hard IMHO which results in rushed pacing.

On to the episode itself,
So that's how the vampire/vampireee mechanics work in this universe. Interesting. A bit unorthodox, but if vampires were the same everywhere, then fiction wouldn't be fiction. Not surprised that another festival is on the up-and-coming, and I thought it was really sweet that Kaede doesn't fault Erika, even if she is a vampire. So that's at least two more people who know about the whole creature of the night deal.

Looks like the conflict for the home stretch has been set up, so I'm curious where things will go from here.
Yay. Akai Yakusoku for the BGM, my favorite FA theme (it's the theme for Erika's normal ending.) Yay again.
Though I can't say for sure, if there's no extreme rush in the last episode they won't be able to explain all unanswered questions now. I can see it's going toward Erika's normal ending, which delights me very much because I want everyone to look forward to our work for the true ending. =D But then again, I can't say for sure.

It's like they had tried to include everything but gave up halfway and decided to go for Erika route later.
I still think FA anime could become excellent if it had been 24-episode with its true ending, and I prefer it that way.
A charming episode with good pacing.

When they started talking about going to the beach I was concerned this would turn into another generic beach episode which seems like overkill since we already got to see all the girls in swimsuits in the pool episode. However, even though they did spend a lot of time showing girls in bikinis the use of the beach was justified plot-wise as an excuse to get Erika away from her supply of blood so it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Well some fanservice doesn't hurt :P.

I just want to say that the fireworks scene at the end was really well done. I liked how her red ribbon goes flying (ref: OP) and it unleashes her vampire side (as if it were a seal). The whole stage being set against the fireworks... again, sort of theatrical, but I liked it. It played out like a romantic confession... but in a sense, even more powerful. Kouhei accepts everything about Erika for her sake, and his life course is set. Given the context of past conversations, I think Erika realizes that as well. I liked how they added a little lead-up to the ED; always love it when shows do this.

Hmm... i don't think they have enough time for true ending as what Frank said.

P.S. I hope he starts calling her Erika soon; I'm getting a bit sick of "Vice-President".
Episode starts with the preparations for the summer festival in full swing. Kouhei and Erika leave together and in their semi-monologues it's revealed that the vice presidents work fixation comes from an attempt to verify her her humanity through it.
Erika is also summoned by her mother and perfectly portraits the rebellious child rejecting all of her (true vampire) values - no dependants, no live feeding.
Continuing with the episodic style of this episode they go to the beach. Shiori and Seiichiro can't attend, since they have dance practice - but the group will meet up with them later to watch the fireworks together.
Apart from plenty of fanservice Erika also gets really thirsty - for some reason she didn't want to drink blood the day before and that's taking its toll. Since Kouhei continues to keep close to Erika it only gets worse for her. She wants to snack on him after all. Iori also makes sure that Kouhei knows what's going on with Erika.
The next scene is them going to the shrine. Sine Kouhei now knows what is going on he starts doting on Erika, making her thirst even worse. Once the fireworks start Iori pushes everyone forward and in an unexpected turn of events Kouhei ends up hugging Erika. During that she nearly looses it, so she does the logical thing and runs away. Her wanna-be boyfriend is the only one that notices this and goes after her. He finds her, they struggle, she turns completely vampire, he hugs her and she starts feeding on him.

All in all a lot better than the last episode, but the fragmented way the episode is structured still makes it suffer.

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