
~Pyon Pyon~
Elite Member
Nov 3, 2010
Aquarion EVOL



12,000 years have passed in this world, the story of Apollon and Sylvie have become a children's story called "Skies Of Aquaria". The "Abductors" Invaders from Altea come to Earth with only one purpose, they invade to harvest humans. DEAVA the Aquaria Academy exists to train men and women to use Aquaria, but they cannot ever merge because of Guize stones, these block an "unholy union" between genders. The story follows Amata and Mikono in their enrollment into DEAVA, and fight the Abductors.

Seiyuu Cast: Kaji Yuuki, Kayano Ai, Fujimura Ayumi, Toriumi Kousuke, Suzumura Kenichi, Hanazawa Kana, Suwabe Junichi, Nakajima Megumi among other top seiyuus.

Chief Director/Original Creator : Kawamori Shoji
Director : Yamamoto Yusuke
Series Composition : Okada Mari
Music : Kanno Yoko, Otsuka Ayako
Animation : SATELIGHT, 8-bit

Information credits to ANN.
How the heck did a thread elude this show still shocks me, given that we are half way through into the story now, but better late than none. Post away on your impressions and favorite pairings and episodes~

It's LOT more serious than the original and more characters with unique personalities.
I miss the hilarious nonsense hissatsuwaza's from the original but EVOL ones have its moments too (like "orz", that was my favorite). I think it might actually overthrow the original Aquarion.

Also I'm liking Mikono. She's been supplementing me with moetastic factors that Inori couldn't provide.

You know Mykage's troll is successful when even Gen Zen is pissed.

/me salute.
My favorite girls are close in line with the popularity votes. MIX because Fujimura Ayumi brings out her tsun so effortlessly and naturally, Zessica because she is that hawt. Mikono is cute and very moe~ Throw in a gothic lolita in Crea and mature sister in Suomi, you have a female cast worth dying for.

Favorite guys are Andy and Cayenne. I cant just have enough of the 2, whose voice actors are doing completely different types of character from what they usually take up. Andy digging his holes while scoring with MIX is holy hell awesome, while Cayenne no-nonsense character adds a new page to Suzumura Kenichi's already awesome resume. Suwabe Junichi stalking Amata around during the group 'date' blowing darts was one great laugh. Even shy boy Jin provided good laughs with his inexperience with girls.

In short, for those who havent, watch it!
i've already see this anime until episode 7. and i'd love the characters ones... (i'd hate hte story...)
As of latest episode:

Well, we got a clear answer who are the fated 2 now, after all the guessing since episode 1. Its definitely Amata(true wings of sun) and Mikono, not Kagura x Mikono like hinted all over and over again. While thats the case, I wonder what does Zessica's vision in the mirror meant. In the first place, how could she have saw that vision? Mikage again? I worry for her well-being, after seeing her angst from the jealously between Amata and between. Poor girl has it rough, I really hope she doesnt end up like the typical angst/jealously-driven character type later.

And all salute poor Jin. Man was man till the end. R.I.P
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I'm expecting a twist of some sort, feels a bit too quick to be slating anything about who or what is who of the original Aquarion
With everyone mopping for... everyone, this week was really uneventful. I wouldnt mind one bit if Yunoha just really disappeared for good though.

Fudo's great idea of burying oneself along the dead was... ingenious. Being buried alive is no joke, so he leaves(pushes) Mikono into a corner and really activating her true Element for once. Watching them in estacy underground is no fun, give me back my Aquarion gattai already.

And, someone did mention, we get another Kagura cliffhangar again this week. I already lost count of how many times he has done this.
Nice episode, liked it a lot.

Just goes to show all the guys (minus Shrade) are completely useless in actual combat. Poor Donar and Cayanne, who are supposed to be 'trained'. Malloy driving off the 2 girls in that CG car was good, guy has some skills with that 4 wheeler. Andy and MIX tag team really looked like husband and wife. :D

With Kagura's kidnapping and subsequent confessions, the whole 'true couple' between Apollon and Sylvie gets thrown up again. Or so I believed when Amata is the true wings of sun, Kagura admits he is Apollon, and Mikono is Sylvie. Everyone knows Kagura aint talking straight about 'hating and wanting to kill' Mikono, but that blushing was unnecessary, because Mikono did ask him to **** her in his own words.

I liked that fight between Kagura and Amata. I really did hope Kagura would kill Amata for me, or at least somehow point Amata's affections away from Mikono. Cayanne fails us again, he probably had all the time in the world for a headshot he didnt deliver.

I am glad Zessica revealed her visions to Amata, but that idiot still doesnt realise her feelings. Give me back my pure maiden whose teasing antics first brought me into watching this show. You give her a crush, and you turn her into a Asemu 'super-pilot from another series'. No, I dont want that, no one wants. I want my Zessica back, its been too long since her raging and jelly-ness.

And that new ED by Ogura Yui is plain plain horrible. That 16 year old only singing experience is with StylipS, a group. You dont throw her into a single fair yet. Give me back AKINO's ED.

Gotta love that scene, especially when Fudo breathes in so deep to shout it.

When the original series played back with that song, I can only watch in awe. Lovely scenes and with the original song~ Excellent!

Still blur with the pairings, but who cares.

And new OP and new ED from last week sucks.
I honestly have no clue about the reincarnations now that Kagura and Zessica's visions are now proven to be false. All I know is that Mikono HAS to be a reincarnation of somebody important because she's the only one who's truely been pointed out as such by Fudo. Fudo's "You havn't changed" comment proves this.

Am I the only one who doesn't find it weird that Zessica hasn't recieved any "special" attention compared to Amata, Kagura, and Mikono who all recieve some from Fudo and Mykage. All she has is her element power, her "out of nowhere" feelings for Amata, and Mykage's troll vision.:/ I'm hoping that if she's a reincarnation they'll start foreshadowing it soon.

Cayenne + Sazanka + Malloy >> Amata + Mikono + Zessica
Top secret mission?!?! Throw in bananas and bikinis, this idea from Fudo created a complete mess of the situation, in a very very good sense.

Like Andy, I was guessing for the Original Aquarion to be dug out. I got more affirmative when Fudo or Andy himself 'plunged' Andy into darkness and he started digging into a long long way down. I got a scare because the Abductor appeared then, I thought Mikage was gonna troll us again. Thankfully no.

Best scene : Andy x MIX. I was cheering so damn hard for Andy to man up and confess to MIX. All was good! The build-up, the emotions, I was so on for a proper confession. TILL, he slipped some words, while looking at the wrong part of her body. Gotta suck to be Andy in that situation just now.

Bikini service~ Everyone's looking good. No interest in Yunoha and Sazanka though, SUOMI SHOWS OFF THE ADULT APPEAL. Zessica's sexy black, Mikono's sailor-fuku styled ones and MIX's big bangs. Mikono and Zessica manage to sort things out, or so I think, with regards to Zessica's confession to Amata.



And preview aint kind again. Could Zessica really be the true heroine of the series? I WANT A YES, but its gonna be a train wreck of emotions for me personally if she gets too involved in this mess.
What is this I don't even. Outfit of the year.

My two cents on Zessica's dress? Considering this might be the first time she's wearing a dress, she probably 'got the wrong idea of how it's suppose to work' and subconsciously stuck to what she's 'familiar' with

Mah, either way- 'Weird' and 'ness' are the bread and butter of this series Nobody's immune.

Let me fill your hole!
Hands off my Zessica.

EP 17 would have been great if preview didnt show another raging scene (again).

Things really took a drastic change.

Like I feared, Zessica's continual angst and rage may lead her to a wrong-doing, this time suggesting to Izumo to take her back to Altair. But the trouble now, instead of her, MIX gets captured, leaving a shocked Andy behind. I would wager that Satelight chose her just because they can milk her for her huge fanbase given her popularity in the character votes. If not, I will rage because Zessica would have been gone.

Now about this latest twist, clearly EVOL hasnt moved past its first roots. Zessica's angst is 1 thing, Mikono's 'dekiko-nai' laments are another, Amata's straight yet not so straight feelings for Mikono and Kagura, that Andy and MIX relationship and the constant trolls from Mikage.

Was this 26 episodes? In that case, I really have no clue how this show is gonna close now, given the remaining number of episodes. The next 2 episodes are most likely gonna focus around saving MIX and Andy's moment to man up. Which leaves a still raging (definitely self-hating now) Zessica, and a messy relationship between Kagura, Mikono and Amata. Even the adults have messy relationships, Donar needs to grab Suomi soon, Fudo's constant know-it-all face and Crea, and Alicia and the new Eve nonsense on Altair.

Now I wait and see.
I didn't watched the original (Sousei no Aquarion), but this one is good enough to catch my attention, I like it!

I cant comprehend shit in this episode, the things I didnt want to see happen really happened. Just when Zessica triggered an 'enemy' flag like episodes ago when she first fell for Amata, I thought MIX's capture would meant she avoided it. Then no, Mikage comes down with yet another troll, with Zessica needing to fulfill her side of the promise which I really dont want to find out what it is. And the grope, sickening. SATELIGHT better wrap the story up well after failures of epic proportions in recent months and the recent titles, this show was from good to bad.

The magical disappearance of the BIG BANGS. That should be the title this week. The infiltration into Altair was weak, given that they only had 5 vectors, and they conveniently left the Suzushiro siblings out of the action. Amata finds his mum, while Andy gets captured. Seriously, Shrade says he can hear everyone's unique sound, how come he doesnt realise that MAN they were dragging around was actually MIX?

Preview aint clear too. What is going on, seriously.
May your big bewbs rest in peace :x
MIXY? Wut, seriously dudes? Dont give her an unnecessary line to make the whole thing look stupidier.

OR so the whole 'curse' is revealed, but like, the viewers should know already if they give some thought. I was clutching my fingers so hard Zessica wouldnt end up like MIX. Yunoha can die for all I care, in fact, I really dont care about her and her 'tomboy' speech.

The thing that got me the most was the mention of Amata's dad. Other than that, its the constant trolling of Fudo and Mykage.

Oh look, we got ourselves yet another Kagura cliffhangar. I am so excited, not.
OMFG. You b@stards, what have your done to my Zessica. That kiss was lovely, but you didnt have to land that blow on her.

Andy, I know how you feel. Probably not, but no big bangs is really sad. Only thing that was logical was MIX's filled holes are able to stop Andy's abilities from overloading.

That BL scene between Shrade and Cayanne. And that eventual union Sazanka hoped to get. Laughed at the fujoshi statement.

So Kagura = Amata, twins or something? Doubtful, probably a parallel existence I guess. So who is the true destined one? Mikono continues her 'useless' streak along with Fudo. Just give us our pretty girls back (including Alicia), Altair can rot and die along Myake for all I care.

Preview doesnt show Zessica at all. T__T
If she survives, last boss set-up?

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