Aliens fact or fiction?


Elite Member
Elite Member
Jul 26, 2011
I've stated before that I don't buy into a lot of conspiracy theory, however I enjoy reading and watching shows and such on several ones with aliens being my fave subject.

I don't believe that these exist and I have felt this way for many years. Deep down I think it would be awesome if they did in fact exist (I blame sci-fi for that lol).

So what are your thoughts? Are they fact or fiction? Is there any documents and such that you feel would make a believer or a non believer out of someone? Do share :)
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I believe there are things we are not being told, I believe they are here and they have been for a long time. As for documents and info, wow, there is a hard one, reading and reading sorting the believable from the trash is a matter of what one sees as such. I have read tons of things on MUFON and other places online, and the Black Vault I am a standing member there as well.

As I said before I never believed in this stuff until I saw things in Arizona, then my whole outlook changed. When something happens to you, then you tend to look differently or more open to the idea of "What If?"
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Given the size of the universe it's more than likely there is more life, even more intelligent life. To think we're the only ones strikes me as a bit conceited - and doesn't work well with the laws of statistics. :P

That being said I never understood why aliens would want to come here and then do nothing but make some random appearance. If their technology is advanced enough to travel at faster than light speed (a ship traveling at sub-light would have to be huge to sustain a population), they should be able to hide their presence better than this.
Then again, maybe their thinking is just too alien for us to understand. :P
Then again, maybe their thinking is just too alien for us to understand. :P

Totally, totally, agreed there!

I do not think that if there are 10,000-Billion-Billion stars in the "Seen" universe this far, that out of that kind of a statistic WE are it? I know it goes against what a lot of "Religion" says, and I do believe in God, but I believe in a God that is not so narrow minded to only make us here on our little blue marble.

If they are here, my only thought as why they could be is maybe they see us, as a younger them. They may be watching us to get a better idea on how their ancestors did things. Like a living experiment? I guess is the word. If they are here for a Invasion Plan, only reasons for that is 2 things that are logical in my book are: 1: The Planets Eco System for survival, and 2: Slaves. Saying they are here for our resources is out of the window, there are planets in our solar system alone with way more resources than ours. We have stripped ours pretty well thus far.
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Nah, I was more commenting on why they'd let themselves being spotted by us. Monitoring is best done without interaction and with the technology they possess keeping hidden should be easy. ;)
Many years ago('80s or '90s), scientists have retrieved a meteorite rock that was crashed in the Antarctica(or was it Arctic) which contain alien microorganism. That alone have proved that there are life out there.
And with thousand, perhaps millions of galaxies out there, each contain hundred thousands millions stars, chances of we're not alone are extremely high.
As for the *LGM-type alien, that I leave to everyone's imagination.

*Lil' Green Men
I feel it is arrogant for us to believe that we are the only sentient beings in the "VAST" universe. Yet, I'm also of the mind that seeing is believing.
All of you basically said what I was going to. I believe that there ARE aliens somewhere out there, and possibly some of the only reasons they'd even come here would probably be to take the planet for its resources, study humans, enslave all humans, or make friends. So in other words, I'm guessing if there are aliens, they don't really have any reason to come here. And if they do, I'm hoping its to make friends, I'd enjoy having an alien as a friend o.o
DAM! it hit me while working on my PC, I know EXACTLY why they are here!

Intergalactic Kegger! LOL! wahaha!
If the alien thinking like us human, then I'm gonna worry, coz history have shown how advanced civilizations treated less advanced civilizations. Take the New World(America continent) for example.
I personally find aliens very good in a Will Smith movie or some kind of TV Show, (is there an Anime with aliens in it?) but in all else like in the school text books, the history shows, what people say, the news and on and on. All of it I find very anecdotal.

There is an entertaining thought for aliens having existed but I find it very unlikely.
I think it's a bit naive to assume that aliens are intelligent and have more advanced technology than ours. It is even possible that aliens are just organisms without any technology like a bacteria as alex said.
I wouldn't mind if aliens like Yuki Nagato come to our Earth, as long non of them become psychopath killer like Asakura Ryouko.
Some people would be happy, when they see aliens with many tentacles... :D
Given the size of the universe it's more than likely there is more life, even more intelligent life. To think we're the only ones strikes me as a bit conceited - and doesn't work well with the laws of statistics. :P

That being said I never understood why aliens would want to come here and then do nothing but make some random appearance. If their technology is advanced enough to travel at faster than light speed (a ship traveling at sub-light would have to be huge to sustain a population), they should be able to hide their presence better than this.
Then again, maybe their thinking is just too alien for us to understand. :P

Totally Agree with coro.

there's too many stars, planet, galaxy out there.. and there should be a life being out there too.
I believe there is a living existence out there, either from other galaxy or the another galaxy. I may not have proof or a means to find one but the chances of another beings are high considering that we on our galaxy exist as a human. Following that flow of idea, I believe there is or was a living beings out there.
(My belief of God and belief of Science is on a clash!) <- Don't mind this. ^_^
well i believe there are other living things on other planets but not the one like in si fi who is smarter than us etc maybe some kinda of plants maybe bacteria
I do believe that there is another type of civilization out there.
It could simply just exist as something in which we cannot identify with. After all , we identify a living being as
1. It moves
2. It could have a mind of individual
3. It reproduces
4. It reacts to a disturbance/something that could be threatening it
... etc
Of course : Nobody ever claimed to have proven evidence of aliens anywhere.
BUT, that is how WE define 'life form' as, which may not be true to 'the aliens'
In other words, aliens could exist in a form we cannot identify, but that doesn't mean that aliens don't exist.
Actually, just the word 'aliens' is a bit biased. Maybe they have being living with us for long?
Phenomenons happen, even if things get proven later, it also adds to the mystery of what seems to be 'aliens'...
It's a fiction. Probably people make this up to fool people. There is no evidence, there are really exist. What we see on Youtube are probably hoaxes?
I would say God can create anything he wants so why not aliens. It is sorta like Schrödinger's cat, unless we make sure (kinda hard with all those planets out there and our current technology) there is always the chance that they may exist. Who are we to question God if he wants to make aliens. I do wonder what form they can appear in and maybe there is dimensional differences too. Someone from another dimension is an alien too arent they? Of course there is also the definition of alien that is just anyone that isnt from a country so yay real live aliens :3
If the alien thinking like us human, then I'm gonna worry, coz history have shown how advanced civilizations treated less advanced civilizations. Take the New World(America continent) for example.

Steven Hawking said that it's best that we avoid contact with aliens since they will probably have much more advanced technology than what we have right now.If they thought like us,them i'm pretty sure that htey would've tried to enslave us,use out planets resources and study us...
Universe is too big. Must be someone out there. Yes, I think that any significantly advanced life can find us. If they have long lifespans, some of the the distance becomes negligible. If they do not, they might have ships that can support several or more generations of their descendents. If they have FTL, the chances that they'll find us are even higher.

I think we can, right now, travel to the nearest solar system and back, if anyone is willing to spend an entire lifetime doing it. At the very least, we should be zipping back and forth between here and Pluto with our current tech. On another thread, I quoted Carl Sagan's Cosmos about the U.S. plans to build a ship with a nuclear drive. They scrapped the project because of the treaty that bans nuclear explosions in space.

If we can do it, somewhere some alien species might be doing it right now.

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