[Hentai game] [200424] [あざらしそふと] アマカノ2 + Bonus + Update 1.1 [H-Game]


The Fallen Devil
Global Moderator
Oct 18, 2010

Remember: Keep seeding after the download ^^

baka girlcelly - NemuAndHaruka Happy download ^_^

girlcelly said:

PS 1: Direct Links for this game could be found at here: :)

PS 2: If you have problem about my torrents, make sure to check and read this thread for solutions before asking same questions ! ^^

http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/[Question & Answer]-24181/

PS 3: Um...If you ever consider buy Premium Account, you can use my Rapidgator Referral Link or Uploaded Referral Link. I am really appreciated for your support~


  • [200424] [あざらしそふと] アマカノ2 + Bonus + Update 1.1.torrent
    34.7 KB · Views: 983
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I am torn this month. It's been a while since this happen. Quite a while actually. I don't remember the last time I was divided on my #1 for the month. The most epic of battles...Emotion vs Libido. On the emotion side hear we have Amakano 2. I am an immense fan of this series. As soon as this game was announced I pre-order it. Then as the characters,settings and demo showed, I started to like this game more and more. And add on top that this might be the most varied Amakano personality wise. Like there is no overlap personality wise between the 3 of them.

I honestly believe that there is not a game currently made that captures the whole "boy meets girl" in such a wholesome experience as the Amakano series. There are many games out there but in my years of experience, nobody does the romance like Amakano. It is SSS-tier. This franchise emphasis on romance is worth supporting. There are times that when I am feeling down, I sometimes go back to the confession scenes for they are that good. Japanese women, take note here since this is still culturally relevant to you. If you want to confess to your man, this is how you do it. Like I said...Emotion.

You know what? Fuck it! Amakano 2 is best of the month. After all this is where my heart lies. And you know...with all this social distancing and pandemia bullshit we all need some love. Yeah I said it. Amakano 2 is exactly the prescription to reality in these times of ours. We all deserve to fall in love again and have nostalgia of that fuzzy feeling we all feel when we are in love. Amakano 2...You might not be what the WHO recommends, but you are exactly what we need. And I didn't figure it out until I started writing this. My heart is with you.

Here are the goodies. Stay safe in this pandemic!



P.S: I dig Keniichi's looks. Of course I said his name. If protags have default names, I use those. I don't do the whole "putting myself in a blank canvas chara" thing. The game is better voiced with the default anyway and it doesn't sound "fakeish". Which why I can't wait for the upcoming Purple Software game (my new fav company after Minori turned belly up). Yuuto has a face and personality in there! Seishun Fragile is a back to form. A homecoming. And yep I read the interview and my hunch was right. It is a spiritual succesor of Mirai Nostalgia. Excellent! Play the trial. I love how Purple releases demos right when they announce releases. Hypes me the fuck up! Shit I went on a tangent...Um yeah! I dig the turtleneck plus blazer look. Reminds me of Steve McQueen. The GOAT Menwear's fashionista.

P.S 2: Chitose is my favorite heroine in the entire franchise and best route (personally) since this is the first time I see the whole changing from "I love you as a brother" to "I love you as a man" executed in a visual medium. First time I see it in an eroge for real and anywhere really. Usually in eroges they are lazy and just assume the heroine was always in love, and in other mediums such relationships are always ill fated but not here. The transition is properly done. Not to bring down the other routes as all routes are great but this one resonated with me more. Yuuhi's might be the favorite one to most as it kind of a roller coaster and Rei's gave me Violet Evergarden vibes for some reason (Never a bad thing). I'll buy from now on any merch Nexton releases with Chitose in it. Deadass serious.
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Just FYI,

I have a feeling this might have been a copy bought from Softmap since my copy just arrived today. Kind of weird as it usually arrives on the release...Oh well Thanks for the upload to the community.
Thanks for sharing, I waited so long for this game since I saw the demo, definitely the best game of the month for me.

PS: It's always good to see other people excited for a new Purple Software game, their stories are so fun to read, and I didn't know Seishun Fragile was a spiritual successor of Mirai Nostalgia so I'm glad I pre-order it, thanks for the info 'fresco
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Thanks for sharing, I waited so long for this game since I saw the demo, definitely the best game of the month for me.

PS: It's always good to see other people excited for a new Purple Software game, their stories are so fun to read, and I didn't know Seishun Fragile was a spiritual successor of Mirai Nostalgia so I'm glad I pre-order it, thanks for the info 'fresco

You know it Adelheit. Seishuun Fragile is legit. Kagami sensei said it was the successor on the website interview. I'm still deciding from which store to pre-order. Probably I'll go with Fanza since they have the Setsuna pillowcase. You can't never go wrong with the brown short hair girl. My favorite heroine on purple games tends to be the brown hair one. And Setsuna is one of the most unique stalkers I have seen.

I am just so excited that everyone can enjoy Amakano!
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I didn't know that guys on this forum is alive in comments for eroge... Ahaha. Sorry.

I just thought that last years eroge industry goes down, and less and less people buying it, interested in it etc.
And that's why I didn't see any comments under the new eroge at all. I just saw a ton of comment in 2013, 2014, for example... from various people. I don't know where those people now... But I'm glad I see a few comments here, like I'm back in 2013, when eroge was more popular than now, in 2020.
I didn't know that guys on this forum is alive in comments for eroge... Ahaha. Sorry.

I just thought that last years eroge industry goes down, and less and less people buying it, interested in it etc.
And that's why I didn't see any comments under the new eroge at all. I just saw a ton of comment in 2013, 2014, for example... from various people. I don't know where those people now... But I'm glad I see a few comments here, like I'm back in 2013, when eroge was more popular than now, in 2020.

This is a sequel and it happens to be the most awaited VN for a lot of folks this month. You won't see me this excited for Dirty Insect Bug Extortion Paradise!

Also you said it yourself. Industry is trending down and the best way to support anything I believe it is to throw money at it. Back in '13, I was broke as $#!t. But now that I have disposable income, I buy all the eroge from the companies I want to support. All the writers worked jointly for Purple and Minori. And...I already lost my favorite company. :lapi_sad:
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Mind sharing with me which company that would be...?

I guess you don't remember the avatar I use all of last year right? Let this picture say everything. I was on mourning for whole year. Screenshot_2019-03-03 [ その日の獣には、] ( sonokemo) Twitter.png
I guess you don't remember the avatar I use all of last year right? Let this picture say everything. I was on mourning for whole year. View attachment 24523

Thanks for the reply!
I've just read the news about Minori and it doesn't seem like the reason behind the company closure was due to any financial problem, but because of other reasons...
[URL="https://kai-you.net/article/62493"]https://kai-you.net/article/62493 [/URL]

Sorry I don't know much about this company until now, but it seems they were a really good company according to their past releases and their catch phrase...
I feel for you...and more importantly, company who are making games catering to meet the customer's demand, while deep down, knowing they're not making the game they originally envisioned with.
Sorry for this out of topic post :X
Being one of the older generation player (2003 and beyond). I feel like I should give my 2-cent. minori was great until they betrayed me by releasing an all age game. I consider all eroge companies as traitors if they do so. While I don't particularly feel happy about that (minori's closure), I don't have a lick of empathy upon their announcement.

CIRCUS is the latest one to be label as a traitor with the release of D.C.4. If they do not release an X-rated version, I will burn my entire D.C. Collection, all of it everything x-rated they released since 2005.

Amakano series is indeed diabetes class, but I wish they would use smaller melons on the character.

My dearest brand is now Hulotte but they are recently pulled retarded moves like online-only DRM. I stop buying them for now as a result.
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I'm sorry, what?.. What's wrong with VN being only all-ages?
You're not only here for sex, right?
You can enjoy the wonderful story even without H scenes. Adding H scenes only for "just because"?

Maybe, I'm not understanding something, because I'm usual players and not otaku, but maybe, you can explain your vision about "every VN should be 18+"? I'm just interested.
Being one of the older generation player (2003 and beyond). I feel like I should give my 2-cent. minori was great until they betrayed me by releasing an all age game. I consider all eroge companies as traitors if they do so. While I don't particularly feel happy about that (minori's closure), I don't have a lick of empathy upon their announcement.

Wow...it didn't hit me that we can view from that perspective! That's a really fresh for me, thanks for sharing your opinion! Mind blown actually.

CIRCUS is the latest one to be label as a traitor with the release of D.C.4. If they do not release an X-rated version, I will burn my entire D.C. Collection, all of it everything x-rated they released since 2005.

Amakano series is indeed diabetes class, but I wish they would use smaller melons on the character.

My dearest brand is now Hulotte but they are recently pulled retarded moves like online-only DRM. I stop buying them for now as a result.

Wow..this is like my first time seeing someone being that passionate for eroge companies. Maybe I was just living in a small small well afterall.
Thanks for the input!
PS: I already know that different people have different tastes for things,
but after seeing your comment about the preference for smaller melons on the character in Amakano series somehow reminded me the fact that, humans are indeed unique even with the same anatomy.

I'm sorry, what?.. What's wrong with VN being only all-ages?
You're not only here for sex, right?
You can enjoy the wonderful story even without H scenes. Adding H scenes only for "just because"?

Maybe, I'm not understanding something, because I'm usual players and not otaku, but maybe, you can explain your vision about "every VN should be 18+"? I'm just interested.

Well, think from another perspective....it's like people who love their idols like iuno AKB48,
finding out the fact that the members that they cheered for since the very beginning, were having affairs/ scandals/ secret boyfriend/ went to become AV idols behind the stage...
that is a really deep blow to them if you can really visualize the scene and analyze it from a different perspective by putting yourself in their shoes.
Wow..this is like my first time seeing someone being that passionate for eroge companies. Maybe I was just living in a small small well afterall.
Thanks for the input!
PS: I already know that different people have different tastes for things,
but after seeing your comment about the preference for smaller melons on the character in Amakano series somehow reminded me the fact that, humans are indeed unique even with the same anatomy.

If I have to be completely honest, I completely agree with Checkmate: I've been playing vn since the early 2000 and I don't like when some software houses pop up some all age vn, despite having focused on 18+ for all their time, if you really have to do this, at least let spawn a subsidiary to handle all age titles, and even so it still stinks to me. I like 18+ vn, because I like that adult content along the story (especially after light butchered dies irae, stripping it from 18+ content and editing part of the story due to it).

Well, think from another perspective....it's like people who love their idols like iuno AKB48,
finding out the fact that the members that they cheered for since the very beginning, were having affairs/ scandals/ secret boyfriend/ went to become AV idols behind the stage...
that is a really deep blow to them if you can really visualize the scene and analyze it from a different perspective by putting yourself in their shoes.

Wait is that true? I'm not into idols, let alone AV ones, but after hearing this, it makes me stay even more far away from that than before. I mean, I can understand the secret boyfriend thing, they have their life after all, you can't pretend for a person to stay single for their fans (buuuut this is coming from someone who isn't that young and maybe I can't graps this specific aspect of the japanese subculture), but shifting to AV idol... meh.
I received a lot of PM asking me regarding all ages opinion, I replied to them but it seems this justify my reply here as well:

Sex creates strong bonds, and that's what makes up the bulk of the eroge I read - the strength that bonds them together to overcome challenges.

With that said, I only buy and care for vanilla genre (AKA Pure Love story). The love are pure without much of an ulterior move. I skipped all the dramatic or the nakige title.
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I received a lot of PM asking me regarding all ages opinion, I replied to them but it seems this justify my reply here as well:

Sex creates strong bonds, and that's what makes up the bulk of the eroge I read - the strength that bonds them together to overcome challenges.

With that said, I only buy and care for vanilla genre (AKA Pure Love story). The love are pure without much of an ulterior move. I skipped all the dramatic or the nakige title.

I agree with that, not only about storywise or development, but tecnically is really limiting for both sides. It's painful for developers when they have to worry about what age rating their game will take which results in they rewrite over and over the story, making they feel superficial and lacks when compared with others releases. As for the player, you only see the top of events and actions between a couple, you see words but not in action and this make hard to tell what's exactly is going on in a couple relationship and which stage they are. That's what differs eroge from others games with romance or romance games, in a +18 VN you clearly see everything and everyside of a relationship and things that you cannot see in all age. And no it's not about H-scenes only, it's about all contents that can turn all ages into a high rated VN.

Damn, we're talking about it in a game that show it to us, even H-scene in amakano 2 hold development for story and relationship, even if game is giving us an option to skip! Everytime you see something that's not common on all age in this game try figure out how this can be ported for all age. It's just not the same.

this is my experience when sometimes played all age novels(mostly pure love) when comparing with +18 (mostly pure love), there's VNs in certain themes that all age are good, but mostly of themes are preferably +18. Well, japanese companies showed us how far we can see, obviously is poor/lacking if an eroge company make a turn around to all age company
for applying the update, I just need to run "amakano2_ver1.1.exe" ? shoud I move it to game folder first?

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