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    [Hentai game] [200529] [ILLUSION] ハニーセレクト2 リビドー + Kunoichi Set + Dog Ear & Dog Tail Set [H-Game]

    Thanks for share Though just a warning for others, this thing has Soft Denchi DRM protection
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    [Hentai game] ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [200529][エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ [4105M] (Pre-order & Sofmap Append Disc & Crack Included)

    Re: ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [200529][エウシュリー] 天冥のコンキスタ [4105M] (Append Disc Included) Thanks for upload! I assume this is protected by playDRM like last few Eushully games
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    [Hentai game] [200327] [戯画 Team AIGIS] 恋する乙女と守護の楯 Reboot The“SHIELD-9” 初回限定版 + Radio CD + Update 1.02 [H-Game]

    Website says in addition to scenes redrawn to HD, there are also some changes to scenarios and increased the amount of scenarios for two of the heroines
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    [Hentai game] [191025] [ILLUSION] AI*少女 + Sexy Soldier Set + Halloween Set + Studio [H-Game]

    Someone have 10/31 patch uploaded to mega or something? I always have issue with Illusion website
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    [Hentai game] [191025] [ILLUSION] AI*少女 + Sexy Soldier Set + Halloween Set + Studio [H-Game]

    quite the tedious game for an illusion game. is there anything else to unlock after you unlock housing island
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    [Hentai game] ❀velka Bought Game❀ [190222] [アストロノーツ・シリウス] ギルドマスター + Update 1.02 [H-Game]

    super buggy game, updated to 1.03 still getting black screen triggering dungeon events - wait a few weeks for fixes
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    [Hentai game] [SLG] [Gear Stone Software] Nラブ ―ネ取りネ取られ生きるのさ― / N Love ~Life is full of stealing and stolen~ Ver.1.04a

    Re: [SLG] [Gear Stone Software] Nラブ ―ネ取りネ取られ生きるのさ― / N Love ~Life is full of stealing and stolen~ Ver.1.03 Anyone have save? I manage to have 2 play throughs but it just crashes so much
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    [Hentai game] [SLG] [Gear Stone Software] Nラブ ―ネ取りネ取られ生きるのさ― / N Love ~Life is full of stealing and stolen~ Ver.1.04a

    Re: [SLG] [Gear Stone Software] Nラブ ―ネ取りネ取られ生きるのさ― Ver.1.02 I believe the 1.03 update is free to download on dmm
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    [Hentai game] [171208] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 三極姫5 飛将光臨・戦煌の闘神 通常版 + Update [H-Game]

    all unicorn-a/gesen-18 games recent years seems to always take awhile for the crack to be released, come back in a month
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    [Hentai game] [New Release][171001][モヤシ技研] Eliminator カエデさん (Ver.1.2) [2273M] [RJ209760]

    Re: [New Release][171001][モヤシ技研] Eliminator カエデさん (Ver.1.01) [1555M] [RJ209760] anyone have build 2? Supposedly fix the bug that makes you unable to fire guns after some events.
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    [Hentai game] ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170526] [エウシュリー] 天結いキャッスルマイスター + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game] [Crack]

    Only played a little bit, battle system seems like just updated version of himegari/kamidori. Even have the horrible RNG stats up when you level up.
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    [Hentai game] [150327] [unicorn-a] 戦極姫6 ~天下覚醒、新月の煌き~ + Additional Character Patch + Scans + NoDVD Crack

    Reading 1.02 patch notes, the autumn spending was adjusted for Uesugi, Takeda, Ootomo, Oda as it was going into the negative too much. 地方マップを使用した上杉家、武田家、大友家、織田家シナリオで、秋の収支がマイナスになることが多い不具合を修正しました。 I guess this would help alleviate some of the money problem when I was on Takeda... but does anyone...
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    [Hentai game] [150327] [unicorn-a] 戦極姫6 ~天下覚醒、新月の煌き~ + Additional Character Patch + Scans + NoDVD Crack

    Thanks, I'll give it a try dismissing some of the common officers. Anyone have the pre-order bonus patch?
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    [Hentai game] [150327] [unicorn-a] 戦極姫6 ~天下覚醒、新月の煌き~ + Additional Character Patch + Scans + NoDVD Crack

    How do you keep enough money to stay afloat, I tried it on normal settings and run out of money in like 10 turns. Tax people?
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    [Hentai game] ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [150327][unicorn-a / げーせん18] 戦極姫6 ~天下覚醒、新月の煌き~ 豪華限定版 [5792M] (Crack Added)

    Re: ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [150327][unicorn-a / げーせん18] 戦極姫6 ~天下覚醒、新月の煌き~ 豪華限定版 [5792M] Thx for the quick upload from 2DJGAME. I assume we need to wait for the crack like all gesen18 games?
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    [Hentai game] ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [141205][unicorn-a / げーせん18] 戦極姫5 ~戦禍断つ覇王の系譜~+遊戯強化版+遊戯強化版弐 [13680M]

    I have been unable to extract the crack. I tried downloading it twice but always gives error when extracting with winrar. Edit: nevermind, seems like anti-virus issues during download.