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  1. Seitsuki


    STILL ALIVE Here's to all of you
  2. Seitsuki


    OTP \( ゚▽゚)/
  3. Seitsuki

    So much when are you normally around?

    So much when are you normally around?
  4. Seitsuki

    Fortune Arterial

    Pft, Kiri best girl.
  5. Seitsuki

    Fortune Arterial

    Onee-sans are the true justice. It is known.
  6. Seitsuki

    Fortune Arterial

    Having passed through the fires of TL hell, VNs are easymode now. Just drop me a PM, seeing how no one in IRC wants to talk to me apparently. /hmph
  7. Seitsuki

    Fortune Arterial

    Still going? Any help required?
  8. Seitsuki


    Onee-saaaaaaaaaaans ♥♥♥♥♥ /Back to lurking
  9. Seitsuki


    and a happy new year. Stay well everyone
  10. Seitsuki

    /delayed reaction ...wait what?

    /delayed reaction ...wait what?
  11. Seitsuki

    Fortune Arterial

    Too short? ......damn.
  12. Seitsuki

    Fortune Arterial

    Sounds suspiciously like us. Also.
  13. Seitsuki

    My n00b drawings

    Can't "publicly" show..?.. there's no such thing as that! We're all still learning, so no matter what you think of it we should all help each other grow. Most of my pics are also terrible and I rarely want to post them, but the C&C I get are invaluable for improving. There's no need to be...
  14. Seitsuki

    [LPW 21] 見ているのですか, アーサー王, 夢のつづきを?

    I still don't get it.. what's the topic? :confused:
  15. Seitsuki

    Uu, you're breaking my heart ;_; I never thought that this would happen, but I'm starting to...

    Uu, you're breaking my heart ;_; I never thought that this would happen, but I'm starting to miss you too.. why do you make this so difficult.. Just checked, and you weren't on, so uhm.. can't say I didn't make an effort..
  16. Seitsuki

    Type Moon

    They plan on doing a lot of stuff. But so far: nothing official. One can only hope..
  17. Seitsuki

    What VN's would you like to see translated?

    Mahoyo! Has anyone picked it up yet?
  18. Seitsuki

    *poke* update already.

    *poke* update already.
  19. Seitsuki


    My current life Hope you guys are doing better, now excuse me I gtg back to studying for the three tests coming up next week.
  20. Seitsuki

    ... ... ... oh.

    ... ... ... oh.