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  • Only as a DLC bonus? So lame! Probably to make sure people buy the new CoD as you said :/

    No problem I'll send send those codes as well. Hmm, is Netherlands part of the the European Union as well? I'm not sure what countries are in the European Union...

    No problem I'll type the codes. That's why last time I said I waited till I saw you online to PM you the code so no one would snag it before you do. And checked every once in a while today to spot you online for the same reason. Thought I was just being paranoid, but I guess people do steal the codes :( hope no one stole the last code I PM'd you :(

    Just so you know. The Darkrai codes expire August 31st.
    Well usually I go to the GameStop by my house, but went to the one in the outlet mall today since my main reason for going was to go to Old Navy, my favorite clothing store to buy some new spring/summer outfits. And had to take my car to the yearly emissions test which is closer to the outlet mall. Anyway, the mall has 2 GameStops so I got 2 more codes. Will PM them to you.
    Well I love sci fi shooters myself. To be honest I was hoping they would go back to World War 2 since I think that's what they do best. I'm gonna give this game a shot. I hope they sell remastered MW separately. I would buy World at War Remastered Day 1. My nephew said this new CoD looks stupid too btw lol. I think they are just running out of ideas and trying something new.

    Nice. I'll see if I can get another code then. Hopefully you can trade something decent for it.

    :EDIT: BTW, just got an email from the Pokemon Company about the Darkrai Event, and in the email are codes to add Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos in XY/ORAS if you need those let me know. I don't think I will use them.
    Infinite Warfare looks nice. Haven't been this excited for a CoD game in a VERY long time.

    Space battles? Yes, please! FTW! I love sci-fi shooters.

    Also, heading to GameStop again tomorrow so if by any chance you need another Darkrai Code let me know. I'm sure you don't though, but just thought I'd ask.
    Aww...~ *turns around and huggles super tight!* <3

    I miss our lovely conversations, hope they'll be back to their usual-self again~! (:
    Yeah I think Momohime looks more cute too. Only issue I have with her in that design is that they made Momohime's boobs a lot bigger then they actually are, hers are smaller, more modest sized which I would have preferred here too. Other then that she looks great. For this Kongiku I think she looks great from the front, but kinda weird from that back.

    Darkrai? I'll try and pick him up. Was planning to head to GameStop today anyway. Do I have to bring in my 3DS to get the code?
    Nice to hear there's a place I can always find you :p
    I fine thanks, I remebered you as someone who love DOA and ecchi series from back then xD

    But I mistook you to someone else :p

    Guess that you now have ps4 for the new doa beach ball thingy?

    I think I saw you online not long ago, iirc you was updating your status there really frequently few years ago? :3

    P.s I think I have the ability to mod DOA or other games and add to characters different skins now ^^

    Yep, she has already chewed through a few HDMI cables, and my Wifi Cable is always chewed through as well :/ Do you want a free cat? I'll send her free of charge lol

    Ordered a new cable, will receive it next week. Problem is I need to find a way to make her stop, or I'll just keep spending money on new cables :/
    That strange though, seem like I had you on Skype but I recalled the user with that user name was unfriendly... I probably mistake you to someone else ^^...
    Yeah I don't like that either. I feel that GSC did that too with Cordelia, charging 16k for her :/ but I really want that one so willing to pay.
    Plus I know her after market price will be insane.

    Nice, looking forward to the pics! I bet you can't wait to finally unbox her.

    BTW, Trump just won ALL the major States on the East Coast, so no one else on the republican side has a realistic shot of winning the Republican Presidential Nominee other then him :/ one step close to Emperor Trump! If he wins I'm moving to the Netherlands! I'll be your neighbor lol.
    Got Rise today! Will post more pics after I unbox her.

    I originally cancelled her pre-order because even though she looks nice, and I love Rise, 10k was too much for her I thought, was willing to pay 8K max, so picked her up when she was on a weekly sale for 7k
    Yep it's a bunch of shit. I hate when companies do that.

    I have the New 3DS. Nintendo promised a lot of exclusive games for the system. After 2 1/2 years guess how many exclusives the New 3DS has? One, just one, and it was a launch game that was a crappy port of a Wii game :/ So much for all the exclusives they promised :/ not falling for that scam again. Just a way to sell new systems is all.

    Nice! Unbox her yet yet? How does she look next to the other 2 in the set?

    Getting my Fire Emblem if/Fates official soundtrack in the mail tomorrow! Can't wait! Sure, I can download it on torrent for free, but I always buy official copies of my favorite game OST's to support them.

    Did you hear about the PlayStation Neo AKA PS4.5? Basically it's a superpowered PS4 that Sony is making that will play 4K games, will also play current PS4 games with better results, and have exclusives the regular PS4 can't play :/

    Yeah, that's the only good one in the whole set. Couldn't find it on the PSN Store yesterday though :/
    Yeah, better to use EMS then.

    :EDIT: WHY NINTENDO, WHY?!! They took one of the most iconic characters in Fire Emblem (Tiki) and turned her into some type of Vocaloid :deadsad:

    Nintendo mixed Shin Megami Tensei (Persona is a spinoff of Shin Megami Tensei) and Fire Emblem. And somehow came up with singing idols when they mixed the 2 games :/ don't ask me how :/ I just hope it's fun to play and that Tiki is somehow still a loli ass kicking machine that can transform into a Dragon and eat people :/
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