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  • corocoro i downloaded the The Sagara Family from your post, but i can't install it, do you have any suggestion on what i should do?
    :hi: corocoro, I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work at uploading all those anime :cheering:
    Danke für die Updates in den letzten Wochen. Waren einige tolle Sachen dabei! Keep it going!
    do you have Full Metal Alchemist OVA Reflection in Dual audio. If yes, can you upload the links.Thnx.
    can you re upload suite precure movie please its Suite PreCure♪ the Movie: Take it Back! The Miraculous Melody That Connects Hearts!
    hey coro, i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all the work you do uploading, and re-uploading the anime. i'm sure you get it a lot, but still. thank you :pushups:
    Happy new year, Coro!!!
    And a healthy and peaceful year for you and your family!!!
    Happy New Year :cheering::cheerleader:
    Wishing you a New Year that brings luck and prosperity, fill your home with joy and spirit...
    I see. Also, i want to ask, is the request section open, or will all requests be put on hold?
    Corocoro, do you also re-upload hentai manga/ova to FF or RG if asked, or just general anime?

    A lot of the aforementioned are still uploaded to sites that no longer exists or are unavailable.
    Howdy. :}

    Uh following the actual people, such detail. You wouldn't happen to know someone already that translates it as true to the original as possible, rather than just conveying the sentiments in English ? I've notice the patterns on some places already perhaps, basically where some people always seem to contradict each others and nothing ever seems clear. ^^
    Regarding ANN, I found the entry/ description page for Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, just not any details if it was released or not in the west. I would prefer that they make things crystal clear with negatives confirmations as well so I just don't wonder if there could be an omission or not.

    That helps "streamline" my thoughts about it, so I know I'm not trying to do things needlessly awkward or difficult.
    Hey there Coro. I was looking at Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, and got a bit lost in all the fansubs and what not that are out there, I wanted to ask you if you had some tips on how to find information about these things, like what versions are best. Especially when it comes to translations, is it all just about reading comments from different sites like anidb and bakabt for example ? Plus gaining experience from a bit of trial and error or is there a better and more methodical way of going about it ?

    Anyways I think I've nail down most of it, only thing remaining is noticed it was translated by underwater-rori and I have no idea if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I also thought to myself if it's out on dvd/BD then it might have official subs, but I was unable to check if it had been licensed to the west. at least ANN mention nothing I could see about it. Thanks for any tips.

    Oh also when I searched for it here on the site I didn't find the light novel, do you happen to know if it exists on AS ?
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