Nightmare King
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  • Hi, it's been quite a while, and well done! I'll be busy from now, to graduate the master's course.
    C++ is not my speciality, but I need to use it to simulate physical problems. I make a speciality of physics.
    My health is very bad recently, but I'll graduate the master's course on this March.
    And you? how are you?
    I see. Good luck, nightmare.
    My health is not bad. As for my study, I'm struggling to understand c++ now.
    C++ is just a tool, but I fight against heavy odds.
    yeah, you're right. miwile gots fairy type at new pokemon games! and, me too. I played all the pokemon series except Pokemon X & Y (and spinoff) . you are nice:D
    I see. The first term starts at Sep in your region. Our that starts at April. Learning English is compulsory inJapan too. But T hink it is not efficient at least for me:P
    I just save up for pokemon X lol
    What is HW? I think it's wrong... hardwood? you battle with your friends by using hardwood.
    I'm very fine. If I'm allowed to wish so much, I want money. And, what's up nightmare?
    yeah, I wrote this pikachu. It is very cool one. isn't it? w
    /me stalks Nightmare King

    Hello there~

    Hope it is all right to be friends. ^^

    Please have something sweet for your sweet self~

    Nice to meet you as well~

    Hmm yeah lol xD :runhappy: Wonder if you might get the other guys to start going nutsy again~ ;p
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