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  • sir! do you have a copy of Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go anime series? Any language will do for me sir and it will surely make me happy.
    can I ask something ?
    why is all download links here always FS, Wu, HF (~TAT)~

    if it's MU, I still can download it ^_^

    sorry if my English sucks =_="
    I'm from Indonesia after all ==a
    Hey really want to give a big thanks for the Steins Gate you have been posting, I just wanted to point out that episode 17 has weird rainbow like shadow effects in dark areas during playback. Im using VLC media player and all of your other episodes worked great so I think it's the episodes encoding in general that might have gone screwy. Im not sure if this can be fixed but I'll keep checking and would appreciate it, thanks corocoro.
    [SGKK-TMD] Beelzebub: Hirotta Akachan wa Daimaou!?

    Any chances that you could upload this anime through other filesharing sites(Wupland, Filesonic or Upstation)?

    Thanks in advance.
    What's these 'Download Old Versions'?
    Would I miss something if I don't DL them? What's the different with the old and new version?
    [Chihiro] The World God only Knows

    Is there a different between the one you post earlier and the BluRay version?
    Which one would you suggest better?

    Thanks in advance.
    Hate to do this but, can I ask you to upload [KAA] Full Metal Panic!, [KAA] Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu and [KAA] Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid + OVA in other filesharing site, beside Fileshare?

    Thanks in advance.
    I see. Thanks.
    *PS - that was a quick response. I was expecting for the reply by the afternoon(my time). :P
    Do Filesonic have size limitation? Coz when I tried to download a 1.6GB file, I got a message something like "the file is too big-or-something".
    Does that ever happen to you before or does the limitation only apply to the free user?
    High School of the Dead - which sub better, IYO?
    Coalgirls, gg-THORA, Kira-Fansub or Touhouian?
    That's true - about multiple mirrors.
    I surprisingly found myself starting to grow fond with Filesonic more and more. XD
    OK, this may sound fun, or it may not, but I've just found out TODAY why I cannot access Fileserve.
    It was because our 'beloved' government had ordered all local ISP to block it, include 9 other filesharing sites.
    So that was the reason behind all those government website hack attack I saw in the newspapers lately - did read the article, just the title.
    As far as I know, not many file sharing site that allow using download manager software to DL their file - unless you're a paid member.
    The only site that I know allow it is the MediaFire.
    Then lets hope the other two Sono Hanabira Erogames will receive OVA adaptations, aswell.
    Yo may I ask while Sono Hanabira is a Sticky Thread? Iz it cause after watching this people get a sticky mess?

    Also, I was wondering why when philosophing about reasons not to use megaupload, you seem not to mention the worst part: Files are *unavailable* sometimes and it is uncertain when or even whether they come back.
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