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  • Not those... It's just more than few times there is an obvius troll and u just keep feeding it without realizing...
    Oh I'm fine :) Actually I'm an only child and my father passed away in 2007.. but now that I have my husband's mom and stepdad the family's a bit bigger now :) I like your ideas about Christmas when you have your own family! When I was a kid there were a few years when my family and I helped pack up Thanksgiving dinner boxes for less fortunate families in the area.. I always thought it would be nice to invite people that were alone over to share a meal.. I'm looking forward to having my own family.. actually I was pretty bummed out earlier because I thought I might be pregnant but no.. ah oh well..
    That's nice and kind of you :) Yeah my dad's side of the family would always get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas when my Grandmother was alive.. but once she passed my dad's brothers and sister kind of stopped getting together at the holiday.. it's like they all get together for my Grandmother's sake and it sort of fell apart without her. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
    That's true.. I'm lucky because although I'll be working Christmas Eve (possibly that night even) I wont have to work on Christmas :) Will you be spending the holiday with your family?
    I see... Wish I could help you but the most I can do is lend a listening ear if you ever need one. Whenever you feel the need to talk to someone, feel free to drop me a PM or VM. Or send me an e-mail, I'll probably be more likely to respond faster. xD I'll PM you my e-mail addy later~ Well, I'm still alive for whatever that matters. .___. Btw, about the VN; am I supposed to design the clothes for the main character? I'm kinda unclear as to what's going on right now. xD
    Hi Ange! Yeah, been pretty busy, unfortunately. Well, I'll try my best to come on daily. :D Miss talking to you! D:
    Well there goes the saying "If u fail to plan, u plan to fail" :P... Well I am alredy doing my investigation too but I think it's best to get as much material as I can thats why I asked...

    LoL yea, I was thinking doing the same but the way of life today just won't let me lol...
    Neither lol.. School got like email that our university of sociology and also some union of scociologists is organizing a contest... I have to write it till 23 february... I tryed that but they dont really have anything in our library (it's a small school and a small ibrary xD).

    Well I was thinking about making a paper about how internet affected communication... How was it before and how is it now... And how a lot of stuff were gained but more were lost... Something like that
    hey wanted to ask u about this... So I decided to write an essey in sociology class... Subject I can choose with the topic Internet and society... U know any material where should I be directed to? Some books or anything
    Thanks for those Ill check them out. Well I like relaxing and mostly like easy going sounds, like those one from clannad... If there is vocal I prefer that it's a female. Also I really like piano and those bells or however they are called xD (I dont mind any other instrument though). Well like some from Clannad... And preferably sadder...

    Also one strange request: U know Black Lagoon OP, damn I liked that japanese chick singing in English, is there anything like that around?
    I keep forgeting to ask u and I was about for a while lol, if u can recommend me some osts like Clannad,Angel Beats and like ed from ano mi hana?
    I joined your forum......you might need some mods :/ to control it? ....just a tip...
    Höre ich, dass du hungrig bist...~? Soll ich was kochen für dich, hmm...~?

    Ich kenne paar gut Rezepte, aber wenn du es willst...~
    Oh, I do the same sometimes.. I'll come across an anime related picture and save it because I think it's pretty or like the character design, whether I know who the character is or not. And I'm doing well :) Actually I'm playing Chaos;Head.. it's really good so far :goodtea: How are you?
    Lol well not really xD It was mostly just us chatting about random stuff on the forum~ It seemed quite ordinary and stuff~
    Hmm if there was any random dream where we were meeting i think you would probably appear as an angel of sorts ;p
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