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  • Sadly I'm not a music person. XD But I collect game songs in the hope of learning more about them later (no idea when).
    Not only music but I can't remember illustrators' names either. But I know which games have the same illustrator when I see them.

    *google* Mmm a doujin game.
    I don't know if you VM the wrong person but thanks for the poem/song. ^^
    It sounds sad though, like we're going to part ways.
    Thanks a lot the screen resolution was the main problem I'm assuming I don't see why its not compatiable with 64 bit color but all is well, although it serverly messes up my warcraft. Oh well THANKS A LOT I spent hours trying to fix this problem and even attempted to translate it using a Jap keyboard and googletranslate...
    Yah I already have my locale set to Japan and I've compared my files with the screenshot you took and its the exact same. It keeps giving me the error that Im missing .dll file but I already have it placed in system 32 AND the steins;installation location. I don't think the 1.20 patch or the english patch does anything that stops it from running cause I've tried running it with the setup STEINSGATE.EXE.

    I will upload the picture momentarily.

    Im currently using a 1.20 patch from "Geckoey Lurker’s patch" which includes the english translation http://vn.shourai.net/ but I can't seem to patch it since an error keeps poping up and I'm unsure what it says since I can't read Jap. According to http://erogedownload.com/faq/steinsgate-installationerror-troubleshooting/ Im supposed to switch my language to Jap... Also what is this http://www.soft-denchi.jp/comdocs/dlguide/index.htm. It asked me to download and install it once I tried starting the Steins Gate application from the Nitroplus folder. Any help is appericated I hope you reply as soon as possible.
    Sorry, my uni cannot support this web sites...so i post it randomly sorry for disturbing... i will becareful next time... emg, you know about that CG game?
    Hi hi~

    Haha... no need for apologies. VMs are time consuming. Well, most things are. Just answer when you feel like it or have time. ^^

    That is certainly true after anyone comes across the same kind of people. Although, shouting or forcing things isn't the answer. Still, a calm and collected mind must be precedent during those 'monotonous/troublesome' situations.

    I find myself sighing when it seems 'hopeless'. :x

    Gaming does relieve stress... and when you pick one that's enjoyable, you become immersed in it. Almost like a slight detour from the real world or the desire to press on during the game. At least for me when I play a few games. ^^;

    There are some people who have white hair at a young age. I can't imagine a world without some humor or laughter. :/

    I don't necessarily try to talk formally. I am typing how I normally type and how I speak. Of course, I can be slightly casual, but I grew up as a 'lady' of sorts. Therefore, mannerisms and etiquette have been a part of my life.

    I suppose it can be deemed a 'habit'. Also, no offense taken~ :3
    I have 9 hours of lectures spanning out from 9am-9pm on tuesdays and thursdays... the other days are better... I am trying to finish 2 years of full-time studies in 15 months, that's why...
    My work, is just 2 volunteer jobs at a university hospital...to increase my chances of transferring
    please torture me gently

    Only about 50-60 hours with lectures and homework combined. And I have work too though.
    But still, I do have 1-2 hours online.... :|
    Hi! I'm on a visit to an adopted family's house. No IRC on weekdays until July. ^^

    PM me if you have any update.

    Oh... that is a great tactic. Sometimes it's best to 'go with the flow' especially after you've dealt with the situation and tried to solve it many times. Once it's done... it's done~

    That is as they say 'life'. After meeting various people whether it's offline or online, hard to differentiate the various circumstances...

    Must have been difficult for you before and probably is now. I tend to draw when I want to let out my emotion.

    Still, you're a pretty humorous person in which you can laugh at times, but still remain assertive. It's been good to know you. ^^

    See you again.~
    o_o , you asked how I was doing...? :v
    Y-you...care... :V

    anyway, busy with college... 4 courses on a 7.5 week semester=suicide
    Haha... of course. I don't mind. ^^

    Smiling and laughing is always best... or just eat ice-cream and scream at the world when you're feeling down. At least that's what I do~

    Hope that might work for you as well~
    Thank you for accepting my friend request.

    It is certainly a pleasure to get to know you.

    Please have a good and lovely day. ^^
    hey ive noticed youve post quite a bit on the games PSP section, can you tell me how to patch scripts on jap iso psp games??

    Also where can i download scripts to patch JAP iso psp games
    BTW, the new thing I'm getting hooked up to right now is Pokemon White on my NDS, hahahahaah! Currently on the way to my 7th Badge, and right now, since I want to finish the game's story quickly, I spent my time multi-tasking, I mean, doing other task while farming around a hundred rare candies on the GTS, and that's so many repeated button presses, over and over and over again, ah, I feel so blessed for having a Wi-Fi in this house. :XD:

    It made things easier though, skipping trainer battles, using repels here and there, beating Gym Leaders mercilessly with my Pokemon with just the right nature, and also with my customized EVed event Gym Leader Iris' Axew with competitive moves, which I edited on that makeawish-gts.net site, ohoho.

    I only did that because for the record, I haven't finished any of the DS' Pokemon games yet, and I've been a fan of Pokemon my entire life, so I decided to start finishing them too while I still have the chance hahaha, and I kinda miss playing that game too, so, played it for nostalgia's sake~.
    Well, I indeed spend most of my time having fun, if you will notice my lifestyle right now (which I'm planning to end in a few more days from now), you can see it as: Wake up, eat, bath, computer, eat, sleep, then repeat trolololol, and I tend to stay up until 8AM, eat breakfast and fall really asleep at around 12PM, then wake up again around 4PM and continue with my daily cycle. :XD:

    Half of it spent on games, while half is on research, but right now I'm planning to get myself full on games and having fun before I really concentrate hard on those pending research subjects I still need to tend to. I'm actually at College now, but I decided to stop for a while and go on a vacation for around a year, and I'll be back in that university in a few more months from now. Ohohoho, it will be hell again, but my research also encompasses some school stuffs (well around 30% out of 100% of those subjects at least), I just hope it will become a whole lot easier when I got back haha.

    You can tell I'm quite a "delinquent" last year, because I spent my time researching things outside school stuff, that I really got an interest too (too bad they don't offer those course there, well, that school doesn't offer Metaphysics and Quantum Physics anyway haha), so I tend to skip classes, wake up late, tardiness streak, tests failed, etc., etc., haha, it was HELL, though right now, since I finally got my vacation, I'm filling myself with the things I want so I will be ready when I get back at school again. :goodtea:

    -And it's a much, much longer post this time hahaha-
    Waaaaaa, it's been a while since I got back again here, ahahaha.

    Anyway, hmm, I see, haha, you know, the first time I tried the game, I didn't bother to do view the tutorials at all just for the kicks hahaha, but when things got complicated and I can't get past one of the stages, I started looking at the basic tutorials, then continued until I got stuck again on another level, this time, much more difficult because I don't know the advanced mechanics yet such as the Rush Count thing, until I watched some videos at Youtube and finally deciding to finish the remaining tutorials, and it took a whole lot of time, although I admit I did enjoyed the story, it's just the game play takes too long, and right now I don't got any plans on finishing my current Nightmare mode yet on the DS and the remaining (two) storylines at the PSP one. DX

    In other games, yes, indeed, the other ones are much easier to get used to (especially Riviera haha, just grind at the practice mode every time you get a new weapon and you're good to go), well if you're looking for another STING Game with a good story line, with 5 different endings I think (which is easy to achieve), and with a very simple gameplay much like Riviera, you can try Hexyz Force, although it is for PSP. XD

    I don't usually buy games though, I got traumatized because most of the things sold in this country are either pirated or defective haha, so I rely on homebrew instead (I can't stand it when I lose my savefile with no way to backup it after I worked so hard for that game, especially Pokemon Games on GBA), and since I don't got to earn my own money yet, I can't support them by buying their games even if I want to. :V

    Right now I really, really want a PS3, there's like, tons of games I really want to play that is only available on that console. Ugh. :forsaken:
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