Ghost Kitty~
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  • If art doesn't work out, most people suggested I'd be some sort of speaker since I like to stand on stage and voice my opinions very clear and loudly.

    If you can order a number 4 with fries and a coke, I'm sure your speech is fine. XD

    I actually went in the locker myself to see if I'd fit. I fit quite perfectly. XD

    My mother buys me too much clothing. If I can donate, I will. A sadistic person that donates. XD
    My parents actually thought I'd be a singer or actress... drawing took them by surprise. XD

    Same with my parents. They say it makes their throat feel itchy or something.

    Upload a pic of yourself eating with chopsticks? Random stuff pop in my head everyday. One day I was walking with my father and I asked him, "Do you think I could fit in that clothing bin?" He asked, "Why would you?" I told him, "I feel like stuffing myself in a clothing bin." He walked a little further from me.

    On the streets where I live, there are big bins to donate clothing. Most of my clothes have been donated. My closet is half empty. XD
    I sing too much and too loud. XD

    Cinnamon is good! Cinnamon buns!

    Ah fine... I'll send some notices. This chopstick tournament should have an eating contest.

    Random jingles go through my head everyday. :3
    Then you'll definitely be better! ~I like to sing to make myself feel better. :3

    Fruity ones are nice. Apple cinnamon tea~

    More people, more fun! Maybe~ If they join, they join. If they don't, they don't.

    ~I have Captain Planet's theme song in my head. XD
    Good. Keep sweating!

    I mostly like the citrus type teas, but some sweet or floral tea is nice.

    Even if I put @ in front of their names, there's a higher chance of an outbreak of burns, pedobears, or other unworldly things happening. XD

    I'll do it later I guess~
    Worry more... so you'll sweat more! XD

    Red chamomile tea is nice though. :3

    I have a feeling it's just us competing in this tournament. XD
    Lol. You'll be fine.

    ~Pomegranate. I used to have something with chamomile but it had some funky scent. XD

    Bleh... coloring. It takes me weeks just to color an eye. I'm such a perfectionist so I don't bother with coloring. XD
    Maybe those viruses like you? XD It probably means you expose yourself to them like you probably come in contact with people who are sick often I guess.

    Hot showers~ I love my lavender body wash~ or pomegranate XD

    You don't need to rush the chopstick drawing. Do it when you feel like it. I was about to draw mine when my tablet's software screwed me over. XD
    If this cold is dying down in three days, then it means you're getting better and your immune system is almost regular again. You'll be better in no time.

    Cold drinks are fine if you're feeling better just don't drink them too often. Your body needs to be warm to sweat out that nasty little devil eating you up to regulate your body temperature.

    I remind you of another friend? XD I don't get sick as often as before because I remind myself that as much as I love drawing, I can't draw unless I have my health.
    That's good then. Build up your immune system with oranges or mangoes! Build up muscle too!

    I'm pretty frail so I tend to become sick often~
    My mother suggests to take hot baths or showers and chant 'Feel better. Take this sickness away from me. Leave. Go away. I'll get well~'

    Something like that. XD

    She's very superstitious.
    Good night and take care.
    Don't eat too much solid food until you become better! :3
    Lol, I didn't ask for the hard drive. My father just bought me one when I said I had a nasty virus in my laptop and wanted to do a system restore with the factory settings. Of course I needed to back up my things, but we already had one external hard drive in which I shared with my father. He said it might be better if I had my own.

    Back then, we shared a lot of things, but as I grew older, he noticed I needed my own personal space and belongings. Daddy's little girl~

    If your throat is sore, my mother gives me pickled lemons to drink its juice. I'm not sure if you'd do that though... XD

    Get well!

    Yes, that's a nice remedy for a cold. Sweat a lot, drink water, and rest. Walk around the room a little to loosen up your body and have some rice porridge or congee. Since you probably won't feel too hungry, congee is great for the digestive track.

    I have an external hard drive. I just back up anything in there.

    I bet you had some nice pics. It's difficult to retrieve things once lost unless you remember where. In my case, I don't hence the back-up drive. XD
    Yep, nice pic.

    Iced tea is very good. I had the fresh ones and store bought ones.

    Lemon is still the best~ such a classic.
    I can't tell what the image is. It says ' use the share links provided instead!'.

    ~want some iced tea right now
    There's a reason why I have the quote 'Love to Lie' under my name.

    Try to separate the truths from the lies... as I bomb this neko.

    This pokeball is state of the art designed just for you. There are plenty more of course for your clones, future/past/present selves, and other beings/living/non living things that resemble you~

    Please get in?

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