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  • Which do you think is better? X/Y or Sun/Moon? From what you've played so far anyway.

    Also as I mentioned earlier had slowdown on my new 3DS on Battle Royale. Funny cause I also have slowdown on my N 3DS in X too. Main reason I bought it was cause Nintendo promised exclusives only on the N 3DS. The system released with 1 exclusive 2 1/2 years ago. Guess how many exclusives since then? 0, yep 0. Basically they lied to sell the system. Thanks Nintendo :/ but at least has a slightly larger screen a can change face plates. That's something I guess...
    *pecks your cheek and leaves a plate of cookies*
    I suddenly got so sleepy u-u ;; going to sleep now..~ love you❤
    Nice. I saved the ones for Hitomi lol.

    I can't wait for the full game. Gonna be awesome. Who you choosing for a starter?
    I'd be pissesd if that's all we get, but I have a feeling we won't get anything extra for Halloween as they would've announced it by now :( unless they are gonna surprise us which I doubt.
    I would like Ayane's witch costume, and Nyo's Snow White from this years Halloween set for DOA 5 LR to be added in X3.

    Yes I got your message, it was very sweet thank you
    Everything is allright dont worry, oh and thats great, hope to talk more then ^^

    Take care~`
    OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! I can't believe this is getting a translation! I soooo can't wait!!

    BTW, love how you added Mermaid over T-ELOS in the sig, gives it a nice touch.
    Me too. I hope they add all her books in the pic too. I love stuff like that

    I think her expression will be difficult to make in a PVC tnough.

    Also, thought this trailer was pretty cool.
    Nice. Thanks for the info I'll give it a try.

    For me I prefer Monster girls to look like actual monster girls, like in Monster Musume. Or like the Queen Bee in Moe Chronicle. But just my preference.
    Ooh looks interesting! I'll give it a watch. When does it release? And yep, love my monster girls. Do you like them as well?

    I enjoyed Monster Musume. Would also like a good monster girl translated VN to read.
    Yeah the swimsuit underneath looks really good. For Kasumi did you buy her the apron with pink hearts?

    I'm still on Helenas vacation, will probably do Kasumi next.

    Yep, some girls like Hitomi x Kokoro always start off at max satisfaction. Makes her a good volleyball partner right off the bat, on the flip slide it also increases the difficulty in volleyball earlier as you can face hard opponents day 1. If girls start with low satisfaction it takes more days until you face hard opponents.

    Seriously though, Team Ninja desperately needs to add the rest of the girls in this game, and to bring back the custom soundtrack feature. I feel like banging my head against the wall hearing those 3 songs over, and over again.
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