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  • i like it. i chose an elven mage. it was between that and a rogue. and dying comes easily to me too, don't worry lol
    Couldn't get it all in one post, 2000 character limit :3
    Anyway, try doing these (You don't have to do all of them, whichever you feel works best for you) on a daily basis.
    Yo and yup. Essentially Physical Therapist = Physiotherapist
    Yea, I've had people with the same problem :3

    they are. like REALLY good. but not for everyone admittedly. a lot of ppl say they are 2 hard but i disagree as once you get proper experience controlling you're char it actually can become too easy...well thats how it was for me at least

    one guy said its not for those who like to feel like a badass but i disagree with that 2 as while it may be somewhat true in the beginning by the end, or by the end of the second playthrough at least , you will really feel like one

    btw i suggest you play demons souls first and then dark souls and if u really like them go ahead and try DS2 but know its not as good despite what some noobs out there say

    btw while i only really play dark souls nowadays b/c its gameplay is slightly improved over its predecessor i think of demons souls as the best in the series b/c it really leaves the biggest impression

    shame its not totally open world like dark souls is tho
    just watched a quick review and i can say that if it doesn't require much knowledge of the last 2 then i am almost certainly going to get it
    quite possible but will decide after i have more info on it

    i played the first one and enjoyed it but hated the long ass dungeons and b4 i could finish it it got stolen along with my xbox 360 at the time

    i have a ps3 now and i did rebuy the game in hopes of getting back where i was but im finding it rather difficult to endure redoing the dungeons so i haven't made a huge amount of progress
    About that song..Dafuq did I just listen to.. :ohnoes:
    Is it popular over there or something? I really hope it doesn't fly over the here xD
    I've been enjoying it for the buggy mess it is. It's good with friends, the raid is a very good example of what the entire game should have been.
    You're asking me, a person who has grown up with Pokemon, if I will get the game? :3
    I definitely will ^^ I have Pokemon Ruby version, so this time I'll be getting Pokemon Alpha Sapphire~

    Oh and forgot to mention about the render. Didn't get to it yet. Been pretty busy these days =_=
    Yss, it was that bad. But then again, opinions differ. =/
    Oh right, GTA V too. Forgot about that one.
    Very nice choice. One of my friends had the G3 and it's an amazing phone =)
    Yo Elos!

    I bought Advanced Warfare yesterday. I sold it today ^^ Didn't like it AT ALL. It's all SO laggy and I'm positive it's not because of my connection.
    Guns suck, Killstreaks Suck and I could go on. I did like the EXO suits though.
    Guess I'll wait for the next CoD Game :3
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