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  • I like baseball and football, but don't have the favor team in MLB. So I support various teams in a postseason. I think that Cubs where young players are brought up steadily is developing to the good team. Let's say grace to a goat :D
    Wishing you a happy new year!
    明けましておめでとうございます!(Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!)


    (In my country, it's about 13:00 now on January 1)
    Man, I don't know. Currently Fate Grand Order is bleeding my wallet dry and more Seiba figure will surely end my bank account! I do hope for an amazing year for anime in 2016 though!
    Thanks elos!

    Same goes for you!:)
    Happy New Year! (・∀・)ノシ
    The 1st one with the guitar looks great indeed. I've been watching that one too x3 Not much of a fan of the 2nd one though =/
    Frame an all look nice but the figure itself looks kinda meh but then again, it might look better in person as you said.

    Haha yea, don't worry. I like jokes. Actually the harsher, the harder I laugh. I might be weird but I find stereotype jokes/racist jokes hilarious XD
    The more I get comfortable with guys, the harsher my jokes get x3
    do you have sword art online last song

    if not if you buy it i will get it aswell.

    i need some one to play with it before i buy it.
    Glad you got there okay!

    Yeah, the whole AJ report stunk. Their informant was not working for the clinic when PM was there. The informant recanted everything he said, admitting he made it all up.
    I think the first clue was when they started the story, "A report reveals that football infidel Peyton Manning..." :surprise:
    Oh yeah, he's pi**ed as all get out about that fake report that got telecast.
    A fine Christmas weekend for the NFC North! Detroit wins! Chicago wins! Minnesota wins!

    And the Pack gets crushed!

    The Vikings will win the North with a win over GB next week!
    My mom watched it recently I think, when my uncle dragged her into the cinema.

    Myself, quite unlikely. My interest in SW is largely limited to reading spoiler-filled articles about it and their other related stories. Last one my mom brought me to was Episode 1 or so, long ago.
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