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  • just added you my Friend code is 0619 - 4512 - 3505

    and thanks for the happy birthday!
    Im not allowed to fish here in germany :(
    I need to take a exam for it first :deadsad:

    I have 2 gas station not too far away from here :3
    Ill go there later maybe ~~~
    I never went fishing before~
    Did u have to sit for a long time to catch something?

    I will :3
    (Well I don't know any :()
    Yep and there are many ways to cook the fish~ :3

    White chocolate with cookies :runhappy:
    I didn't know there was this kind of chocolate~~
    Thank you! I'm really really happy.

    btw, is he who is in that picture you? cool:)
    I like hazelnut chocolate but I like white chocolate more :3

    I like to bake cakes or cookies~
    I also like to cook dishes based on fish since I like to eat fish~ :3
    Of course I will have him taste it first :evillaugh:

    I love them too but I can't do it often :deadsad:

    seeing pictures about chocolates makes me want to eat them right now~ :3
    Forgot about the lower VM.

    Yeah, I brought it to my friend's house yesterday instead of Pokemon Y. I didn't advance in the actual story but I lvled up my characters. I rested my Mizu (Dancer) about 4 times (Mizu lost 8 lvls) so I had to lvl her up to 42+ again. During that time my Fortress and Arcanist got to lvl 51 while my Landsknecht and Runemaster reached lvl 48 or something.
    I guess that she's cute after all. But I don't know how they connected gothic lolita to Sweden. Also, where's the blue eyes of hers? :< I'm more into cute games than games like these which only exists for fanservice. At least that's the image I get from DoA. This image got stuck in my head after seeing the 5 million costume DLCs (mainly bikini ones) in the PSS while searching for DoA 5 to see what it was like.
    I won't even finish the 1 slice....

    I want to do barbeque too >.<
    But I don't have a big backyard ;_;
    I always have to cook for my lil brother~
    I love to cook and use my brother as a guinea pig :evillaugh:
    a birthday gift then^^...maybe nana will make you a birthday thread too:P
    ........It doesn't look like a pizza......it's more like a......cake~
    I would need 10 times myself to eat the pizza.....such a thing is called pizza.......
    I have the best colleagues ever :3
    I'd love her in a polka dot bikini..or maybe even the all so popular blue school swimsuit!

    Oh, thanks for reminding me. I'll add that render tomorrow though. Gonna watch some anime and then head off to bed~
    She's really cute! I wouldn't mind getting choked to death by her :3
    I wonder if she would get a Swimsuit DLC too :o
    Yea lots of appointments :3 It seems everyone wants to be in top shape for the December month.
    But I'll manage. I still have 3 other great colleagues that can take over some people for me. ( of course I do the same for them :3)
    Holy sh!t~ :surprised:

    They better make a DLC or something for DOA5U ! 0.o
    A loli killer machine, so much win! :3
    I don't like fast food much either~
    That's why I don't go out to eat often and cook at home~~
    hmm....I bet the pizza there is in american style~
    If I were to live there I would miss the italien pizza ;_;
    But to have only fast food stores~ I would get fat after a month :sigh::deadsad:
    I had them at my aunt's. My cousins love them.. I guess they're okay, I only tried them once anyway, so I don't really remember~ I have no problem with trying every bizarre food combination ever made. :fulfilled: (to a certain extent..I'm just exaggerating..^^'')
    Nah, that sounds good :3 but I just happened to buy them both at the same time. ^^ I made smores last week though~
    Ever tried chips with marshmallows? xD I suggest you don't..:S Or maybe just try it for yourself. Some people love it..
    American KitKat is better? :3

    When I hear about the food in the US I always think about all the fast food stores~~
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