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  • Also hello~

    As for that, I think only really Toho Warfare BLACK SWORD and Toho Warfare RED SPELL.
    Haven't looked to much into it really...
    Hmhm, natürlich hab ich sie gesehen. c:

    Und ne, ich kenns auch erst vom 3DS also.. .3. Ich spiel selber eh recht wenig, ich guck mehr Let's Plays.
    Ooh, Virtue's Last Reward hätte ich auch gerne aber ich hab derzeit einfach gar kein Geld. xD

    Oooh, schön. c: Ich mag Leute die Touhou kennen, auch wenn sie es nicht sooooooo genau tun. :3
    Oh, sorry. x'D
    .. Wenn du aus Deutschland bist nehme ich mir jetzt einfach mal die Freiheit deutsch zu schreiben.
    Ich hab in letzter Zeit nur CSII fürn 3DS wenn überhaupt gespielt, es macht zwar Spaß aber ich bin kein Heimkonsolentyp und kann das nicht ab. x'D (Und du hast Keine als Profilbild hier.. hui. Kennst du Touhou? c: )
    I'm FINALLY FREE~! :runhappy:
    Anyway.. :3

    The Rounded Corners:

    1. Make sure you have the Rounded Rectangle Tool Selected.
    2. Make sure the respective layer is unlocked and selected

    This is not really a step but more of a preference. You can adjust the radius of the rounded corners with this button. The higher, the rounder the border
    3. Press the buttons as shown on this picture and click the thingy circled in red
    You can then shape it the way you want it.
    Hope this helped. If there's anything you don't understand or have something else to ask, let me know ^^
    Hiya Shiki~

    Sorry for the late respond!
    I'm busy these days all of a sudden D:
    So much work..out of nowhere.
    I'll tell you how to do that round corner thing, tomorrow or the day after ok?

    /me gets back to work.. D:
    Lol just play with whatever you can until youre satisfied ;p I dont really know much about making siggies in particular but for just plain art it works~
    im good. catching up on the pokemon games on my new 3DS XL, my second handheld console. my first one was the advance SP wiht pokemon ruby/sapphire/emeraldn and firered. currently playing SoulSilver. been nolifing pokemon for the past days xD. how about you?
    Hmm... i would say try to make the shattered glass larger?~ Well it might be fine as is~

    The blue image or one similar might also work better since they arent looking at each other in the other one...
    Why do i seem like doraemon now? O.o

    Hmm... it seems... nice? But this is for the broken dreams isnt it? The crack doesnt quite give the impression of that... And dream... well dunno about that?
    And maybe your actually just good at what you do, even if you may doubt yourself consciously, your unconscious confidence might come from the past experiences of being able to do alright despite a lack of faith...

    Does it sounds about right ? If so, then that can be a quite enjoyable ride for you.
    I thk I've done that a lot myself as well, it's just if I know that, I can not be carefree, casue the only way I can be carefree then is too totally just not care at all...and IF i do that....I won't do all heh.

    Thats why I prefer to either have nothing left too do, then be carefree, but there always annoyingly seems to be something that needs doing or waiting in line <.>

    But, there is also the consideration of just getting rid of unnecessary "baggage" things, and keep life simple....getting rid of obligations or needs I have, and then not get any new ones aih. Buttom line is IO do the same thing as you, only that I would prefer to do the opposite. Guess I'm not that good at laxing back then. Yet.

    oh p.s. the boring stuff I promised: I wactched a korean drama called: "samaritan girl"
    It's about a south korean girl who decides to sell herself to older men for money to travel too europe...:P
    So it's not that you got so much free time, you just keep pushing things back and delaying things until the last moment...then have a burst of stressful productivity ?

    I'm learning to be carefree from you....
    mmm, well ") I just figured I need to watch Genshiken !

    Hmm thats your origin. Then...I dunno maybe you need a big bang of some sorts, no idea what that would be though. I don't get how you can have time to be bored with studies on the side, I hardly find time and I'm a NEET.

    I'm about to cure mine by having a snack and watching a movie, gotta run +) Maybe I'll come back in a while and tell you about boring stuff so you can feel less bored.
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