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  • try logging in before setting up your VPN and timezone, then refresh the page once you've got things all set up and enter the lottery?
    :casserole: hmm /me shuts up
    ano, yah. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe a dossier or something ^^

    She looks nice in the cold weather, I have more to say about that. Tho so serious eyes.
    It actually sounds like your bored of being bored, I think I never expected to hear that from you. I wouldn't mind having some IT understanding myself. but nah. GL.
    Wiat...what ? You want to try don't starve now ? Did you look at it on steam or something and thought it piqued your interest ?
    nm >< IT, read it correctly now lol. So you went from engineering, and now over to IT huh. It seems somewhat interesting, if you can bear the boring parts of it as well I suppose.
    What are you changing it too ?

    Don't starve is a interesting little survivor game, when I played it it was interesting, but was just a bit too boring in singleplayer.
    There are other difficulties that replaced them, like torture and expert. So there are still levels.

    The forest... woaow that might be interesting, heard only slightly of it before. My thought was however, to bad it's only SP, might be good fun in MP that required close cooperation in order to survive.

    Heard of don't starve ? it was also without multi, but coop will be introduced this summer. How's school going ? I'll leave with that for now.
    I got somewhat quickly bored by DIII to be honest, oh I might have said that already, and I can't say for sure this time won't be similar yet, but I was presently surprised, or just intrigued, maybe that impression will start to fade as I start playing, haven't started yet. Even though I can't put my finger on it, I have somehow gotten so impressed that I'm slightly hyped to begin playing this. Auction house is removed, so no just buy good stuff, better and more relevant loot, changed difficulty system, no more nightmare or hell difficulties. And a brand new mode of play for those who have finished the campaign. Too lazy to buy, or to lazy to play even if you had it ?

    Oh the first thing that comes to mind you can find as the only thing on my steam wishlist ! And it loooooks awesome to ME. >Autumn 2014 Hint: Green, Analogue, & Space +Isolation ! +Old Classic.

    Already released as well huh ? Outlast? Or perhaps Routine ? ( I got more games than I've find time to play anyways, and I don't want to waste my time on games anymore unless they fall in my premium category, the one hinted to above is the only one on my radar so far that I think belongs to that category.
    Tested out reaper of souls just a tad....I think you would like it, they made some changes. Not sure about all the things they did, but it seemed to have made the experience different.
    Yeah it's exactly that. Never again will by pc be without the right gaming peripherals.

    Whats the bind you find yourself in atm ? if you wish to talk about it. In the mean time, goodnighty.
    In a bind huh. Well I can only wish you good luck then.

    Dang I didn't know you continued to play d3 after I myself quited playing....or was this in 2012 perhaps, if so I was in a bind myself so, that would explain it. Otherwise I would have tagged along I think. I reached only lv 58 on 1 char.

    Aight, jp games are different :j yeah, Darksiders, so far so good. I'm using a playstation 4 controller on my pc to play it, LOT more enjoyable that way than mouse and keyboard, and I can sit back and relax in my cheer. Best thing I ever did was buy one.
    It certainly makes long gaming seesions that more enjoyable and relaxed, was recently thinking about that in terms of playing some diablo again, but not sure how that would work out with the point and click.

    P.s. I need to get a grip on my life as well, still.
    Too bad to hear that it sounds like it's something external hindering you to do what you may have otherwise wished to do. Maybe that will change later on.

    Ik, think we both stopped D3 quite a while ago now if memory serves. I've read that ppl think it's a lot better, and more what it was supposed to be. But really my reason was just pure impulse more than anything else. I'm not that easily entertained by grinding and looting after all, at least I wasn't before for too long, but, will see. Currently occupied playing Darksiders II anyway.

    Adios~ and enjoy your easter.
    Probably, but I liked doing it different. And I perceived some benefits, cause using a broom would swirl a lot of the fine dust just up into the air and layer it elsewhere. And it's a 2nd floor porch so it was neatly closed in.

    Your still playing Day-z ? I got impulsive and bought reaper of souls yesterday. If I had a reason to stop playing DIII earlier it seems I must re-discover it.
    Greetings. Well I don't know exactly, because they probably never seen a person standing outside on a veranda/porch with a vacuum cleaner under the clear blue sky before; I mean I heard sounds of lawn movers outside but never a vacuum cleaner heh. It just felt funny doing it.
    Yes, they did. I was really sad hearing it but like you said. We can't do anything about it sadly.
    All I do is just hope they'll get back together eventually.
    To each their own I'd say, I personally like the old one more.
    But as it is, I adore every song of them now. Since.. they are no longer together.
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