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  • Yeah, I saw that, but never looked. Would you recommend it? :o
    Did you say you were part cat? >_>
    I just noticed xD
    Thats ok :p
    You already know German and Chinese. I think that's enough, lol.
    Are there many people on this forum who know Japanese though? o.o
    Most of the content is untranslated.
    (I posted this to my wall on accident at first.......................) Anyway, well that's cool. :) I'm white as a ghost. HAHA. No one seems to mind though. I'm from 'MERICA... but I can speak Chinese pretty well and learning Jap. I plan to teach abroad after college
    Yeah, I specifically put that in my introduction post :D
    So is your mother language German??
    Of course! We are totally superior! :P We should try to recruit more so we can have our own girls group, hehe. A group of girls who love anime, games and visual novels sounds pretty awesome actually
    I'm pretty sure Tokina is. That's to be expected I guess, but look no further!! For I am here & I'll hopefully be active for a while.
    Really? I thought like 1/4 of this comm was female. I guess most aren't active. (I do see the hentai forum is most popular too so maybe they dont wanna talk?? xD ) I just have a lot of free time until next semester of school :p
    No, I used to be a Chinese linguist & I love the language. Now I'm focusing more on Japanese and my Chinese is gradually slipping xD
    Oh, haha. That makes it hard then :p My hanzi is kinda rusty too. The actual speaking always sticks better than the characters xD
    Hey Inori. I made a post about Chinese-speakers & Nanashi mentioned you might know it. If so, I'd love to chat a bit ^^ (even if you don't know it)
    wow.. u can find it..????? if can.. i want my darkra IV 31 at sp attack.. amnd modest nature... so it can 400 sp attack at lvl 100... >,<.. thats my wish.. i dont too need arceus tho... its just a side..
    But you can't be allergic to every single pet? :/ Get a cute little snake! ^^
    Allergy sucks :/ My father is allergic to guinea pigs so he couldn't be close to him. Must suck to not be able to have such a cute pet :(

    Do you also have a pet? :3
    mm.... dakrai just fine.. if can modest type with mischeavous.. ahaha...

    mmm... arceus..?? or victini is ok... but the most is darkrai i guess..
    Dropping by to say Hi :3

    That being said..what do I talk about.. o.o
    I guess..let's start with what your favorite anime(s) is/are :3
    Do you like the Forums so far and is there a particular reason you joined?

    Sorry for all the questions..I just like to know a bit more of returning forum visitors!
    Hope you don't mind :forsaken:
    Well... except that he's dead :( I got 2 cats though. They're actually still alive :3

    Because I can read your mind >:3
    I got a guinea pig. That's my counter :< I'm off to bed now so I'll see you tomorrow ^^
    Then play it alot so you can feel the same pain as I do >:3

    That ain't fair D: I got nothing to brag about to counter you :/
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