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  • Working is not the issue, the problem is within the "Boss" and "Co-worker". ha ha
    Thank you~ for wish me a happy birthday ^^-
    I'm still render some chibi for make some Icon, but not much, cause now I have a Full-time job.
    Now I current render "Natsuiro Kokoro Log".
    * Ignis is the best! (Fixed it ;) But thank you ^^ )

    Oh, thank you for those links! Now I have a lot of new songs to listen to :bigeyes:

    Like some politicians? :miku_!:

    Oh no, you don't need to do that. I iinsist you save your money for better things!

    ...Now I'm scared T-T That's terrible though, to pass away at such a young age :(

    No thank you! :nekopara_wut:

    Then you'll just have to be extraaaa gentle so she doesn't break~ :dthumbup:

    Stooooop! :nyanmusu_objection:

    I hope I threw a kouhai that's an M :wasclose:

    Have a goodnight up there, senpai. Don't let the bugs bite, and let's hope it doesn't rain!

    That's what he says, but he's actually the enemy of all women! I think you should chase after him, ma'am! * Velenora shouts from far away.

    You stomped on me;;; :mini_cry:

    That's okay, I'm quite happy with my current job!

    Dressed as a boy! I'm still technically a girl :mini_panic:

    :lapi_shock: * Ghost Velenora points. I choose you kouhais! Attack senpai!
    That's okay :) I understand that you were busy, and not-so-pleasant things were happening in your life, so please don't apologise! I will take the Prinny gif, though :D

    I think so, I'm not really familiar with it either. (I just did a search and realised Teto was an Utauloid. Always thought she was a Vocaloid, oops. OTL)

    Exactly! :dthumbup: There there, senpai.
    Saving money is always good :nekopara_pleased:

    Aww, but that's good in a way. Don't worry too much about your future health, though, as long as you're getting the right nutrients + exercise ^^

    But I don't want to be world-famous :sowwy:

    I guess there's only one way to find out :mafiaboss:

    You are not training girls to be yanderes! :objection:

    * Velenora chucks a random kouhai towards senpai.

    Sorry, no more room. You'll have to find some other place! :bye:

    Um, those aren't my clothes. * Velenora looks at a really angry, buff woman who is now in her birthday suit. * Velenora runs away too.

    * Velenora swats at senpai like a madman.

    But the dosh!

    You're not allowed to take any girls! :alice_nay:


    My perfectionism mindset will never let me not reply to everything, haha. Although our VM's are pretty long, so feel free to omit some things if you'd like :P
    Some of them are nice, but I also prefer the covers over the original version created through the voice synthesizer.

    Oh no, course not. Santa isn't evil. I find volunteers instead~ :runhappy:
    Cough, your lawyers were turned into coal, cough...

    * Velenora shudders. Eggplants, ugh :scared: Oh okay. The greeny leaves are probably the best kind of veggies a person can like, so that's good ^^


    Wah, someone help m-wait :alice_...: * Velenora smashes the glass case :punch:

    That's okay, you can always unfreeze her~ :runhappy: But then humans would go extinct! :disbelief:

    That... doesn't sound like a very appealing playground. :nyanmusu_wtf:

    Oh, would you look at the time? Sorry, but I must get going now. Have fun with your whip, senpai! * Velenora runs away :akazukin_dash:

    * The kouhais grin evilly as they take out various types of weapons. :kurochan_yandere::kurochan_yandere::kurochan_yandere:

    Indeed :donow:
    Thank you for saying that :) Makes me feel a bit less guilty :wasclose:

    No! No thank you! I rather have nothing :forsaken:

    * Velenora dresses up as a bishie Vel-chan? Who is this Vel-chan you speak of? :boys2_confused:
    Of course not. I'm just doing my job. :miku_angel: * Velenora winks at the kouhais that paid her to assassinate the other kouhais.

    Bye bye, senpai! Don't take any little girls with you, okay? :alice_bye:

    . . . * Velenora rips out her heart. :akazukin_dead:
    Heya Iggy,

    Been a while since I last (s)talked to you so thought I'd drop by :3
    How's life treating ya? ^^
    Thank you! :fulfilled: She’s a Vocaloid called Stardust ^^

    Santa won’t be happy if I don’t supply him with the coal he needs to give to all the naughty children out there… What should I do if senpai doesn’t want to deal with the law? …Can I cook senpai in my oven instead? :desire:
    The only ones I can’t stand are eggplant and radish :scared: What kind of veggies does Ignis like? c:

    Vel-chan doesn’t want to get all sweaty. :toofhot:

    Hmm, I dunno, something just doesn’t seem right about this

    Don’t worry, I made sure to freeze a kouhai for you in an underground laboratory :thumbup: You can go to her once you’ve killed all the zombies and found a cure for the virus~ :runhappy:

    Would you mind describing your playground to us? :boys_read:

    That’s okay, but no more playing with handcuffs! :boys_sigh:

    * Senpai’s kouhais walk in front of the camera with a furious expression on their faces.

    Oh right, I forgot about connections! Apparently networking is the best way to get job opportunities. :puniko_despair:
    I’m glad you think so :) I feel kind of ashamed though as I’m not volunteering with the full intent of only helping people. It’s a large part but there’s also the bit where I’m doing it for experience. orz

    T-that’s true, but… :akazukin_but:

    You have so many kouhai to care for those types of things though. :alice_sigh:
    * Velenora sticks her head out the door whilst holding a severed arm. Uh, yes, of course! That’s definitely what I’m doing!

    Lies! Senpai is the enemy of all women! :lecture:

    H-heartless?? That’s mean! ;-;
    Really? So I shouldn't bake someone in my oven? ;-;

    Yes, spicy food is yummy~ (/´▽`)/ I usually have a side dish of cucumbers to help quench the spiciness when it gets too hot though, hehe.
    You're welcome ^^

    I'll pass! :shinonome_wat:

    I... I guess? Senpai's acting strange. :miku_wut:

    Wah! Why?? I gotz da skills toooooooooo :kurochan_tantrum:

    That's okay, Vel-chan shall just stay here and look in case senpai kidnaps the little girls to yandere boot camp.

    It was your fault I almost died in the first place! :rr_punch:

    Yeah, this should work! Thanks senpai~ * Velenora runs off to find volunteers. :runhappy:

    Ah, yes, the sad truth of the reality is that a lot of places prefer experience over one's grades. Reminds me of this one post I read on an a broadband website. A graduate who had received top marks in uni was still looking for a job, whereas his friend, who only scrapped by with passes, managed to land herself a great job because she had experience in the area they both studied for. Talking about this makes me think that perhaps I should volunteer for Lifeline support services ^^"

    That's a relief to hear c: Thank you for the offer as well, I'll keep it in mind :fulfilled:

    :shocked: You were going to put me to sleep??

    Vel-chan isn't a tsundere, she's a kuudere :alice_blink: Oh no, no other man in here. Just... lots of tools * Velenora holds up a cleaver as she closes the door and locks it. Hehehe!

    Senpai is the enemy of all women! * Velenora chants. :gokiko_rawr:

    I shall do neither! [IMG]
    Hmm, like as a torture device? I could shove someone into it :evillaugh:
    Spicy food!~ Reading that makes me wish I could give some of your food a try :P I'm glad to hear that your mum and sister are supportive of your cooking :fulfilled:

    :akazukin_pfft: Vel-chan doesn't want to get wet :alice_nay:

    Glass ca? Were you trying to say castle? :reallyconfused: Although it looks more like a case... :puniko_think:

    Of course not~ Senpai is too skilled to get infected~ :runhappy:

    * Velenora searches for any white vans near senpai. :shockmenft:

    No CPR! Please get these handcuffs off me! :saveme: * Velenora begins to turn a deep shade of blue.

    Won't these cleavers scare them away though? :wasclose:

    That's a relief to hear :) But talk about rough. Studying and graduating with good marks + experience is hard enough, but having all that effort go down the drain - for some - when it comes to looking for a job is really unfair. If only everyone was able to secure a nice job upon graduating. Unfortunately life doesn't work like that ;-;
    Oh no, it's okay, I really don't mind :) If you ever want to talk about something, no matter what it is, I'd be more than happy to listen. However, in this case it was more of me being nosy, sorry. OTL

    No, it's quite alright. I can brush my own teeth :lapi_sweat:

    Please do not think that I want to join in on something like this, senpai. I merely feel sorry for all the kouhai that will have to share you, but I know how to fix this. Right this way, senpai's kouhai. * Velenora beacons the girls into a pitch black room. :kurochan_yandere:

    How rude! :akazukin_rage: * Velenora jots down in her Burn Book that senpai is the enemy of all women.

    Eh?? I only want the best for senpai. Honest. :miku_dejected:
    The stove works fine, just that the oven likes to turn whatever I put inside it into coal :wasclose:
    Ooh, that sounds nice! :bigeyes:

    Now you want to drown me?? How cruel :forsaken:

    Uh, um... oh, I'm sure she'll like to live inside it! * Velenora drags a random kouhai towards senpai.

    Don't worry, you would have hacked everything to pieces before it could take a bite out of you! :lmao:

    Nu, Vel-chan would not be okay with that either! :shockmenft:

    Ch-choking...! :saveme:

    O-okay, Vel-chan will do it then. In the name of art! :miku_dejected:

    Wow, that sounds tough :( I really hope when you said you "learnt the harsh truth" that it wasn't through the hard way ;-;

    T-that's okay, senpai, I'm a big girl. I can brush my teeth myself :akazukin_evillaugh:

    It's senpai's call, since you'll be the one having all the 'fun' inside that room with all your kou-wait... * Velenora slams her phone down. S-Senpai with other kouhai?! :akazukin_rage:

    * Velenora grabs her cleaver.

    C-clone?? [IMG]
    I did but my oven's thermostat is broken, so I have to resort to no-bake recipes for cakes now :wasclose: How about you? c:

    That's not any better! :beglife:

    Heh heh But that glass mansion doesn't look very... mansion-y? [IMG]

    Maybe we should create a virus that causes a zombie apocalypse. Then senpai can hack all the flesh he wants with Machy-chan :chuuni_kira:

    B-but you're a man and she's a young lady! :akazukin_but:

    Deal! Now can chu get me out of these hand cuffs, pwetty pwease? :akazukin_puppyeyes:

    It would look better on senpai! :alice_yay:

    Oh wow, that's really unfortunate :( I was hoping that it was just for astrophysics ;-; Why must you be so difficult to get into, science? :deadsad:

    What, I don't wanna get my teeth brushed with Machy-chan! :miku_!:

    Shall I go pre-buy a very big, luxurious room for this? :boys_read:

    Wah, not me! /me punches senpai. :rr_punch:

    I'm not here [IMG]
    Agreed :) I feel like it's similar to eating a cake. Looks so nice that I don't want to touch it :P

    Noooo, someone save me :dontleave:

    Oops. * Velenora goes and fixes it. Cough, ahem! ...Class? Whatever are you talking about senpai?

    What about a machete or an AK-47? :alice_confused:

    :shocked: You can't help her bathe, senpai!

    But what if they don't want to come back? :donow:

    How about as many people as we can find? It'll be more fun with more people!~

    Oh no, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry, I probably should have explained it better. Since you have an interest in doing something involving scientific and tech things, I was thinking that maybe instead of doing astrophysics, you could try something else that involves the things you like but wouldn't put so much at stake and is easier to get into. You could still be doing something that interests you and hopefully would enjoy :) Although Bachelor of Science probably wasn't the best undergrad degree to use as an example, sorry. OTL
    Ah I see, and fair enough, I won't ask if you don't want me to :)

    Oh, um, sure thing. * Velenora does what senpai wants. ヽ(・∀・)ノ

    What happens if we run out of humans? :boys2_wat:

    Oh, that would be adorable! :alice_happy:

    * Velenora also ran away whilst senpai wasn't looking. :alice_gtg:
    It helped a lot! :fulfilled: Thank you, but yes, it was just a crop. Wish I could give your praise to the illustrator of the Pixiv Fantasia piece :wasclose:

    M-me?? But technically it was senpai who voiced out the idea! "What?! You'd rather the world have one less smexy, porcelain-skinned crossdresser?!" (Ignis, 2016). So we should be hunting you down and hacking you to pieces!

    :shocked: Senpai is going to put me in a glass case! :runaway:

    You could always not use Ms. Hatchy to murder anyone :alice_confused:

    I'm worried about what your definition of 'taking care of' entails :shockmenft:

    I-is there something you would like in return for my freedom? :zombie:

    Well said, senpai! Let us go gather the materials!~ :runhappy:

    I know you said it would be difficult to cope with an astronomy course, but what about a Bachelor of Science degree? Would that also put too much at stake? :( I was trying to understand the entry requirements for a few undergrad science degrees from some American universities but unfortunately I only got the GPA part. (That is if I'm not mistaken that you live in the US, from when we were talking about the Etsy dress currency :P ) It seems a lot more complicated than any Australian uni D;

    I guess you'll just have to try really hard not to swallow ;)

    * Velenora whispers to the other kouhais. And we must definitely make sure Ignis does not become world empress!

    We will not create giant spiders! Absolutely not! :boys_no:

    Oh no :( I hope he's able to find someone that loves and cherishes him in the future though ^^

    Who said I was okay with it? :kurochan_yandere: My plan worked! Now all the other kouhais are gone, hehe~
    Thank you! :fulfilled: You, DA and Shi really made me come to see the good sides of it that I came to love it a lot. Plus, it's been a while since I've made a set for myself instead of taking something off the internet xD

    REALLY? DO TELL~ * Velenora runs her finger across the cleaver.

    Um, w-who are you thinking of putting in that glass case? :alice_shock:

    Exact-COUGH, it'll be fine! Don't worry, senpai! :runhappy:

    I like to think it's a sheep becoming a wolf in this context because Vel-chan is most definitely innocent and senpai not innocent because he released all my spiders and is trying to send me to prison!

    Y-you wouldn't dare! :boys2_omg:

    Not only will we be walking master pieces, we'll also create master pieces! Ah, I can already see it; the lovely, glistening red splattered across the walls and floors of the warehouse~ :lapi_angel:

    That's pretty cool! :) But that's fine, it's nice to sometimes branch off to a different path from your family. As long as you do what you love :goodtea: Most of us dislike studying and whatnot anyway, though we still have to do it ;-; I have only met two people in my entire life who sincerely enjoy studying and going to school. Wish we all had that sort of enthusiasm xD

    Of course! I'll just tell Ms. Hatchy to be gentle with you because it's your first time :alice_love:

    * Velenora forms a group circle with senpai's other kouhais. Let us all pray that senpai will not become world emperor.

    I don't think there's any spider big enough that could carry the weight of a human's upper body :alice_hide:

    Aww, it just keeps getting cuter. I hope he managed to get with the girl he likes (´∀`*)

    Nice! Makes me really look forward to the English release of Rage Burst! :D

    Nu! Senpai is not allowed to have a waifu! * Velenora waves cleaver around. :megane_nooo:

    Lovely when they're in their glass case! Not so lovely when they're out... :scared:

    Though you'll need to pay for using her by letting me chop off one of your limbs :alice_love:

    Sure, if that means I can wear senpai's face~ :alice_happy:

    I'm innocent! You have no evidence to prove me guilty beyond doubt!

    We'll be walking master pieces!~ [IMG]

    Wow, that's the first I've ever heard of a teacher skipping their own lessons o.o My goodness, that really is bad! I'm surprised she wasn't fired D;

    * Velenora stares at her hatchet, wondering how it could be used as a lust device. Oh, I know! Let me put Ms. Hatchy in your mouth, senpai! Nuh, she's harmless. Honest.

    Wah! I don't want to learn how to be a yandere Σ(゚ロ゚)

    Psst, I think those spiders would be willing to play with you back at your apartment. :alice_hide:

    Aww, that's cute~ (´∀`*) Reminds me of back in middle school, my friends would make jokes about being lesbians since we attended an all girl school, which somehow made people think we were going to turn into a lesbian one day. Thinking back to it, I hope no one got offended by those jokes.

    You know, I kind of feel ashamed to have called it my favourite game when I mixed God Eater Burst with Rage Burst, hahah. Played God Eater Burst, not Rage Burst. Sorry for that mix up :forsaken: Rage Burst's English version comes out in August I think :) However, I thought GE2 and God Eater 2: Rage Burst were the same things, just GE2:RB being an expanded version of the original GE2. After that mix up though, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong xD

    The more mods, the merrier~ :runhappy: S-senpai's waifu?? * Velenora reaches for cleaver.

    Eek! There were around 100 spiders in that glass case! * Velenora runs away.

    Oooh, now we're talking! * Velenora whips out her chainsaw and cleaver. I would like to use Ms. Hatchy as well but she's only for you senpai!~

    Of course not!

    :shocked: Senpai, how could you?? :dontleave: Someone save meeeh.

    * Velenora notes this down. Interesting :smug:

    WAIT! How about I go and buy you that very lovely dress instead? [IMG]

    Ah, I see. That's understandable. Sorry to hear that you had a pretty crummy physics teacher back in high school :( Were they the type of teachers that just didn't know how to teach students properly, or was it more of a rotten attitude?

    I thought that a weapon that will be specially used on senpai must have a name~ :alice_love:

    Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best! ^^

    Me? Yuno's yandere protege? Oh no, I-I've never even met her, or sought to be a yandere. I'm just your innocent kouhai, hahaha...hah...ha :innocent:

    Erm... :alice_...: Would you look at the time? Gotta run, senpai! Ciao~ :alice_gtg:

    It probably is. I think it's mainly because I don't know anyone in real life who play those kind of games, and those that I do know online that play games like that, I've never actually asked. :akazukin_tehee:
    Same :( Really need to save up and buy a PS Vita :swearveng: Rage Burst is really good; probably my most favourite game at the moment ^^ Really wanted to play GE2 but not knowing Japanese really deterred me from getting it. Although seeing how you spent 400 hours into it, I'll take it that it's a really good game! :D
    Mainly appearance mods but also a better performance mod :) How about you? c:
    OF COURSE not! * Velenora takes out a cleaver. :lapi_evil:

    No no, it's quite alright. I insist you take them!

    B-but what if I don't want to go to the slaughterhouse? :alice_cry:

    Vel-chan absolutely does not like whipping and dripping candles on senpai in chains and blindfolds. :alice_dont:

    Oh, uh, oh no. W-what do I do? * Velenora tries to pull the officer away from senpai.

    Those things sound dangerous... ┬┴┬┴┤・д・)ノ

    NOOOOO- I mean, it's okay! You don't need to do that senpai! :wasclose:

    Did some research - it sounds like a really cool field of work to go into! Would it be too late, or possible, to go back and do a science/astronomy course through a community college, which could possibly lead to gaining entry into an astronomy degree?

    Yes, I'm just your kouhai! Definitely not a yandere at all~ :innocent:
    Oh! I hope everything goes well for her! And that we can see more of her in the future, once she graduates. ^^

    Will Yuno Gasai be your lecturer? If so, most definitely :alice_happy:

    They seem to be still running away from you, senpai :alice_...:

    Yes, and especially when it comes to PS1 games. Even though I have the console and games, I rather just play them on my phone rather than take out the old dusty thing.
    :alice_glitter: It's rare for me to see anyone who has played Phantasy Star games. That makes me happy :bigeyes:
    I like all the series you have already listed but also God Eater, Persona, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensai, Fate, The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Kingdom Hearts, Samurai Warriors Chronicles, Dragon Quest, and Mana. Might have missed some but that's most of it ^^
    Cant send pm so;

    I may return by the end of july, hopefully everything will be okay until then...by the way thank you for understanding and helping me with the contest, until then im a retired mod i guess
    I'm going hiatus, sorry it's sudden, hope we can talk some time again..

    Does that mean I can't give you these lovely spiders if they don't? :deadsad:

    :shocked: O-okay, you can keep driving then. We'll just sit here in peace. :shinonome_...:

    * Velenora hits senpai on the head Bad senpai!

    * Velenora whispers to the officer. Is there any chance you can just lock him up for being drunk?

    $455 USD? Then $800 USD to AUD would be $1081.89... * Velenora faints.

    Wrong! You are not allowed to wear a meat dress made from the flesh of someone you love! :mini_panic:

    Yes, unfortunately it was the first module that I had to learn for my chemistry unit this semester. Atomic orbitals, electron configuration, quantum numbers and wave particle duality was fine, but the rest I relied on memorisation rather than understanding, hahah...hah... ha. orz

    Like someone you know? I'm sure senpai is referring to someone else and not me, right senpai?? * Velenora takes out her chainsaw.
    I look forward to a possible chance of getting to know her more in the future \(^ヮ^)/

    You can do it, senpai! Do it for all the little to-be-yandere girls out there! :lapi_cheer:

    * Velenora watches all of senpai's kouhai running away. Um, are you sure? :lapi_sweat:

    Nice to know we have similar interests :fulfilled: I agree. Having to buy different consoles just to play a game makes my wallet cry (╥﹏╥)

    Yay, thank you :)

    Then I shall give you some spiders as a thank you present for the oh so wonderful bugs. Wouldn't that just be lovely?

    ...Senpai, would you mind stopping the car please? So I can hack you into tiny. Little. Pieces. Hehehehe.

    Is 'clinic' a code word for Yandere Training Camp? ヽ(´□`。)ノ

    * Velenora comes back with a police officer.

    AU$631.94? Oh my. (´Д`。)

    That dress looks stunning! I think it might even beat Lady Gaga's meat dress!

    Haha, join the club. I barely understood any of it :akazukin_tehee:

    Shh, don't be so modest, senpai ヾ(^∇^) I've only recently come to be acquainted with Renano, but she seems like a really kind person, so I don't think she'll mind or hold anything against you for not making a wish :)

    Oh, if that's the case, then it probably would be good to pursue a master's degree. In the end it's your decision though, so you should choose whatever you feel would be best for you, regardless of what anyone else thinks. :fulfilled: (Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn.)

    I will do my best :akazukin_makasete: And that's fair enough :)

    Was referring to your yandere side [IMG]

    RPGs, mainly, but I like any kind of games that isn't first-person shooter or sports related. What about you? :)

    That's true, but feel free to chuck some criticism at me if you ever want to, such as for a WOW or SOTM entry. Always appreciate some good criticism :thumbup:
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