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  • I suppose so~ Only takes a few minutes to reply and run along :alice_gtg:

    Heh~ Welcome back again then~ :rr_gotcha:

    Still no tests for me yet :miku_tehee: Hmm... that could work though... depends how you write it~ Might be interesting to have elements of dark... Say... the girl is really bright but no one knows why... As the story goes on, you slowly reveal bits and pieces of her past... which was not quite as happy... and is also the reason why she tries to help everyone now~ Lots of ways to write for that theme :nekopara_dizzy:

    Good job then~ Not everyone can change on the fly :puniko_thumbsup:

    Thats new? Ive known about plot armor for quite a while :lapi_confused: Its basically just something to describe the people who manage to survive even the worst of situations because they happen to be the main character of the story and cant die :kurochan_sigh:

    An animation? Those take quite a bit of time... though I guess it wouldnt be as much if it is computer animation... :kurochan_hmm:

    Those are just magnets~ :lapi_laugh:

    There is no weekly schedule with that? :miku_!:

    W-w-we can go buy some catnip :akazukin_but:

    Ahh... hopefully someone who throws the gum away after as opposed to sticking it places like some disgusting people do.... :miku_mad:
    Could I just not die at all? :akazukin_halp:

    We were walking around the room to look at everyone's work :nekopara_tehee:

    B-b-but you dont like strawberry right? :puniko_shocked:

    Je-jellyfish? Where did they come from? :nekopara_dizzy:
    Welcome backkk~ You were poking around in some threads during the week though... were you? Or was that a ghost :alice_shock: I-I might have missed you a bit :kurochan_climb:

    They changed the topic? It isnt nice to give only a week to think of something... :lapi_depressed:

    I guess they have that thing called plot armor after all... cant fight against that :alice_sigh:

    That title is probably wrong ;p Its much easier to convert their movements into animation than the other way around :akazukin_sweat:
    Heh random thing for you as well~ https://www.facebook.com/enjoy.science/videos/335995423415008/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

    They dont even have a schedule for when they open? :alice_dead:

    W-w-what? I d-dont think I qualify as a bishie :akazukin_but:

    Not really..~ I dont eat much candy... :akazukin_tehee:
    I would still rather be alive :alice_...:

    Odd that they dont just fall over though... almost fell over in class because we were all standing around and I was nodding off :miku_tehee:

    S-s-she drank it :lapi_shock:

    /me drags imouto off to see castle in the sky :rr_hold:
    Sweetheart...really, I feel so warm and happy suddenly just by talking with you. You're like a magical human being, feeling more at ease than ever by seeing you all okay. Glad everything is fine at your end, I'm being busy with arranging my birthday party *sigh* 2more days and everything will be ready. Super excited!

    Awww <3 I'm honored to show you the path then! Hearing that makes me smile, thank you for thinking me as a pacemaker >.< I love you too! Awwwww now you're making me blush >///< <3 *hugs super tight and never lets go* :rr_love:

    My one and only sister, please stay safe, please know that you're always somewhere in my mind...I'll be always here if anything happens, supporting you is the best I can do so, so glad being able to talk with you again! :nekopara_hug:
    My lovely! Gahh I'm also too busy these days, at least we're in the same boat xD Thankies >.< I saw you in my dream last week, we were eating cakes! Wish I can give you a hug now T_T
    For school, I usually aim for the lower limit if essays arent all that interesting :miku_tehee:

    Is he dead yet? :nyanmusu_unsure:

    I tend to toss random videos at them :nekopara_sigh:

    All of them close on the rest days? :miku_!:

    It just seems like the easiest way to deal with a cat woman :kurochan_tsk:

    I usually munch on stuff off to the side since I dont have any time between classes :akazukin_tehee:
    I dont think that applies to group suicide :alice_...:

    Some people can :kurochan_wut:

    /me makes a strawberry shake for imouto :alice_4u:

    W-why are you running? :rr_bump:
    That writing is... kind of quick stuff really... I dont like the word and line limits... they feel unnecessary... :alice_sigh:

    The hero convinced her to go back to being a criminal? :alice_shock:

    You could still look xD And just be too lazy to use them :kurochan_pfft:

    So they come in early and dont get to go till the end :miku_!:

    B-but I have to go get the catnip :lapi_sad:

    It... depends... for some classes its fine :nekopara_sigh:
    Thats no reason at all :puniko_wtf:

    That might be dangerous :nyanmusu_no:

    That usually doesnt taste like strawberry though :nyanmusu_puzzled:

    You havent seen castle in the sky? :rr_really:
    Good luck :akazukin_fight: My writing has been getting a bit rusty lately :nekopara_tease:

    So... the girl is also a criminal? :puniko_shocked:

    Then youll be just as lazy as me :nekopara_sigh:

    So the cooks have to get there at specific times? :nyanmusu_puzzled:

    She is... never thought of her as a cat person :lapi_idea:

    You wouldnt be jealous if someone was munching on cake in the middle of class and you had none? :miku_wut:
    T-then why would you do this? :akazukin_puppyeyes:

    I try to have at least one a day :akazukin_tehee:

    Poor unloved strawberry :miku_cry:

    There are already giant flying robots with lasers in Laputa arent there? :lapi_confused:
    Well... guess that means everyone has to work harder now..~ :rr_hug:

    So he has to catch his own family? :miku_tehee:

    Photobucket works yes~ Limitations are a pain but oh well :nekopara_sigh:

    Well... someone still has to cook... maybe... :nekopara_confused:

    Vel chan is the cat lady? :puniko_shocked:

    Then I can make everyone jealous? :korokke_go:
    I-i-imouto :akazukin_puppyeyes: Y-y-you would do this to your brother? :akazukin_cry:

    I do get around to taking a bath eventually :akazukin_sweat:

    Yogurt is usually pretty nice :alice_happy:

    Our own kingdom in the sky :rr_mmm:
    Does your teacher grade on a curve based on highest score? :nekopara_patpat:

    Generations of outlaws... :nekopara_sigh:

    Depends if they ever notice but theyll just ask you not to :nekopara_tehee:

    Maybe try for a part time job? A waitress might even be able to sneak off with food :kurochan_pfft:

    Youre treating it like a game? :kurochan_wut:

    Crunchy snacks will probably bother everyone around :akazukin_full:
    I-I dont want to explode :alice_dont:

    I usually just flop into bed after getting home :lapi_ko:

    It is?
    Well... parents are the earliest influence on a child so... :akazukin_sweat:

    But then mods wont like it :alice_sigh:

    I like meat as well..~ Carbs are useful for just filling up~ :kurochan_thumb:

    Stealth suits help with that :kurochan_climb:

    All the classes I need are on those days... so its really an issue with classes... :miku_panic:
    B-b-but that might hurt :alice_dont:

    I-im hallucinating? :nekopara_scared:

    Is it still alright?.... :nyanmusu_unsure:

    Can I play with the robots and lasers? :alice_glitter:
    That would partly be the fault of their parents and society... :alice_nay:

    I just toss it all into photobucket but yeah... uploading just adds more work to do :kurochan_dead:

    Meat tastes weird... I guess they can.... I dunno though... :alice_sorry:

    Then I guess we better be really sneaky so she doesnt catch us :alice_hide:

    On Tuesday and Thursday :lapi_depressed:
    Am I supposed to catch you? The safety net isnt set up yet :miku_panic:

    T-then what did I find? :kurochan_fear:

    /me nibbles on mint... Wait... I didnt drink the milk though :kurochan_wut:

    Is it laputa? :alice_happy:
    Everyone has more to learn :akazukin_tehee: As long as you keep an open mind and try to learn what you can :kurochan_thumb:

    Technically youre not supposed to link images directly :miku_tehee:

    Is he not vegetarian because he doesnt want to hurt animals? :kurochan_sweat:

    She has a treasure vault? :alice_shock:

    I have a solid block from 9 to 5:50 :akazukin_halp:
    Wear a helmet :puniko_thumbsup:

    /me paws at your tail :nekopara_cheer:

    It leaves an after taste though :nyanmusu_dead:

    I dunno :nekopara_tehee:
    Heh x3 Your english is pretty good~ Im sure youll do fine /me pats imouto's head :rr_valentine:

    Ehh well... for this forum they want you to have your own image host like photobucket or something... instead of direct linking... so it uploading the image and stuff :akazukin_tehee:

    That might be fun :akazukin_idk:

    But how do we do that without drawing her attention? :alice_hide:

    I picked horrible times for classes :akazukin_dead:
    /me gets a piggy costume :kurochan_pfft:

    /me plays with nekomimi :rr_gotcha:

    I think most people would get sick if they drank bad milk :lapi_depressed:

    Where to now? :miku_wut:
    Yeah..~ Something happening with the site.... :akazukin_down:

    Mostly because im too lazy to upload them first :alice_hide:

    B-but cat tails can be cute too :alice_dead:

    So... what do we do then? :kurochan_climb:

    I think its just school mostly... which is also starting for me.... :rr_hug:
    That might be fun :kurochan_thumb:

    Then... you pulled it out? :miku_!:

    So you can both get sick together if it was bad? :kurochan_laugh:

    Everest still doesnt seem entertaining :alice_...:
    I'm psychic :gotidea:

    but don't you have dreams dear dawn?

    yep lots of programming. I'll try my best to help you my dear wifu :menft:

    There are like 5 departments IT, Business, Engineering, fashion, Medical.
    Most girls go to IT and Business since fashion isn't grade not a bright future. Medical few only go there since there's a lot to memorize and study. And Engineering it's filled with dudes so they decide to go to IT even if they suck.

    I kinda got a scholarship so i don't pay anything :runhappy: on the contrary I get paid to study :lol:

    Sleep > Games > Life > etc > Exam

    sleep is greater than everything :runhappy:

    i won't hurt you :traitor: i'll just kidnap you and make you my wife imprison you in a tower forever :laughpanda:
    Whoops xD Ish gone now :akazukin_tehee:

    I dont think cats would prefer their tails even if its hot :alice_orz:

    Should we ask? :alice_hide:

    Yeah... she isnt around as much these days :miku_depressed:

    I have no idea :nekopara_tehee:

    W-why would anyone pull that hard :puniko_shocked:

    Hopefully your milk is fine if you just bought it :nekopara_dizzy:

    I... dont actually want to climb that place... it just isnt as pleasant as it could be these days... :nekopara_puzzled:
    Welcome back imoutooooo :rr_hug:

    I wonder why... havent heard anything like that here :nekopara_sigh:

    Then why not just find rabbits :miku_mad:

    Isnt catwoman a thief? :lapi_shock:

    Maybe she just forgot to tell you :miku_tehee:
    Can you teach a bird tricks? :alice_confused:

    So yeah, real nekomimi are more fun to poke :akazukin_tehee:

    Then I would have a reason to leave in the middle of class... :lapi_ko:

    F-for what? :puniko_shocked:
    You may call me Decal like everyone does. You can call me anything, actually. Just no demeaning names 'cause it does lower my self-esteem. Hehe.
    I would think he would be too afraid to feed it too :alice_sorry: What is wrong with cat tails :alice_angry:

    I dunno... we have a weird neighborhood :alice_sigh:

    So vel chan bought out all your spies? :akazukin_pfft:
    Are you just going to keep it? :kurochan_sweat:

    Because they dont have physical form :miku_dejected:

    Oh... I guess an upset stomach wouldnt be nice... I was just sitting at home so I was fine :lapi_ko:

    It is also fun to play with :kurochan_thumb:
    1 year! so by the time you finish uni you'll be 23! soo much time lost to achieve goals and ambitions =/

    speaking of ambitions what's yours? what do you want to do in the future once you finish uni?


    yeah but IT has lots of maths in it ;p

    the courses are Java programming language and Calculus~

    Java I failed because the first time the teacher was quite tough and too complex and wouldn't help me...males to be specific... plus I was about to become the only dude in the class among 20 girls :nyanmusu_no:
    second time I overslept during final exam :XD:
    Third time I scored full "A"
    Calculus.... well I suck but I did fail it intentionally in order to repeat the course and get a higher mark as the information sticks into my head.


    waking up early! :bored: I made every class start from 10am and finish the day at 2pm so only 4 hours a day :runhappy:


    You can keep her away but who will protect YOU from me :evillaugh: poor cute dawn protects people from me but has no one to protect her :laughpanda:
    Yeah... barking isnt a reason to poison it... and cats need their tails... :kurochan_idonteven:

    Yesh yesh~ That pointy hat~ :miku_leek:

    I dunno :nekopara_sigh:
    Can fly now? :miku_wut:

    But I cant play with those :akazukin_down:

    A bit of spoiled milk wouldnt hurt :rr_hug:

    The main reason to get a real version would be if you do professional work with it :alice_blink:
    Imoutooooo we're still waiting for youuuu >.<
    You're my lovely sweetheart....ugh my heart hurts just by thinking
    What the hell!! :gokiko_rawr: Don't ever listen them imouto! :sigh: I wish I was there to kick their butts...
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