[RPGM] Angelica Origins Remake [v0.2.1] [KeloGames] NTR


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Oct 29, 2016
[RPGM] Angelica Origins Remake [v0.5.3] [KeloGames] NTR

Titolo_03.png <-- click here for title screen LOL
Angelica Origins, is a story about Angelica and her origins… Origins of what? The origins of what she will be in the future…
You will follow her story from when everything will start to change in her life: she’s a common girl in her last year of high school, she likes to study, to use pc, watching movie and tv series. She lives with Rita, her mother. She doesn’t know much about her father and she has a boyfriend named Simone. Her best friend in high school is Alessia and other friends are Erika and Larissa. All these girls are in the same class
You will make choices for her, in every situations. This game don't have different paths but it has different endings. Your choices will decide how much Angelica will be involved in some... particular events... This will affect her relationships with other characters, how much she's changing herself and her possibilities in future events and choiches.

During the playing you will gain some points: Lust points, Good girl points and Bad Girl points. These points are important to unlock and to do future choices.

I don't want to create a long and big game. I'm trying to create a series of episodes with different endings each one. Only for the endings you will follow different paths. The endings will be:

1- Good Ending: This is the normal ending, but it's a incomplete ending.
2- Bad Ending: This is more a game over, but this doesn't mean less funny or less interesting...)
3- True Ending: This is the true ending that it will be linked with next episodes. To reach the perfect ending you'll need the right mix of points and to take the right choices at the end of the episode.

Updated: 2020-06-30
Developer/Publisher: KeloGames - Discord
Censorship: none
Version: 0.5.3
OS: Windows
Language: English
Cheating, Interracial, Lesbian, NTR, Voyeur, 3DCG, Female Protagonist, Corruption, Virgin, Innocent, College, Handjob, Oral Sex

Remake of: Angelica Origins

==============ANGELICA ORIGINS WALKTHROUGH 0.5.1==============

This is a guide made by me, Mike (the only guy of Kelo Games) to help you with the choices of my first game ANGELICA ORIGINS. To always know about the last version of the game, check my patreon page:



Just some informations about my game:

-THIS GAME HAS CHOICES. These choices will change and unlock future dialogues, scenes and endings.

-POINT SYSTEM: In Angelica Origins you can find 3 kinds of points:

1. LUST POINTS: To gain these points Angelica has to be FULLY INVOLVED in a sex situation, active or passive. How much she's involved is important to let her lust increase. AN ANGELICA WITH HIGH LUST POINTS IS AN ANGELICA MORE OPEN TO SEX EXPERIENCES.

2. GOOD GIRL POINTS: An Angelica with high good girl points isn't a non sexually active Angelica. Good girl points can be earned when: Angelica chooses to help someone, be good with people and in general she always chooses to do good things. But it's not just that; good girl points can be earned too when Angelica chooses to say "YES" to her boyfriend's requests or say "NO" to another man's requests. So an ANGELICA WITH HIGH GOOD GIRL POINTS WILL BE A GOOD GIRL AND A GOOD GIRLFRIEND.

3. BAD GIRL POINTS: For the same reason explained above, bad points can be earned saying no when people ask for help, making bad choices, etc... Angelica will say "NO" to her boyfriend and "YES" to other men/women requests. So ANGELICA WILL BE A BAD GIRL AND A BAD GIRLFRIEND.

EDIT: WARING FROM VERSION 0.4:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<!!!!

-From now on Angelica will start to choose automatically. This means if she has more good girl poins or more bad girl points she will act differently!!!

-Now the outcomes of some scenes can be totally different. For example if Angelica is wearing a more sexy dress!


To see the endings you have to wait till the end of each FULL EPISODE. The endings will be 3:

1. GOOD ENDING (or NORMAL ENDING): This is the ending with a good Angelica but even if she's a good girlfriend this ending is not complete. To fullfil her destiny Angelica has to be more open to other choices. This ending requires MOSTLY HIGH GOOD GIRL POINTS. Lust points are less important here.

2. BAD ENDING (or LUST ENDING): This is the ending with a bad and corrupted Angelica, she cheated on her boyfriend, she doesn't care about him anymore and she wants to enjoy her sexual life without limits. But, like the good ending, this is not a complete ending. To see the truth she can't be a totally evil girl. This ending requires MOSTLY HIGH BAD GIRL POINTS and HIGH LUST POINTS.

3. TRUE ENDING (or PERFECT ENDING): In the true ending you will have a real Angelica with her good and bad points. She still loves her boyfriend but she's not fully satisfied with the relationship. She's discovering her sexual life with other men or women too. She wants to understand her true nature and SHE NEEDS A MAN WHO LOVES HER AND ACCEPTS HER AS SHE IS. This "TRUE AND REAL" ending requires A PERFECT MIX OF GOOD AND BAD POINTS and HIGH LUST POINTS.

==============HOW TO PLAY==============

Extract the game, open folder and double click on "Game.exe"

-Full Screen/Window Screen: "F4" or use your mouse on the buttons in the top right side of the window.
-Hide text: "Right Click".
-Skip text: hold "W" or "Space bar" or "Enter"
-Game Menu: "Esc" or "Right click" when in game.
-Move Angelica: Use the arrow keys or "left click" your mouse.

Other info:

-In Options you can find other settings like Always Dash, text speed, music and sound effects volume.
-From version 0.3.1 you can check all points from pause menu.


KG: I'll show how to reach the TRUE ENDING and unlock all full scenes, but bee free to explore the other options.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Day 01>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Help the old woman:
-Help her. (+1 Good girl point.)
-Don't help her. (+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: It's just an extra point to start, but I suggest to help the old lady. There's no reason to be bad in this moment.

--------------------Tot: Lust Points=0; Good girl Points=1; Bad girl Points=0.

Angelica and her friends:
-Thank you so much, girls. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Maybe it's not a good idea.

KG: It's good to say thanks to a lovely group of friends.

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=2; BP=0.

First lesson with Prof.Nicola Felino.
-Try to give an answer! (+1 God girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-I don't care: I have the best grades! (+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: I suggest to make Nicola proud of Angelica as a student... so give him an answer.

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=3; BP=0.

Alessia's bet:
-I refuse the bet! (+1 Good girl point.)
-I accept the bet! (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: This can be your first bad point, so... why not?

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=3; BP=1.

[Optional dialogue with Alessia and Daniele]:
-Yes, I want to know... (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-No, It's ok. (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angelica is a curious girl... she wants to know...

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=3; BP=2.

-Thanks! Nicola. (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Thanks, professor.

KG: It's up to you, but I suggest to let Angelica call him Nicola...


In the school yard with Erika and Larissa:
-I have a boyfriend! (+1 Good girl point.)
-Tell a lie. (+1 Bad girl point.)
-Admit it. [REQ: 2 Bad points.] (+2 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Angelica can trust her friends and they want to help her. So be honest and tell them the truth. You won't be a good girlfriend but Angelica needs to be free to express her will. If you are following my advice you have the 2 bad points needed to unlock this answer.

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=3; BP=4.

In the backyard with Simone:
-Reassure him. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Just reassure him. Angelica is trying to be a good girlfriend with him.

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=4; BP=4.

Show him Angelica's breasts:
-Be a good girlfriend. [REQ: 3 Good points.] (+2 Good girl points.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-No, I can't do it! (+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: To be a good girlfriend, Angelica will need show him her breasts... if you don't have enough good points she automatically refuses; bad point for her. But you're following my guide right?

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=6; BP=4.

Simone peeking Angi:
-Show him more. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-It's enough.

KG: Show him more... you want to see more too, of course you do ;)

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=7; BP=4.

Cooking pasta with Angelica:
Right answers:
-In boiling water!
-In boiling water!

-Stop the game here!
-Ok, last one for my Simone. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
Right answer:
-Empty the entire pot of pasta into a strainer.

KG: Angelica will say yes to make Simone happy and to learn how to control him.

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=8; BP=4.

Angelica calls Rita:
-Say nothing. (+1 Bad girl point.)
-Tell her the truth. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Angelica trusts her mom, so, tell Rita the truth.

--------------------Tot: LP=0; GP=9; BP=4.

Angelica and Simone are studying together:
-No, it's better not to risk.
-I want to please him. [REQ: 4 Bad points.] (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: In both choice things go wrong, so no points. But to unlock the full scene Angelica will choose to try to please him.


Main quest updated! (+1 Lust point.)

--------------------Tot: LP=1; GP=9; BP=4.

Angi's dream in a dream:
-Show me the forbidden dream! [REQ: 4 Bad points.] (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Maybe it's better not to see it.

KG: The first choice unlock full scene...

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Day 02>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Angelica's shower:
-No, I have to control myself.
-I really need to do it. (+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Angelica really needs to do it... let her do it. This will unlock the full scene and the next choice.

Angelica needs a man's touch:
-Think about Simone.
-Think about Nicola. [REQ: 3 Bad points.] (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Both choices lead to her second (extra) lust point, but only the second one gives her and extra bad girl point!...

--------------------Tot: LP=2; GP=9; BP=5.

Angelica and nicola at school:
-Let him do it a little more. (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Say thanks, but go away. (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angelica trusts Nicola and she'll let him touch her hand more. She will remember better about her last dream.

--------------------Tot: LP=2; GP=9; BP=6.

[Second optional dialogue with Alessia and Daniele]
-They are secretly having sex while they are dressed. (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-They aren't doing anything. (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angelica is curious, choose the first one for her...

--------------------Tot: LP=2; GP=9; BP=7.

[optional and missable!] Ping's side quest:
-Don't help him.

KG: Angelica loves help people, especially her friends. She'll help Ping even if... well, we are talking about Erika... So, help him and you have a side quest.

Give Erika's answer to Ping:
-Tell him the truth. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Tell him a lie. (+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: Angelica prefers to say the truth... so, good girl point this time... and a kiss for Ping!

--------------------Tot: LP=2; GP=10; BP=7.

Janitor's mini game.

1.Hide Angelica in the chest on your left side.
2.Hide her in the right chest.
3.Hide her in the right closet.
4.The key is in the barrel close to janitor's bed. (Left side of the room.)


A scared Ping:
-Push him away!
-Let him calm down... [REQ: 6 Bad points.] (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Angelica doesn't like like to be rude, especially with Ping. Even if she's very embarassed she'll let Ping calm down...

--------------------Tot: LP=2; GP=10; BP=8.

Alessia and Daniele:
-I want to see more. (CORRECT CHOICE)
-I would like to see... but I can't. (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angelica is so curious... so you already know what I suggest you to choose.

--------------------Tot: LP=2; GP=10; BP=8.

Alessia's next step...:
-Sorry Simone, but I need to touch myself. (+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-I have to leave before it's too late.

KG: Angelica's is horny and she needs to touch herself.... just a little... why not make her happy?

--------------------Tot: LP=3; GP=10; BP=8.

Carlo is trying to kiss Angelica and he's touching her breast:
-It's ok. Just thank him... (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Push him away! (+1 Good girl points.)

KG: Angelica is a kind girl and Carlo is taking care of her... say thanks.

--------------------Tot: LP=3; GP=10; BP=9.

Angelica gamer girl:
-Not so fast! I want to play a little first...[REQ: 7 Bad points.] (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-The usual selfish! Ok, I'll try to touch it...

KG: Angelica is a gamer girl and she loves play games... and she wants a little revenge on Simo. Time to tease him a little!

Main quest updated! (+1 Lust point.)

--------------------Tot: LP=4; GP=10; BP=10.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Day 03>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Angelica morning dream:
-I Like it so much! [REQ: 9 Bad points.] (+1 Bad girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-I can't. Please stop! (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: It's better tell the truth... Angelica love this!

--------------------Tot: LP=4; GP=10; BP=11.


KG: to unlock secret scene you need to do 2 things:
1- When Angelica is wearing the bathrobe don't go straight to the bathroom, instead go to check the main door of the house (She will say: "Who was at the door? Where is she?"). Then she can go to the bathroom.
2- When she's in the bathroom she has to choice "Leave the door open."
In both case you'll heard a sound who confirm the right choice. Now you have to wait to reach dream room at the end of the day to unlock the "Secret book #1"


Mom checking Angelica's virginity:
-Ask her to help you. (+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Tell her you'll do it later.

KG: Angelica trust her mom and an help from her is fine...

--------------------Tot: LP=5; GP=10; BP=11.

Shower scene #2:
-Just have a shower.
-Play with your breasts... (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: The first choice will end the shower. But the second one will give Angelica a new choice.

New level:
-It's better to stop here;
-Play with your pussy... (+1 Lust point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Is it obvious? ;)

--------------------Tot: LP=6; GP=10; BP=11.

[optional and missable!] Old lady side quest:

-Help her. (+1 Good girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Greet Rosanna and go away. (+1 Bad girl point.)

-What's happening to my body? (CORRECT CHOICE)
-What's Simone hiding from me?
-Who is the girl with the red hair?

KG: Angelica is always ready to help people. She will help her.
The right question to ask is the first one about her body. This question will give Angelica the possibility to unlock a full scene later.

--------------------Tot: LP=6; GP=11; BP=11.

Carlo need help:
-I need your help, please!
-I need to solve it by myself.(+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

-I'll send him a message... (+1 Bad girl point.)
-I don't want to answer!... (+2 Bad girl point.)[REQ: 11 Bad points.] (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Angelica knows that it's her duty to save Carlo and she want to be sure to not let him suffer because of her "unknow power". Her mom and the "old lady" (You asked the right question to her) will confirm this. So she will choose to go until the end. Simone can be a problem in this moment, so she will choose to not aswer him...

--------------------Tot: LP=7; GP=11; BP=13.

Texting after the study:
-Answer him softly. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Answer him angrily. (+1 Bad girl point.)

-Flirt with him. (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Ignore him.

This choice will unlock a second choice:
-Send him a funny selfie. (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Just send him a message.

KG: Angelica has good reason to be angry with Simone, but after what happened she will choose to answer him calmly. As for Carlo, she will feel less shy to write to him from the phone. Angelica will decide to flirt and joke with Carlo. Angelica will take Carlo's photo with him automatically.

--------------------Tot: LP=7; GP=12; BP=14.

First costumer at Mario's pizzeria:
-The correct kind of pizza is PIZZA MARGHERITA.

Second costumer:
-The correct kind of pizzas are PIZZA CAPRICCIOSA and PIZZA BOSCAIOLA.

Third costumer:
-Be gentle. (+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-be rude. (+1 Bad girl point.)

-The correct kind of pizzas are PIZZA CAPRICCIOSA and TWO PIZZA MARGHERITA.

KG: There's no reason to be rude, he's just a kid after all...

--------------------Tot: LP=7; GP=13; BP=14.

Carlo at the table:

-Try not to move. (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Go away. (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angelica is excited and scared at the same time by Carlo's presence. She prefers to stay still to avoid being seen by Simone.

--------------------Tot: LP=7; GP=13; BP=15.

Larissa and Mario:
-I want to watch them... (+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-I prefer to wait... (+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angelica is worried about Mario. She want to be sure everything will be fine, so... let her watch them.

--------------------Tot: LP=7; GP=13; BP=16.

Revealing the secret scene:
-Open the grate in the Dream room and go down the stairs... if you have done the right things to unlock the secret scene (check above at SECRET SCENE #1) when you interact with Mr.Door (The grey door) you will start to see what's happened while Angelica was in the shower... Now follow the red magic circles:

Secret scene part #1 Unlocked!

Follow the red magic circles again:

Secret scene part #2 Unlocked!

Now you have two options:
-Interact with the blue magic circles.
-Interact with the red magic circles. (+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: The blue magic circle will let Angi exit from the secret scene room, the red one will show her the scene until the end. Angi will choose to watch everything trying to understand.

--------------------Tot: LP=8; GP=13; BP=16.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Day 04>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Bath scene with Rita <3 !!!:
-Like a lot of other last scenes now Angi will say different things and It depends on what happened in previous choices.

So if you followed my guide until now, these are the choice you will find:
-...I remember how good you are with your hands...[REQ: 15 Bad points.](+2 Bad girl points.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-...I... I don't want to do it... this is wrong...

During the action:
-I love it![REQ. 7 Lust points.](+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-[Say nothing...]

An extra lust point for our curly princess! Yes!

[The other version it's similar but the first choice it's a little bit different and it required 10 bad points and it gives you +1 bad point. But you are following my guide, right? Well, you can always play again trying different choices.]

KG: After her first experience, Angelica can enjoy the experience of Rita... so, there's no reason to say no and start a good day with a good relaxing bath and an orgasm!

--------------------Tot: LP=9; GP=13; BP=18.

Breackfast with mom... and Nicola!

This is the first scene where the output can be different if Angi will be dressed in bathrobe (right after the bath scene...) or in casual clothes (If she go to change clothes first...). To join mom and Nicola in bathrobe you need 10 Bad girl point minimum. So, join them! ;)

Talking with Nicola:
-Seduce him!(+1 Bad girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Better not.

If Angelica joined them with the bathrobe, and she did it, she will gain (+1 Lust point.) It's a very nice start, wow!

KG: Angelica is starting to have an interest for her young teacher, she's has enough bad girl point and feeling toward him to join them in bathrobe... ;)

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=13; BP=19.

-Enjoy the short narration about what will happen on day 4 and day 5. Angelica comment will be totally different if she has more bad or good girl points. Then the story will reach the morning of day 6.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Day 06>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wow, a team with our 4 girls? Amazing!

Meeting with Nicola:
-Tell him about Simone(+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Don't say anything

KG: Angelica is worried about Simone and she trusts our gentleman Nicola. So... why she doesn't have to tell him about her suspect on Simone? Take this good girl point!

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=14; BP=19.

Ping Side quest (Signatures). Ping needs Angelica's help:
-Sign Ping's petition.(+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Don't sign Ping's petition.(+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: Why Angi has to say no to our poor Ping? Help him! This will make Angelica more open to... coff coff... help him more later... and an extra good girl point it's always good to our perfect ending.

WARNING: to not fail his quest you have to talk with all students in the school main hall and, after talking to Ping a second time, in the school yard. This until you reach the scene with the two bad guys in the school yard...

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=15; BP=19.

The girl and the vending machine (school main hall):
-Give her 1 euro.(+1 Good girl points.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Don't help her.

KG: We are helping Ping and we can do a good deeds helping this girl too... another extra good girl point!

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=16; BP=19.

If you completed Ping side quest Angelica will gain +2 Good girl points.

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=18; BP=19.

Go on with the main quest... Angi will go to search for Ping. Ping is very sad but our Angi can help him to have a better day! Here the first part of the dialogue will be different if Angi help him with signatures or not.

If you followed my guide, you helped Ping and Angelica will remove her school jacket early. This will help you unlock the full scene, congratulations! IF YOU DIDN'T HELP PING, Angelica will remove her shirt ONLY if her bad girl points are more than her good girl points.

Ping ask Angi to remove her shirt too:
-Takes off the shirt.[REQ: 18 Bad girl points.](+1 Bad girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Keep the shirt.

KG: Angelica has a very good heart and she really want to help Ping. Other than this is starting to understand how much she like help people, expecially her friends...

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=18; BP=20.

In classroom, asking for a help:
-Ask Simone to help you. (SUGGESTED CHOICE)
-Ask Nicola to help you.

KG: Here, it's up to you, but if you want to know how much is helpful Simone, let Angelica write to him first...

The following Angi's memory will be different based on how much Angi "helped" Ping.


Carlo in the shool yard. Here, Carlo will tell Angi about what he heard that day on the couch of Angi's apartment. Again, this will be different if Angelica will give him a "hand" or not...

Carlo will ask for a little kiss:
-Kiss him on his cheek. (SUGGESTED CHOICE)
-Refuse to give him a kiss!

KG: Again, it's up to you... but now Carlo is a friend, so a kiss on his cheek it's not a problem...


Here I added a very short (and I hope "funny") minigame. It's not something too hard to do. You've just to pick the right choice. So, here the correct one:

-Open the door.
-Knocks on the door. (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Ask if anyone is there.

-Open the door!

Choose the second one: Angi will talk to you! <3!!! The right one is the third...


In the janitor's shack, check all the interactive points, if you're curious and you don't want to wait... or just let the time go on to the end...

You will play as Simone... check the interactive point but... well, you know where he has to check to go on with the story.

Angelica talking with Simo:
-Be nice to him.(+1 Good girl point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)
-Make him shut up!(+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: There's no reason to be mean with Simo... Angi is still able to be calm, even the situation is very hard to manage for her...

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=19; BP=20.

Simone and the janitor will left the room and the dialogue between Angi and Carlo will be different based, again, on what happened on that coach...


Simone will come back to open the door of the janitor's shack.

If bad girl point are more than the good girl point Angi won't be able to stop Carlo's request to kiss her... forbidden lips... +1 bad girl point for her!

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=19; BP=21.

Simone will talk to Angelica:
-Keep calm and tell him to wait for you.(+1 Good girl point.)

KG: This time Simone is not helping her at all... he's making her more nervous... better to stop him saying stupid things.

--------------------Tot: LP=10; GP=19; BP=22.

Angi will have to decide to stop Carlo, because Simone is here and she's nervous now, or she can let Carlo finish doing what he's started.

Carlo will try to calm her and convince her to enjoy the situation:
-YES!!!(+1 Lust point.) (CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: At this point Angi is too much aroused and nervous... she really need to release her stress... Carlo is always ready to help her and Simo need to be "punished" a little, are you agree with me?

--------------------Tot: LP=11; GP=19; BP=22.

Afternoon with Nicola. Angi will see... something for accident. Angi come back to the kitchen and the scene will be in full version if:
1. You unlocked the full scene with Nicola during the breackfast on day 4. (You did it if you're following my guide).
2. If your bad girl points are more than good girl points.

Congratulations you gain +1 lust point!

--------------------Tot: LP=12; GP=19; BP=22.

Angi dance with Nicola:
-Kiss him. [REQ: 21 Bad girl points.](+2 Bad girl points.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Just enjoy the moment.

KG: Angelica is very attracted to her young teacher, a little kiss can help her understand what she's really feeling for Nicola. So, let her give him a little innocent kiss... sorry, Simone.

--------------------Tot: LP=12; GP=19; BP=24.

Rita is trying to help Nicola and teaching Angelica how to take care of a man:
-Learn from your mother. [REQ: 20 Bad girl points.](+1 Bad point girl.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Close your eyes.(+1 Good girl point.)

KG: A great occasion to make Agelica learn from her beautiful milf-mom... so why not?

Angelica has the occasion to be more active and giving a little hand:
-Help Mom![REQ: 10 Lust points.](+1 Bad point girl.)(+1 Lust point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Keep watching. (+1 Bad girl point.)

KG: I think here is a good occasion for Angi to gain more courage to be more responsible for her action. So, let her be more active... Rita is doing all the work!

She'll gain +1 Lust point at the end of the scene for all three versions. So, +2 LP and +2 BP, very good!

--------------------Tot: LP=14; GP=19; BP=26.

During the shower scene don't finish your shower but let her "play with your breasts..." and "play with your pussy..." this will unlock the possibility to let her think about one of these guys:

Simone (+1 Good girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
Ping* (+1 Bad girl point.)
Carlo** (+1 Bad girl point.)
Nicola (+1 Bad girl point.)

*(Only if you unlocked the full scene with Ping in the storage room.)
**(Only if you unlocked the full scene with Carlo in the janitor's shack.)

KG: Here, it's up to you. You can see all the options reloading a save before the shower. For the sake of the "true endings" I will choose to let her think of Simone.

--------------------Tot: LP=14; GP=20; BP=26.

Alessia is teaching Angelica to kiss with tongue. Alessia after a first kiss ask for a second one:
-Let her kiss you.*(+2 Bad girl points.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Tell her goodnight.(+1 Good girl point.)

KG: Angi is in the right mood to practice kissing, so why waste the opportunity?

If you have more bad girl points than good girl points Angelica will unlock the full version. If not you'll "unlock" only the second kiss.

You'll gain +1 Lust point if you let Alessia give her a second kiss (full scene or not).

--------------------Tot: LP=15; GP=20; BP=28.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Day 07>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Rosanna and the second question. The other two question will depend on wich one you asked her in the previous occasion. If you have follew my guide until now the questions will be:
-What's Simone hiding from me?(+2 good girl points and -2 bad girl points.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Who is the girl with the red hair?

KG: Time to ask about Simone...


Simone is testing his control over Angelica. What he has in mind? Ping is worried about the situation:
-No, Ping... please stay.(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Simone's right. Please leave us alone.

+1 lust point at the end of the scene.

KG: Angelica is under a strange control and she feel forced by Simone. Ping is offering to stay with her in this difficult moment. Angelica need his help.

--------------------Tot: LP=16; GP=22; BP=26.

Ping's side quest (part 2):
-Yes(+1 Good girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: Doing this side quest will open more options in future... expecially if Angelica is wearing "bad girl" clothes version...

--------------------Tot: LP=16; GP=23; BP=26.

Finding a way to distract the janitor with the help of Erika:
-Help Erika.
-Just wait her.(+1 Good girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)

KG: There's no reason to be so bad damaging the girl's bathroom... is too much even for the "bad" Angelica.

--------------------Tot: LP=16; GP=24; BP=26.

Erika is dominating the headmaster. He will ask Angelica to let him look at her foot...:
-Angelica will accept automatically if she's wearing the bad clothes.(+2 bad girl points and -1 good girl point.)

KG: Angelica is very determined to get as much information as possible, so, with a lot of embarrassment, she will do it.

This will lead to a second request by headmaster:

-Do it.(+1 bad girl point.)(CORRECT CHOICE)
-Don't do it.

KG: Angelica is trying to be kind with the headmaster. he could be a good ally and his information and cooperation can be precious in future.

--------------------Tot: LP=16; GP=23; BP=29.


Thanks for playing Angelica Origins 0.5.1!!!

I always suggest to start a new save to refresh the story in your mind.

See you next time with Angelica Origins 0.5.2

Thanks for your support!

Mike [Kelo Games].


Last edited:
Ah I was wondering what had happened to the original, thanks for the update.
Guys, new version added (with author's permission)!!!
Walkthrough too !
After some months of pause I updated OP. Game already _HAS_ NTR elements, so try it out! :)

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