Title: One Shota da yo! Musashi-chan! (Fate/Grand Order) [Digital]
おねショタだよ!武蔵ちゃん! (Fate/Grand Order) [DL版] Circle/Artist: IRON FIN (Tethubire) / IRON FIN (テツビレ) Pages: 152 Size: 289 MB
Type: Doujinshi Language: Japanese Release Date: 2024/10/01
Could you reupload https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/111125-overdrive-d2b-vs-deardrops-cross-the-future.1174725/ ? (rapidgator is the only one that still works and I can't use it)
I can't find the japanese version anywhere else.
If you can't upload it, maybe I will make a request, but it seems that you are the only one who uploaded it in recent years, so I thought I would try here first.