[Hentai game] ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack for 1.05]

Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Have added new h-code for v1.02 and h-code is now much cleaner.

Get it here.
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Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

to say you the true I cannot even save. Not work also even the quick save. also the virus always go directly to my bank protection software and my avast antivirus warning me that the crack is trying to make something to the exe file of my bank software protection,then my avast block the whole game even after i add the game to the virus protection exceptions... this virus is very dangerous. I guess I cannot save because my antivirus block the crack and as well the game to make modifications in my HD. The bank software exe file is "scpbradguard.exe" and every time that I run the crack my antivirus say thet the virus from this crack is wanting toi make modifications on "scpbradguard.exe"...
1. Have you ever heard of "false-positives" (because of what the crack does to the game files)? Update: if the crack indeed had had viruses, then there would have been loads of reports about that by now, but this is obviously NOT the case.
2. I don't think the "virus that tried modify your bank protection software" was directly from the crack - maybe it somehow triggered a virus that ALREADY EXISTS in your computer that for some reason hadn't been detected previously.

Anyways, now that the bug fix patch v.1.02 is released (which fixes some bugs but introduces some more), you may try to apply that patch and then the NEW crack for that version to see what happens.

P.S.1 If you still for some reason don't trust that crack, then you're out of luck, as for now it's the only source of cracks for this game. Update: by "the only source", i mean there's only one team/person that has released a crack for the game.

P.S.2 Please post the name of the virus your anti-virus thinks it has detected.
Last edited:
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

[hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION V1.02

**************************Regex for TAHelper with Replace all names
主人公・男性器	股間
雪・男性器	おちんちん
**************************What I(一人称) you have set in game set it
一人称	僕
*一人称	俺
**************************Your in game name
名前	響
苗字	和久須
呼び名	ゆう
(^(【(.+)】|(.+))([|「])){1}	$5
**************************Regex for TAHelper END


Chain Text:

There are two h-codes because one have missing text and one have the missing text like name and the I(一人称) and text where hiragana is on top.

Link threads with ITHVNR start game add both h-codes get text and then link thread with text and thread with "np" text in it by me is it ":l4-5".
Add TAHelper regex so you get a clean text.

The new h-code is much cleaner.

By me its working with ITHVNR on Windows 10 64Bit

Just checking... There's no way to fix the no name problem right like how u did with the regex? The 1st H code gave lines with missing text, but the remaining 2 H codes gave only junk text so was wondering what they were for.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Just checking... There's no way to fix the no name problem right like how u did with the regex? The 1st H code gave lines with missing text, but the remaining 2 H codes gave only junk text so was wondering what they were for.

It works for me, the H-code number two give you heroine name (without linking to the 2nd H-Code, Heroine name won't appear) althought protagonist name still missing.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

It works for me, the H-code number two give you heroine name (without linking to the 2nd H-Code, Heroine name won't appear) althought protagonist name still missing.

Ow, duno how to link :|
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Trying to use the crack for 1.01 with 1.01, but when i press the crack nothing happens, is there a instructions somewhere or can some of you tell how to run it? Thanks.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Trying to use the crack for 1.01 with 1.01, but when i press the crack nothing happens, is there a instructions somewhere or can some of you tell how to run it? Thanks.

Did u move all the crack contents into the game folder? Then try running it.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Trying to use the crack for 1.01 with 1.01, but when i press the crack nothing happens, is there a instructions somewhere or can some of you tell how to run it? Thanks.

turn off the antivirus for a moment when you want to unrar the crack and start the game, after start you can turn it on back again
in my case with AVAST antivirus i need to do that first and whenever i want to start the game i need to unrar new crack from crack.rar (bcus i don't want to completely turn off all my antivirus)
well some antivirus take the crack file as a virus and completely erased it when you take it out from rar or when you start the game (the game where you need crack file exe)
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

any alternate link for crack 1.02 ?, for unknow reason while i'm download it always "failed - Network error" at 99.26%...
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

any alternate link for crack 1.02 ?, for unknow reason while i'm download it always "failed - Network error" at 99.26%...

try to turn off antivirus when you download it
after you finish download and allow download the file crack.rar you can turn on antivirus again
it's like that for me (with AVAST antivirus)
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Issues so far with running v1.02 with crack v1.02

1. When I get to any H-scene I get the error "BGVの再生に失敗しました", basically "background voice playback failed". As soon as this pops up I get the last second or so of audio on loop forever until I kill the process through command prompt. Turning the setting off completely doesn't solve the issue either.
2. Characters with E-mote animations will MOST of the time also do a speech animation for another voiced characters line. Example Yuki(has sprite and voiced) has finished saying her line with animations, you go to the next message which is Hinako(has no sprite but is voiced) saying something while Yuki is still on screen, ending up in Yuki's sprite now doing the speaking animations for Hinako's voice lines.
3. Not sure if this is a bug from the game or from the crack, but the menu doesn't display the updated text color in "test settings".

I'd say the first two are pretty major issues, but the crack does work.

Edit: Grammar.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

when i play something strange cames up...when i set the graphic into 1080p (fullscreen) why it's still LQ...?
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Issues so far with running v1.02 with crack v1.02

1. When I get to any H-scene I get the error "BGVの再生に失敗しました", basically "background voice playback failed". As soon as this pops up I get the last second or so of audio on loop forever until I kill the process through command prompt. Turning the setting off completely doesn't solve the issue either.
2. Characters with E-mote animations will MOST of the time also do a speech animation for another voiced characters line. Example Yuki(has sprite and voiced) has finished saying her line with animations, you go to the next message which is Hinako(has no sprite but is voiced) saying something while Yuki is still on screen, ending up in Yuki's sprite now doing the speaking animations for Hinako's voice lines.
3. Not sure if this is a bug from the game or from the crack, but the menu doesn't display the updated text color in "test settings".

I'd say the first two are pretty major issues, but the crack does work.

Edit: Grammar.

I have some problem! What to do?
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Pretty sure it's actually an issue with the crack. My work around is basically ignore the issues. Ruins the H-scenes, and makes talking with more than one voiced character pretty awks but you can just spam click the error and it will leave you alone(will still loop the audio until you kill it though).
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Issues so far with running v1.02 with crack v1.02

1. When I get to any H-scene I get the error "BGVの再生に失敗しました", basically "background voice playback failed". As soon as this pops up I get the last second or so of audio on loop forever until I kill the process through command prompt. Turning the setting off completely doesn't solve the issue either.
2. Characters with E-mote animations will MOST of the time also do a speech animation for another voiced characters line. Example Yuki(has sprite and voiced) has finished saying her line with animations, you go to the next message which is Hinako(has no sprite but is voiced) saying something while Yuki is still on screen, ending up in Yuki's sprite now doing the speaking animations for Hinako's voice lines.
3. Not sure if this is a bug from the game or from the crack, but the menu doesn't display the updated text color in "test settings".

I'd say the first two are pretty major issues, but the crack does work.

Edit: Grammar.
It's a known bug with the 1.02 version of the game. The only workaround for now is to turn off the "keep playing voiced line until next voiced line" option. It's located under the "Sound Settings" tab, look for "次の音声が再生されるまで音声を停止しない", and uncheck it.
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Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Savedata Savedata
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]


any crack for the 1.03 patch?
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Don't think so, but pretty sure hibiki said it still needs patches as well. Plus the HD revision patch so who knows.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

1.05 hcode
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Crack have been updated.
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

Crack have been updated.

unzipped the game , and then i copied patch 1.05 to the game n then it says are you is the game patch 1.05 . helppp
Re: ❀AS Bought Game❀ [170428] [hibiki works] 新妻LOVELY×CATION 初回限定版 + Drama CD + Manual + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack]

unzipped the game , and then i copied patch 1.05 to the game n then it says are you is the game patch 1.05 . helppp
you need to install the patch over the game else it wont work... copying wont help
maybe it's kinda late, but did anyone has the music / ost ? the OP is kinda nice by shimotsukin ^^
Is there a guide on how to install this somewhere? I get "Are you sure your game is Ver_1.05 when running crack

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can you please reupload this?


Thank you
NewUserName1 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Would you mind uploading part 1 of this artbook? Part 2 has already been upload

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Would you mind uploading part 1 of this artbook? Part 2 has already been upload

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Hi Ryzen111

Would you mind uploading part 1 of this artbook? Part 2 has already been upload
