
  1. [Request] QooPA!(くーぱ!) 2015年 05 月号

    [Request] QooPA!(くーぱ!) 2015年 05 月号

    Name:月刊QooPA!(くーぱ!) 2015年 05 月号 Publication Date: March. 28, 2015 Publisher: ジーウォーク; 月刊 edition (G-walk; Monthly Edition) Artist: 小石ちかさ【単行本発売中】 (Pebble underground of [book sale]) Circle:月刊QooPA!(くーぱ!) Cooper! monthly Resolution: Large (860x1280 if possible) Preffered Hosting Site: I...
  2. Manjaro

    (Request) Can Anyone get the scans of a story in a magazine issue?

    (Request) QooPA!(くーぱ!) 2015年 05 月号 Scans Hello everyone. I'm Manjaro, and this is my first request; is there anyone who could get the scans of an issue of QooPA! Magazine(月刊QooPA!)? I am offering payment for them. Name:月刊QooPA!(くーぱ!) 2015年 05 月号 Publication Date: March. 28, 2015 Publisher...