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  1. renano

    Pass the bomb.... [FUN] xD

    27 little cats eating little bombs for the little mice in their little tummies (what ugly sentence structure)
  2. renano

    Pass the bomb.... [FUN] xD

    29 cats /me passes the bomb to samyeung46 ;
  3. renano

    Keep One, Drop One

    Biggest Birthday
  4. renano

    The time bomb game!

    9~~~~~~~~ /me glomps Canaan ; xD
  5. renano

    The time bomb game!

    11......../me prepares bunk bed
  6. renano

    ❤ Count the letters into Words ★★★★★

    VUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /me needs ice-cream
  7. renano

    The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

    Because renano oujo-sama is its axis and all her minions work the night-shift to keep the world and the whole universe intact~ Why must we "crawl before we walk"? Philosophical quote intended.
  8. renano

    ❤ Count the letters into Words ★★★★★

    RVS... what an innovative game~ ^^ (No sarcasm)
  9. renano

    Guess Guess game!

    .../me has no clue Chinatsu Yoshikawa from Yura Yuri. .../me casually :goodtea: I tried~
  10. renano


    .../me casually tries this 1. My nigguh renano goes by 'MC ODB TAINAKA' on tha streets (What's ODB? /me casually looks it up. What?! I'm not old... or dirty... or... the last thing that begins with the letter 'B'.) >_> 2. renano is forever a yandere senpai desu. (That's right everyone! I'm...
  11. renano

    Keep One, Drop One

    Disturbed Sleep~ :goodtea:
  12. renano

    last letter first letter

  13. renano

    Word Association Game

  14. renano


    Watching Sam like a boss who is watching me achieve more random achievements while using an onion to express my calm state... :goodtea::goodtea::goodtea: Used :goodtea: 3 times (not including in this sentence)... Bonus achievement and receives jade power-up bracelet to raise my dexterity by 5...
  15. renano

    [Game] - Male vs Female

    Must have been barbarous! They all stampeded upon one another! They shall feel my wrath of glomps! /me glomps... *picks random name* nawi ; xD
  16. renano


    Looping "MUGIC" for 278 times (according to Winamp)... Achievement. What a whack-a-doodle way to achieve something. Extra Achievement and Skill Point for using the word 'whack-a-doodle'! xD
  17. renano

    [Game] - Male vs Female

    You mean the 'males' became 'females'... >_> Lol~
  18. renano


    ... /me is being casual as usual for more than 24 hours... Achievement and glomps LioNeeZ ; Bonus! xD
  19. renano

    [Game] - Male vs Female

    ... Is this not a game anymore? @_@
  20. renano

    ~Clouds vs Jewels~

    1537 Was nawi 'never' a guy? xD /me hugs nawi and confirms he is a man by (insert whatever)