Search results for query: *

  1. Loki

    Are you afraid of dying?

    Holy shit yes I'm afraid of dying. I'm not going to try being all cool and "No, it's inevitable, I am too apathetic and dreamy to mind..." If I could be immortal, I'd be immortal. Whether I had to watch the world end or not. Whether I had to kill people or not, I would be immortal if I could be...
  2. Loki

    The Paranormal. Share your experiences.

    Well, if Google isn't lying to me, this isn't paranormal. But still the most terrifying experience of my life. Just yesterday. I hadn't slept for two days because I'm an idiot, and school is coming back tomorrow, so I'm kind of stressed (I hate school). Combine this with the girl I like...
  3. Loki

    The Paranormal. Share your experiences.

    One thing I vividly remember is watching myself sleep for like an hour through somebody else's eyes. I remember thinking "Umm... who am I? Why am I watching... me?" Possibly just a dream, though. Another thing that happened was that my brother, best friend and I were playing a kind of torch...
  4. Loki

    Lucid Dreaming!!

    I have never had one when I was trying to do it. I've had sleep paralysis a few times (when you are wide awake but you can't move at all for a while), which wasn't fun. I've also had times when I was trying to have a lucid dreams and a lot of creepy shit has happened to me (like loud voices...
  5. Loki

    My first topic: immortality by any means.

    If the brain is kept undamaged and all other organs/systems within the body are kept fully functional, I believe it's possible.
  6. Loki

    Male or Female?

    I'm definitely a dude, but I have long hair, big lips and a girly figure... so a lot of people think I'm a girl :|
  7. Loki

    Rapid Gator? File Factory? Those file hosts are too weak...

    MediaFire is pretty good to me...
  8. Loki

    My first topic: immortality by any means.

    The whole... "Immortality is a curse" thing really doesn't phase me. Not at the moment, anyway. For all the heartache I would experience in seeing loved ones pass, I would make up for it in doing and seeing amazing things in my lifetime. I also agree with samyeung46- it might be trouble if the...
  9. Loki

    My first topic: immortality by any means.

    I don't think anybody could keep a sound mind when living eternally. Not to say they'd go mad, but they'd become extraordinary.
  10. Loki

    My first topic: immortality by any means.

    Another opinion I have often encountered. I think it would be sad, but for me the wonderful things you could encounter, obtain and experience throughout an immortal life would make it bearable. It's true that most just think immortality (or something close to) is something of fiction and could...
  11. Loki

    My first topic: immortality by any means.

    This is my first actual topic, and this has probably been discussed before, but reading through old posts without contributing does not interest me. The question: if you had the opportunity, would you become immortal? Some things to know about this question: I do not mean strictly through...