Search results for query: *

  1. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] (001208)[US][HF][WU][FS]とらいあんぐるハート3 ~Sweet Songs Forever~

    Does anyone have a copy of this title they are willing to share? I know this poster has been banned and this is the only page with links (non-working) that I find. Thanks if you have it and can upload.
  2. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] *R* 【150123】[エロゲーム][BaseSon Light] きみはね 彼女と彼女の恋する1ヶ月

    Any chance of a reupload on this title? I must have went through 50 postings without a single working link. Someone must hate BaseSon Light :) Thanks if you can reup it.
  3. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] *R* 【083107】[エロゲーム][Puzzlebox] 萌日記

    Could this title be reuploaded, please? Thanks. :)
  4. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [unicorn-a / げーせん18] 詩篇69~深淵のメサイア~ [070928] (1.72GB)

    Any chance of getting these reuploaded somewhere? None of the download links appear to be working. Thanks!
  5. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [Fizz] さくらテイル 初回版 [091030]

    Could these links be reuploaded? Looks like they have been removed. Thank you! :)
  6. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] *R* 【090930】[エロゲーム][Fizz] さくらテイル -the tale of cherry blossoms septet-

    Confirmed, this is Eternal's ネガゼロ~Negative Zero~. Unfortunately, I am not finding any working links to what this is supposed to be (さくらテイル). Any chance the correct title could be reuploaded? Thanks!
  7. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] *R* 【082507】[エロゲーム][エスクード] ヴェルディア幻奏曲

    Any chance this title could be reuploaded? The only working link appears to be for the soundtrack, not the game. Thanks!
  8. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [051216][Talisman] Blaze of Destiny III -The Tears of the Blue Sea-

    Well, I should have looked before asking, but Velka's downloads work for the first 2 titles in the series, so III is the only one I'd like to request reuploaded. Sorry about that and thanks.
  9. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [030411][Talisman] Blaze of Destiny

    And the same with this one. Looks like mega has something against this trilogy. Could you reup this one when you get the chance as well? Thank you.
  10. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [040521][Talisman] Blaze of Destiny II -The Beginning of the Fate-

    These mega links are dead as well. If it isn't to much trouble, could you reupload this one as well? Thank you 4yvak!
  11. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [051216][Talisman] Blaze of Destiny III -The Tears of the Blue Sea-

    Hi, is there any chance you could reupload the mega game file. It is no longer active. Thank you! :)
  12. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] *R* 【091225】[エロゲーム][Liquid-Touchable] 秘蹟神姫アルカナセイバー

    Is there any chance this title could be reuploaded? I don't find any other offerings of this one and all links are dead. Thank you :)
  13. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] 【010709】[エロゲーム][Sweet Basil] いつかの空

    Is there any chance of getting this title reuploaded? There aren't a lot of posters offering it and the links are all dead in any case. Thank you if you are able to :)
  14. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [100827] [light] 神様のりんご

    This was just Majino Complex, Did you happen to have the other 2 titles from 神様のりんご ? Thanks if you do, and thanks for the Majino Complex upload even if you don't :)
  15. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [090529][light] どんちゃんがきゅ~ パッケージ版

    I think I might have found the problem, but I am not sure how to fix it. It seems that 1/2 of the crack is included in the download. _8c0a495a.exe is there, but from all I have read you need the other half 8c0a495a.exe, to execute the crack. I've tried the suggestions for finding it (showing...
  16. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [090529][light] どんちゃんがきゅ~ パッケージ版

    It's been eight years to the day since shinstellar posted his question, but I'm still looking for an answer :) Is there a crack or code for this game somewhere? I haven't been able to find any, but figure there has to be one out there somewhere. If anyone has any ideas, has the crack or can...
  17. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [060828][CLOVER] 承平クンのHANI神ライフ☆

    Wow, five for the price of one. Thank you for the upload :)
  18. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [091204][ アナスタシア] 蒼海のヴァルキュリア~孤高の皇女ルツィア~

    Is there any way to get the Mexashare links reuploaded? They download fine right now, but the game it downloaded was それでもオレはやってやる! instead of 蒼海のヴァルキュリア ~孤高の皇女ルツィア~. On the bright side, I now own a functional copy of Sore de mo Ore wa Yatteyaru!, so thank you for that :)
  19. Valiyarian

    [Japanese] [030926][DreamSoft] ナチュラルアナザーワン

    You wouldn't happen to have the nodvd patch for this one? Thanks if you do.