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  1. BlueMage

    [LPW #149] Love Taste

    Funny, I got a new PC in June. I don't remember ever logging in here since then but apparently I did since I'm still logged in. Interesting...
  2. BlueMage

    [LPW #128] Chika - Small But Dangerous!

    Hmm I think that's true. Maybe the "old design" just stuck with me more and I forgot about the update. @Dark Angel- It's been alright. :p
  3. BlueMage

    [LPW #128] Chika - Small But Dangerous!

    Thanks nanashi :) The site's design seems "darker" than what I remember. haha
  4. BlueMage

    [LPW #128] Chika - Small But Dangerous!

    Posting to show that I'm still alive. :goodtea: Plus, just finished watching Fate/Zero which reminded me of a... certain member from here.
  5. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    Happy New Year everyone~
  6. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    Hmm Alright then. I'll see when the time comes.
  7. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    2nd is the latest. I heard it's not as good as the 1st one but was still good.
  8. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    Why is that? ;_;
  9. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    Hey there Frank and bye cram. How you doing frank?
  10. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    I've actually heard good things about the 2nd season. I'll watch it after the next anime i watch. (Which i haven't decided yet...)
  11. BlueMage

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    Dropping by post~ Just finished watching Baka Test 1st season. >_>
  12. BlueMage

    [LPW#73] One for the memories

    So this was the change King mentioned... =o
  13. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    AC- I would also like some photos of the place if possible. :)
  14. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    @AC- Your own Cafe? That's pretty cool. :o If i ever get around to visiting your country i'll try going there. xD And eh. I'm ok I guess. Nothing really interesting going on in my life right now. :/ University has been annoying (as usual). xD
  15. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    I was actually thinking the same thing AC. xD How you doing?
  16. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    You srs King? ;----; Well, at least my Join Date will still show up. <_<
  17. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    Saint Seiya is good/decent/ok if you like mainstream shounen, but it's not anything amazing (One of the arcs is really good though). I still love it because the characters grew on me and was basically my childhood. xD
  18. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    Hey there sam. I *think* my first anime was probably Saint Seiya 15 years ago. >_> (Or was it more? Not sure now...) King- Indeed. :/
  19. BlueMage

    [LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

    Passing by here to see how everyone is doing. :3
  20. BlueMage

    ASF Family Tree

    King, how come i am nowhere in that list? :( You hate me now bro? ;-;