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  1. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    Good to know haha x] remember the anime name from Jump Super Stars very legit :D!
  2. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Count to a million

    29122 :ninja:
  3. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    it better be an awesome animuu
  4. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Count to a million

    29119 w00t
  5. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    sure about that ;)
  6. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    but zeds dead D:
  7. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    zombie cancer
  8. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Married, Single, or in a Relationship?

    forever green hill zone i mean forever alone :8
  9. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    pokeman fossils
  10. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    fossil fighters o-o
  11. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    Clever isn't it xD and who knows wires might take over the world someday :eek:
  12. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    Nice meeting everyone glad to see some creativity going on in this forums i liek
  13. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    mwahahaha will do :D green eggs and spam Its all gold thanks for showing me around :ninja:
  14. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    secret handshakes
  15. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Count to a million

    29109 hrawhrawhraw
  16. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Shugah Sweet Nightmare/Appreciate Bakemonogatari AMV

    Yeah has some glitches you can spot on it but it was my vegas messing with me x_x might not be available to some users since the videos blocked in Germany copyright infringement is a pain
  17. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    Haha thank you very much will do because I have honor :D
  18. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    role playing game
  19. WiresOfMassDestruction

    First Thoughts Game

    foori koori :B
  20. WiresOfMassDestruction

    Hello my peeps

    just an average newby I also edit amvs from time to time :D will be glad to meet new peoples ;)