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  1. labmem001

    What game are you currently playing?

    Too many because I missed out on good stuff when I was younger, and I also tend to play too many games at once anyways: FF6 (SNES) FF7 (PS1) Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition Gears of War 2 Mass Effect 2 (X360) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC) Tales of Phantasia (SNES) The Witness (PC)...
  2. labmem001

    Who is your favorite Girl from monogatari series??

    Kaiki best girl jk jk For a long long long time I was in the boat of Shinobu best girl. But lately, Hanekawa has been fav
  3. labmem001

    What's the funniest anime you've ever watched?

    Seitokai Yakuindomo Golden Time Ghost Stories Nichijou for this season definitely: Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
  4. labmem001

    [Anime Chart] Summer 2016

    Man my backlog has gotten so backed up, but there's so much good stuff coming up. I'm definitely gonna have to watch new Berserk, D. Gray Man, DR3, Rewrite, Orange, and Tales of Zestiria
  5. labmem001

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I've been watching a few: Dragon Ball Super (I'm all caught up to ep 43) Erased (I slacked and need to finish it; at ep 3) Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? (all up to date) DBS and Netoge are hilarious. Erased is one of the best this year so far, i think.
  6. labmem001

    Are you afraid of dying?

    Dying is scary yeah, however not as scary as not dying honestly. I am more scared of immortality than death. I'd much rather die than live to see everyone I love die, and live a life of suffering.
  7. labmem001

    Who's your Waifu/Husbando? And why?

    I'd have to say my waifu is Makise Kurisu; for a multitude of reasons really. First of all, she reminds me of myself. Her relationship with her father is kinda similar to my relationship with my stepfather. Because of that it really made me feel for her about that situation. Second, she is...
  8. labmem001

    Married, Single, or in a Relationship?

    I'm 19 and single. (and probably not even looking) Sometimes I get lonely yeah, but the idea of having a girlfriend scares me. I have a hard enough time managing myself, let alone another person.
  9. labmem001

    What would you change about yourself/your life? And where would you rather live?

    I probably wouldn't change anything. I like myself as is. It's probably more of a philosophy thing than anything. I personally believe who I am is collectively relative to everything that's happened to me thus far. All the experiences good or bad make up the current me. To change anything could...
  10. labmem001


    Hey guys. I've already been skimming this site for nearly a year now, but finally decided to finally make an account. Everything's great I guess. So hi.