Search results for query: *

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    [Hentai game] [180525] [アトリエかぐや BARE&BUNNY] Love×Holic ~魅惑の乙女と白濁カンケイ~ [H-Game]

    When I try to start the game a message shows up that directs me to a homepage which tells me to download and install some software. What is that about, do I need a crack or something?
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    [Hentai game] [180223] [ALICESOFT] ランス10 + Arrange Collection + Manual [H-Game]

    Hey guys, does anyone know how to beat the blue giant boss? After 5 turns or so it's always Auto-GameOver for me, although I've still plenty of HP.
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    [Hentai game] [171208] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 三極姫5 飛将光臨・戦煌の闘神 通常版 + Update [H-Game]

    Hey guys! Quick question about the characters with a "red sign" in place of the loyalty stat. Can you influence the chances of them to join you? And do I just have to be lucky or is it scripted (according to the story) if they join you or not? Thanks!
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    [Hentai game] [160325] [アストロノーツ・シリウス] Dungeon of Regalias ~背徳の都イシュガリア~ 初回限定版 + Update [H-Game]

    Hi guys! Does anybody know what exactly I have to do for the quest in Chapter 4 in B2F of the sewers? Quest description says something about 5 tentacles or something like that. Does anybody know what to do? EDIT: Nevermind, I got it somehow. Although I have no idea what it was that I did.
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    [Hentai game] ❄Own Bought❄[150821][SPLUSH WAVE] ドラゴンアカデミー2

    Can anybody tell me how you can break the walls in the 2nd dungeon?
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    [Hentai game] [150424] [ALICESOFT] イブニクル -Evenicle- + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

    Can anyone tell me where Kathryn's house is located?
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    [Hentai game] [140926] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 天極姫 ~新世大乱・双界の覇者達~ 豪華限定版 + Oda Nobuyuki Additional Scene Modified Version + Update 1.02 [Serial is included] [H-Game] [No D

    Re: [140926] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 天極姫 ~新世大乱・双界の覇者達~ 豪華限定版 + Oda Nobuyuki Additional Scene + Update 1.02 [Serial is included] [H-Game] [No DVD Patch] First off, thanks for the NoDVD. The game runs smoothly, aside from occasional crashes after right-clicking. But am I the only one that thinks this...
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    [Hentai game] [140425] [エウシュリー] 天秤のLa DEA。 ~戦女神MEMORIA~ + Append Disk + Manual [H-Game]

    Re: [140425] [エウシュリー] 天秤のLa DEA。 ~戦女神MEMORIA~ + Append Disk [H-Game] Can you guys tell me what this choice effects? Apparently it is about giving something to somebody. The first choice doesn't do anything. Is there a "best" choice? Has it a big impact on the story?
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    [Hentai game] [140425] [ALICESOFT] ランス9 ヘルマン革命 + Sound Album + Material Art Book + Manual + Update 1.01[H-Game]

    Re: [140425] [ALICESOFT] ランス9 ヘルマン革命 + Sound Album + Material Art Book + Manual [H-Game] I think there's a problem with your attachment. But I guess you are talking about that character: I tried that already, I even cleared the map with only that character on the map, ...still no monkey ball...
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    [Hentai game] [140425] [ALICESOFT] ランス9 ヘルマン革命 + Sound Album + Material Art Book + Manual + Update 1.01[H-Game]

    Re: [140425] [ALICESOFT] ランス9 ヘルマン革命 + Sound Album + Material Art Book + Manual [H-Game] Hey guys, can anybody tell me how to get the monkey ball, in this mission? Thanks!
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    [Hentai game] [New Release][140320][SQUEEZ] 炎の孕ませ乳(パイ)ドルマイ★スター学園Z 初回生産限定 [2.64G] (Bonus Disc & Wallpaper Included)

    Does anybody know how to include the content of the Bonus-Disc into the game? Since you can't install anything from the images, i have a hard time figuring it out.
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    [Hentai game] [130927] [5bit] バトルフォース ~Battle Force~ [H-Game]

    Hi, I've got the same problem. And only half of your image is loading for me. I've tried it numerous times. Do you think you could re-upload your image to a different host? Or at least describe, what one needs to do on this stage. I'd really appreciate it!
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    [Hentai game] [121214] [unicorn-a/げーせん18] 戦極姫4 ~争覇百計、花守る誓い~ 豪華限定版 + Sofmap Tokuten + Manual [Serial is included] [H-Game] [No DVD Patch]

    After I did the Tokugawa route I played played the game one more time with the family that's far west. When I started, I could also choose generals to start with, but like in your picture, I had only 5 points and the costs were always 10 points/general (except one), so I couldn't afford most...