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  1. [Own Bought][060424][株式会社コンテライド] Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~ (チャコっとゲーム研究会〜すずめ隊長のメイドカフェ〜)

    [Own Bought][060424][株式会社コンテライド] Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~ (チャコっとゲーム研究会〜すずめ隊長のメイドカフェ〜)

    TITLE: Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~/チャコっとゲーム研究会〜すずめ隊長のメイドカフェ〜 BRAND: Conteride Co., Ltd./株式会社コンテライド RELEASE: 2006-04-24 SIZE: 173mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Chakotto Game Kenkyuukai ~Suzume Taichou no Maid Cafe~ is an adventure vn game for PC that was included...
  2. [Own Bought][140817][NOVECT] Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana (薔薇と椿とファタモルガーナ)

    [Own Bought][140817][NOVECT] Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana (薔薇と椿とファタモルガーナ)

    TITLE: Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana/薔薇と椿とファタモルガーナ BRAND: NOEVCT RELEASE: 2014-08-17 SIZE: 200mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: A lesser known title in the Fata Morgana series, Bara to Tsubaki to Fata Morgana is a collaboration between Fata Morgana and the slapstick fighting game Rose &...
  3. D

    [Request]angel assort vol 1~5

    Uploaded all 5 earlier today. Should be available as soon as my threads are approved
  4. [Own Bought][080118][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.05 (エンジェルアソートVol.05)

    [Own Bought][080118][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.05 (エンジェルアソートVol.05)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.05/エンジェルアソートVol.05 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2008-01-18 SIZE: 427mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: A fandisk containing side stories of Solfege and Palais de Reine among other goodies to commemorate the year of 2007 for Kogado Studio. Feel free to reupload this game...
  5. [Own Bought][070119][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.04 (エンジェルアソートVol.04)

    [Own Bought][070119][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.04 (エンジェルアソートVol.04)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.04/エンジェルアソートVol.04 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2007-01-19 SIZE: 228mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Blue Blaster, Dear Pianissimo, and Palais de Reine that contains minigames and comics among other goodies to commemorate the year of 2006 for Kogado...
  6. [Own Bought][051229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.03 (エンジェルアソートVol.03)

    [Own Bought][051229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.03 (エンジェルアソートVol.03)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.03/エンジェルアソートVol.03 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2005-12-29 SIZE: 473mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Blue Flow that contains a number of goodies like wallpapers and minigames to commemorate the year of 2005 for Kogado Studio. Feel free to reupload this...
  7. [Own Bought][050114][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.02 (エンジェルアソートVol.02)

    [Own Bought][050114][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.02 (エンジェルアソートVol.02)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.02/エンジェルアソートVol.02 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2005-01-14 SIZE: 145mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Magical Twirler Angel Rabbie and Aoi Umi no Tristia that contains several extra content like soundtracks, mini-games, a digital manga, wallpapers, among...
  8. [Own Bought][031229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.01 (エンジェルアソートVol.01)

    [Own Bought][031229][工画堂スタジオ] ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.01 (エンジェルアソートVol.01)

    TITLE: ANGEL ASSORT - VOL.01/エンジェルアソートVol.01 BRAND: 工画堂スタジオ RELEASE: 2003-12-29 SIZE: 161mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Mini fandisc of Magical Twirler Angel Rabbie and Aoi Umi no Tristia that contains two visual short stories among other goodies to commemorate the year of 2003 for Kogado...
  9. [Own Bought][140320][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime 2 ~Senran no Yo, Gunyuu Arashi no Gotoku~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫2~戦乱の世、群雄嵐の如く~ 新装版)

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][140320][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime 2 ~Senran no Yo, Gunyuu Arashi no Gotoku~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫2~戦乱の世、群雄嵐の如く~ 新装版)

    TITLE: Sengoku Hime 2 ~Senran no Yo, Gunyuu Arashi no Gotoku~ Renewal Edition/戦極姫2~戦乱の世、群雄嵐の如く~ 新装版 BRAND: げーせん18 RELEASE: 2014-03-20 SIZE: 3.38gb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Updated to use to the same system as Sengoku Hime 3 ~Tenka o Kirisaku Hikari to Kage~ and a resolution of 1280 x...
  10. [Own Bought][111125][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime ~Senran no Yo ni Honoo Tatsu~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫~戦乱の世に焔立つ~ 新装版)

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][111125][げーせん18] Sengoku Hime ~Senran no Yo ni Honoo Tatsu~ Renewal Edition (戦極姫~戦乱の世に焔立つ~ 新装版)

    TITLE: Sengoku Hime ~Senran no Yo ni Honoo Tatsu~ Renewal Edition/戦極姫~戦乱の世に焔立つ~ 新装版 BRAND: げーせん18 RELEASE: 2011-11-25 SIZE: 1.40gb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Updated to use to the same system as Sengoku Hime 3 ~Tenka o Kirisaku Hikari to Kage~ and a resolution of 1280 x 720 instead of...
  11. [Own Bought][071221][Marron] Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)

    [Own Bought][071221][Marron] Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)

    TITLE: Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Gaiden Onnakyoushi - Nidoki Ichisaka (Kyuusei)/ひまわりのチャペルできみと外伝 女教師・仁時一紗香(旧姓) BRAND: Marron RELEASE: 2007-12-21 SIZE: 84mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: A Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to Side story that was bundled with its visual fanbook. Was hard to find...
  12. [Own Bought][110402][サン出版] BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD ミニミニAVG集 Part2

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][110402][サン出版] BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD ミニミニAVG集 Part2

    TITLE: BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD MiniMini AVG Collection Part 2/BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD ミニミニAVG集 Part2 BRAND: サン出版 RELEASE: 2011-04-02 SIZE: 1.94gb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: Part 2 of 3 of the BugBug 200 Anniversary DVD MiniMini AVG Collection. Parts 1 and 3 are available online...
  13. [Own Bought][040624][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shuutou~ (藍より青し ~秋冬~)

    [Own Bought][040624][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shuutou~ (藍より青し ~秋冬~)

    TITLE: Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shuutou~ /藍より青し ~秋冬~ BRAND: J.C.Staff RELEASE: 2004-06-24 SIZE: 360mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION (taken from vndb): The popular comic and animation series "Ai Yori Aoshi'' is finally available on PC with beautiful CG! Cherry blossom in the spring, beach swimming in...
  14. [Own Bought][040520][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shunka~ (藍より青し ~春夏~)

    [Own Bought][040520][J.C.Staff] Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shunka~ (藍より青し ~春夏~)

    TITLE: Ai Yori Aoshi ~Shunka~/藍より青し ~春夏~ BRAND: J.C.Staff RELEASE: 2004-05-20 SIZE: 407mb LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION (taken from vndb): The popular comic and animation series "Ai Yori Aoshi'' is finally available on PC with beautiful CG! Cherry blossom in the spring, beach swimming in...
  15. D

    [Request][221208]ねこねこソフト おかえしCD8

    Uploaded it a few minutes ago. Should be available whenever my thread gets approved.
  16. [Own Bought][221208][NekoNeko Soft] NekoNeko Soft Okaeshi CD 8 (ねこねこソフト おかえしCD8)

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][221208][NekoNeko Soft] NekoNeko Soft Okaeshi CD 8 (ねこねこソフト おかえしCD8)

    TITLE: NekoNeko Soft Okaeshi CD 8/ねこねこソフト おかえしCD8 BRAND: NekoNeko Soft RELEASE: 2022-12-08 SIZE: 1.61 GB LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: NekoNeko Soft Fan Club disc. RAR file includes everything on the disc which was the both the game and an update to the 20th Anniversary disc released with...
  17. [Own Bought][021227][BREST UP] SHINE MEMORIES -シャインメモリーズ-

    [Japanese] [Own Bought][021227][BREST UP] SHINE MEMORIES -シャインメモリーズ-

    TITLE: SHINE MEMORIES -シャインメモリーズ- BRAND: BREST UP RELEASE: 2002-12-27 SIZE: 258 MB LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION: The main character, Rainforce, is a hero who saved the world five years ago during a war that engulfed the entire continent. During that battle, a woman confessed her love to...
  18. [Own Bought][150828][tangentθ] Boku to Sekai no Euclid (ボクとセカイのユークリッド)

    [Own Bought][150828][tangentθ] Boku to Sekai no Euclid (ボクとセカイのユークリッド)

    TITLE: Boku to Sekai no Euclid/ボクとセカイのユークリッド BRAND: tangentθ RELEASE: 2015-08-28 SIZE: 358 MB LANGUAGE: Japanese DESCRIPTION (taken from vndb): The time I lived is dead, a sweet and gentle world Will you live there, remain there, or disappear there? Sagaminami City, a huge academic city in a...
  19. D

    Hello, would you still happen to have Setsu no Hi, protected or not? Would really appreciate a...

    Hello, would you still happen to have Setsu no Hi, protected or not? Would really appreciate a reupload since the mega link is down.
  20. D

    This should be the game,

    This should be the game,