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  • Users: Mka47
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  1. Mka47

    What did you have for your breakfast this morning ?

    Nada nothing.......
  2. Mka47

    Bacon is good thread.

    Bacon causes cancer says WHO:
  3. Mka47

    What time do you wake up?

    Not early enough !!!
  4. Mka47

    What are you downloading right now?

    Nada, I should change that.
  5. Mka47

    What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

    Punches mah alarm clock in the face.
  6. Mka47

    how are you~?

    I dunno, how are you?
  7. Mka47

    Tea or Coffee?

    Toffee...oh wait....
  8. Mka47

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    That Daisy Ridley sure is a cutie :lovestruck:
  9. Mka47

    What game are you currently playing?

    GTA VC is still fun to play, or maybe it's the music.
  10. Mka47


    I'm responding to you like 5 months later, no I'm not gonna rage in public.
  11. Mka47

    What did you have for lunch??

    Nothing yet...... :korokke_dizzy:
  12. Mka47


    Rando Clarissian better be in the new Star Wars!
  13. Mka47

    What to do when bored?

    ponder about life, get depressed then starts gaming, yo!
  14. Mka47

    Star Trek VS Star Wars

    May the 4th be with you but today is Revenge of the Fifth...haha oops
  15. Mka47

    What have you bought recently?

    a Photobook..................................
  16. Mka47

    last letter first letter

  17. Mka47

    The Middle Letter Game

    Ecosystem ><>><>>>><
  18. Mka47

    Count to a million

  19. Mka47

    Count the million back...~

  20. Mka47

    Petite Girls vs Curvy Girls

    I made an exception to Rana, she's adorable. Plus so many anime girls have big boobs.