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  1. Koinkun

    Members VS Guests on internet discussion forums - A RANT.

    You NOT wanting to reply to a post?? O.o why do I feel mystified by that? xD Anyways, as everyone has stated thee are a bunch of reasons why there are alot more views that replies. Sam's and Corocoro's points are very valid, plus the posts about our downloader traffic, and I won't restate them...
  2. Koinkun

    Rant Thread

    Why is the rum ALWAYS GONE!!!! Naw but really, I musta missed this convo, though I'm curious bout the details O.o
  3. Koinkun

    First love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbroken. (This is a true story, not made up)

    Technically (referring to the anime, not the manga) Though this is one of those endings that are made to piss you off cuz they force you to make your own ending in your head after the official end xP, unless they plan a season 2 (not likely imo sadly =/)
  4. Koinkun

    First love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbroken. (This is a true story, not made up)

    < still has yet to read the manga, I need a vacation so I can catch up with my anime/manga/VN's Dx Well wait... I did take a vacation... but was away and had little access to those xP
  5. Koinkun

    First love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbroken. (This is a true story, not made up)

    That was a sad anime, but the ending was more of a cliffhanger than a tear-jerker xP. *nyuuuu :3
  6. Koinkun

    First love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbroken. (This is a true story, not made up)

    That was quite a story... err... part of one anyways xP. Puts me in the mood to write a memoir for some reason O.o
  7. Koinkun

    Do you have kids, want kids, or don't want kids?

    Ouch, well at least one of u will be finished soon, as long as your financially stable you shouldn't have too much to worry about. Just make sure you stick with your educational goals until the end =D
  8. Koinkun

    Do you have kids, want kids, or don't want kids?

    education before kids will get u a long way =P
  9. Koinkun

    Aliens fact or fiction?

    It would really suck if our universe was the underspace of some giant super-bings toenail ಠ_ಠ
  10. Koinkun

    Aliens fact or fiction?

    Suppose its possible, they we are one helluvan advanced atom to whatever giant being we are a part of xP
  11. Koinkun

    Aliens fact or fiction?

    I believe in alien life, it's kind of hard to not believe it. Though the supposed sightings/abductions/experiences involving aliens are a little easier to be skeptic about. The question I wanna know the answer to though is.... does the universe actually end? Is it endless space and just more...
  12. Koinkun

    Do you have kids, want kids, or don't want kids?

    I kinda want a daughter, though I wouldn't feel disappointed if I had a son. I have the twin gene in me as well so maybe I'll have different gender twins like my father is, which wouldn't be so bad at all as long as I'm prepared O.o.
  13. Koinkun

    Which Would You Save?

    Stole what I was gunna say, I thought it was gunna be so clever too :sowwy:
  14. Koinkun


    If theres an avatar u like that doesnt fit forum standards, just edit it with cropping and resizing in PS, or if you dont have it (and dont wanna pirate it) use GIMP. Avatar sizes here are pretty generous
  15. Koinkun

    Your country pluses and minuses

    Strangely... I really wanna play resident evil now xD
  16. Koinkun

    Your country pluses and minuses

    Unfortunately the US doesn't seem to think of our 13 Trillion dollars of debt as too much of an issue to spend tax money on meddling in other countries affairs. But when countries actually NEED help, we only help for as long as it interests us, its all over the news how we help and help for...
  17. Koinkun

    Your country pluses and minuses

    Well the U.S.A. seems to think it can govern the world because of their own beliefs. So we tend to jump in whenever we see something we dont like. Thats how I see it anyways lol. doesn't change that fact that its still an issue -.-
  18. Koinkun

    Your country pluses and minuses

    Teehee, Canadians xP. Just kidding, no hate against Canada My country... Pros: ummm.... No communism? Cons: Law enforcement usually sucks People are morons Picking a president is like picking whether you want to eat a turd sandwich or have a pinecone shoved up yer ass unemployment issues...
  19. Koinkun

    new look ?

    I personally like the new profile visuals, specially since stats/bars are in a drop down now. saves space on screen ;)
  20. Koinkun

    Hongfire - Refugees

    I believe you meant to say... 4chan. xD Forum wars aren't too fun or exciting, its irritating cuz of all the spam, so when you go see a new post in a thread you really like, you find out its just useless spam and dribble. Then you get discouraged and decide not to check the thread again, that...