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  1. Koinkun

    The Banned Game

    Banned for being bored too easily
  2. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    56744 Hihi, nice to meet you =D
  3. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    56742 Hows everyone doin?
  4. Koinkun

    If your looking for recommendations on more english VNs to play I'm your guy :P

    If your looking for recommendations on more english VNs to play I'm your guy :P
  5. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51354 Hello there infamous :hi: , how are you? =3
  6. Koinkun

    The Banned Game

    Banned because now I'm the one confused :reallyconfused:
  7. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51352 Hey there Second ^-^ long time no talk I sent you a message earlier =D well err, profile post rather ^-^'
  8. Koinkun

    The Banned Game

    Banned for obvious confusion
  9. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51350 Hello all
  10. Koinkun

    The Banned Game

    Banned for Hobbit discrimination
  11. Koinkun

    Hi there!

    I may be a little late on this... But there's many English VNs I can recommend ^-^. VN choice is mostly taste, as I myself much enjoy the slice-of-life / comedy / school-life genre's, others may like more action/romance/fantasy. Though I'm not particularly too picky. Just a few I would...
  12. Koinkun

    Hi there ^-^ I'm going to try to be around more often so you should be seeing more of me around...

    Hi there ^-^ I'm going to try to be around more often so you should be seeing more of me around the forum! Glad to meet ya =3 And yea, Katawa Shoujo is a great first timer VN game. Its a free game but it's quality is definitely worthy of being a product you'd have to pay for. Definitely one of...
  13. Koinkun

    Hi there!

    Welcome MrTwitch Ice cream cake is win ^-^ Now when you say "hentai and doujins" would you happen to also be referring to visual novels like Yume Miru Kusuri and Ever17, or just video hentai?? If you are into VN games there is much we can talk about =D
  14. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51890 I need to get back into Photoshop and touch up on my signature making skills x3
  15. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51179 With many things, life has been interesting for sure as of late. I haven't watched t.v. or played a VN in months Dx. Just got Otoboku though ^-^
  16. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51173 Hello there Pyre And nice to meet you as well infamous ^-^ Hopefully I'll be having more time to post and get to know everyone I haven't quite met yet :fulfilled:
  17. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51171 And I see you've worked your way up to #1 poster on the forum, and with more than twice as many posts as the runner-up as well O.o Can't say I'm all too shocked tho :laughpanda:
  18. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51169 That so? Glad to see I wasn't forgotten :cheering:
  19. Koinkun

    Count to a million

    51167. Hi Sam :hi:
  20. Koinkun

    Pass the bomb.... [FUN] xD

    :objection: Ichiiiiii