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  1. Emiya Chiro

    [NSFW] { Animal Girls }

    Keep it that way bro :nosebleed:
  2. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom Open Beta - Hope it's getting harder....

    (Sorry if someone already make thread for this topic. I just want to discuss it) Aura Kingdom - Open Beta Announcement/Information Well, as you can see the link above, it's the Open Beta Announcement of Aura Kingdom. With some increase of the game of course. But... I think there's something...
  3. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    Of course it'll It's still the beginning of the game. You're still not in mid game or in any high mission
  4. Emiya Chiro

    What game are you currently playing?

    Different console means different game PS2 = NFS-U, NFS-MW, Star Ocean : Till The End of Universe PC = Osu!, Touhou 12.3, (waiting for) Aura Kingdom That's all I think:wasclose:
  5. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    Dude, remember before playing any MMORPG, read the System Requirement
  6. Emiya Chiro

    ......................... h-.........hi....?

    Wut...... lot from Indos as well...... :alopro:
  7. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    What about start to clean up your drive, there must be some files that you don't use anymore. Or else, placed the unused file in any flashdrive. :goodtea:
  8. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    It said minimum requirement for drive is 6 GB hope you still have enough for that
  9. Emiya Chiro

    ......................... h-.........hi....?

    Sou ka.....:smug:
  10. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    sorry, forgot about this one
  11. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    wew.... nanashi that's too long for me if I can say *-*
  12. Emiya Chiro

    ......................... h-.........hi....?

    What's the different between the spam and the real one? :reallyconfused:
  13. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    Actually, I really need money to enjoy the game. Not for buying mall-items, but to play. Y'know, playing on Internet Cafe or Game Center (It said game center but only have PCs inside) So... yeah, I really need money :dispirited:. Lucky for me, I have my friend that would download the game and I...
  14. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    January huh.... then need to save more money.
  15. Emiya Chiro

    Aura Kingdom

    The founder's beta start on Dec 16th. Well, is there any prediction when the closed beta will begin. We've been waiting so kong for this game to realease (the closed beta I mean). My friend say that probably, the closed beta will start about three weeks after the founder's beta. So, probably...
  16. Emiya Chiro

    ......................... h-.........hi....?

    "Um..... h-hello." (Man ... how to say it? It'll be bad if I can't even introduce myself in forum! :alonescared:) "..........." (I have to do it! But... what I have to do? Act like happy-go-lucky guy again? ) (No! that won't work you know that!!) (Then what? Just say hi and tell them my name...