Recent content by MoodWhiplash

  1. MoodWhiplash

    I'm looking for a anime (HELP ME!) :)))))

    Sounds like the Magnostadt arc of Magi.
  2. MoodWhiplash

    [Omegastar] Bishoujo Mangekyou 3 + Spin-off Discussion

    No harm done. It's not like Omegastar updates their webpage everyday.
  3. MoodWhiplash

    [Omegastar] Bishoujo Mangekyou 3 + Spin-off Discussion

    All right! We've got a new release date (2015.01.30), a price (2,800 Yen), and new sample CGs on the minisite for BM3. Looks like the Kyrie (Vampire ver.) 3rd edition dakimakura sold out.
  4. MoodWhiplash

    日本語が話せるように話しましょう!Let's Learn Japanese by Chatting!

    Re: 日本語が話せるように話しましょう!Let's Learn Japanese by Chatting! おー! いいね。 紅葉を見に行きたい。 でもまあ、ここら辺にはその… 機会がないっていうか、アメリカ人にとってそんな伝統(いや、娯楽?)はない。 でも、ロサンゼルスに行けば「レーク・バルボア」っていう公園で桜並木があります。 毎年、お花見に行く人が多いですね。 まあ、そんな季節じゃないのは残念ですね。 Canaanさんの写真を楽しみにしています。
  5. MoodWhiplash

    日本語が話せるように話しましょう!Let's Learn Japanese by Chatting!

    Re: 日本語が話せるように話しましょう!Let's Learn Japanese by Chatting! こんにちは、お久しぶりです。 もう秋なのにまだ蒸し暑いですね。 まあ、南カリフォルニアではいつもこうですけど。 終わらない夏の常態です。
  6. MoodWhiplash

    Tell a Lie About The Member Above You...

    Works part-time as a swimsuit model.
  7. MoodWhiplash

    Would You/Will you...?

    Yes, unless a monkey's paw is involved. Would you dance in public for $1000?
  8. MoodWhiplash

    Keep One, Drop One

    Wealthy Republic
  9. MoodWhiplash

    Three-Word Chain Story

    to the madhouse
  10. [Request][140912][PHAM!] 中二病でも痴漢がしたい!

    [Request][140912][PHAM!] 中二病でも痴漢がしたい!

    Title: 中二病でも痴漢がしたい! Romaji: Chuunibyou demo Chikan ga Shitai! Release: 2014/09/12 Circle: PHAM! Getchu: DLsite: RJ139136 (DRM-protected) Really should have grabbed this before it was removed/hidden from DMM.
  11. MoodWhiplash

    [Omegastar] Bishoujo Mangekyou 3 + Spin-off Discussion <-- new section for the upcoming game <-- new dakimakura for C86 Soon, my friends. Soon. =]
  12. MoodWhiplash

    What manga are you currently reading?

    Knights of Sidonia vol. 11
  13. MoodWhiplash

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I'm getting caught up on Happiness Charge Precure.
  14. MoodWhiplash

    The difference between Miru and Miteru ?

    It really depends on the context, but it's usually just a difference in tense. Miru = will see Mite(i)ru = am seeing/is watching
  15. MoodWhiplash

    Keep One, Drop One

    Scarlet Devil