Looking for eroge where the mc submits to the evil woman


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Jun 7, 2019
Looking for eroge where the mc submits to the evil woman ,Possibly English Translated

I know this may sound weird but

Looking for eroge where the is a route where mc actually submits to the evil woman or maybe become her slave. Like there should be the option where we choose to become her slave or submits to her. It's kinda like in Discipline:Records of the Crusade, but in that the mc doesn't submit to the woman(The Morimoto). What I want is the mc to actually agree to become her slave or submit to her.

The closest eroge that I could find is Bible:Black where there is the evil route where we sacrifice the mc's childhood friend(I forgot her name). In there the guy actually submits to the evil nurse and become kinda like her slave. That's what I want.

I've been searching for threads,genres, or keyword but I couldn't find the right ones. The closest I could find is femdom but that doesn't really apply unless the guy submits to the woman in the end.

Any suggestion is welcome guys ! Thank your very much, I'm kinda new at this so forgive me If I give insufficient information.
If possible it's translated guys ! (To english)
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The following games more or less fit your description...

モリガンの憂鬱(Morigan no Yutsu) - evil woman=モリガン(Morigan)

真・NOZOKI魔2(Shin Nozoki Ma 2) - evil woman=美凪ありさ(Minagi Arisa)

痴女の館(Chijo No Yakata) - evil woman=鞠香(Maika)

やみツキ(Yamitsuki) - evil woman=箕村つかさ(Minomura Tsukasa)

受胎島(Jutaijima) - evil woman=一条静(Ichijo Shizuka)

令嬢サディスティック(Reijo Sadeisuteikku) - evil woman=佐治絵理香(Saji Erika)

咲き乱れ(Sakimidare) - evil woman=坂下瑛璃子(Sakashita Eriko)

あねてぃ(Anetei) - evil woman=月嶋芳夜(Tsukishima Kaguya)

イマコイ(Imakoi) - evil woman=エマ(Ema)

てにおはっ!2(Tenioha 2) - evil woman=高井彩寧(Takai Ayane)
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Thanks for the suggestion ! I'm afraid I can't play it because it's in Japanese though haahha

Oh well time to study Japanese I guess

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