
  1. Dark Angel

    [Voting] SOTM #34 - Octomber / November 2015

    Because of the circuimstances we decided to make a new voting thread for the SOTM #34 Octomber/November 2015. So Now voting is open. Good Luck to all Participants.
  2. KaylieMarie

    Petite Girls vs Curvy Girls

    When I say Petite Girls, I mean small boobs, perky butt, small arms and legs, everything. And when I saw Curvy Girl, I don't mean heavy girl, I mean boobs spilling out of her clothes, bikini (or whatever else she may be wearing) and a huge butt.
  3. Tenshi


    For those of you who don't know, ISML stands for "International Saimoe League", and it's a competition held all-year long where voters determine who the most moe female character is from past anime. More info can be found around the site. With that said, you can vote here...