
  1. S

    your thouths on the little buster anime?

    i think it was a amazing anime and an amazing visual novel, cant wait for the ex ova's and ex vn translation
  2. wiro

    hello evry buddies^^

    hello name is wiro:) i decided to join in AS forum... please help me from now on:D
  3. Ruyzan

    futanari ?

    so yeah what are your thoughts about futanari ? its highly frowned upon by lots of people other find it beautiful and other just find it simply divine i noticed some titles here some games etc but never a thread to discuss it the reason for this thread is purely to talk about it and...
  4. Ak5shays

    Type-Moon VNs + Girls ? ? ?

    Just wondering how many girls like Type-Moon VNs. Well, Im a guy so it's pretty normal for me. There's all that I like. Action, sex scene, romance, drama... Normally, the VNs have that impression that they are only meant for guys, with a male protagonist, something happens, find himself in...