not working

  1. 蠱惑の刻 Kowaku no Toki - Not working / NoDVD / Crack / Patch

    蠱惑の刻 Kowaku no Toki - Not working / NoDVD / Crack / Patch

    I'm running a Windows 10 system and the game will always require a disk upon launch. The reg.exe is just not working. I attempted to try it in a virtual machine with Windows XP but once again, it requires a disk upon launch (even for the reg.exe this time). I downloaded an image burner on the...
  2. X

    Why does the files no longer exist for a lot of adult games?

    A lot of the games have multiple links to diffrent sites that "host" the file but a lot of them no longer has the file. I wanted to download 4 diffrent games, each and one of them had lots of diffrent links but in the end only 1 link for just 1 game worked. 2 of the games even had torrents but...