new anime

  1. nanashi1

    Kusen madoushi kouhosei no kyoukan gets anime skin...

    [hl-darkblue]Well, how looks will the "childs" of the FujimiShobo-family getting more, and in this case for example as well...[/hl-darkblue] [hl-darkblue]Well, how you see can, looks really lot promising - Where I then the progress about this anime you keep hold will... Let's us see...
  2. shrekfx

    New Anime?

    Can someone tell me what are the good animes that are still aring from last season and this season? I kind of lost track of what was what since Sept.. Thanks.
  3. skymadness

    Im Looking for new anime to watch can anyone help me out

    i just finish watching AmagamiSS+ now im looking for new anime and i like watching romance/comedy anime can anyone suggest some :D